"Anyway she ordered me to hold out my other hand and the thought of the pain it too was destined to receive from her churned my stomach, but I did as I was told. Soon both of my hands burned with a striped fire, and then she told me to bend over her desk! Then I understood, then I felt the fear as I bent my body forwards, having to inch my feet back. It was terrifying waiting for the strap to land, knowing that it would, and that there would be no leniency for me. She was really annoyed I knew, because she huffed and puffed telling me to ‘get on with it girl’ as I tried to delay the inevitable. Though little did I realize how much worse it was going to get for me.
"She laid the strap on the desk top next to me, which was a puzzle, for one second my heart floated, had she changed her mind? I soon discovered that far from a change of mind or heart, she was determined to make this strapping of my ass highly memorable, and not only for the pain it would impart to my skin. I felt my skirt being lifted and neatly folded up over my back revealing thankfully, that I was wearing school issue panties. Then to my utter horror and utter humiliation, she told me that these would never do, and her hands yanked my last barrier to modesty away from me. She pulled down, drawing my panties to my knees, baring my bottom for her intended punishment of me.
"Miss Hope stood behind my bent over, horribly revealed nakedness, looking I thought perhaps even contemplating the change from lily white to crimson red beneath the tender kiss of her strap, something that she would ensure happened swiftly.
“Well, miss, I hope that you are learning something?” She continued her lecture.
“I was but I said nothing as was appropriate and expected!”
She smiled at me. “I did not like being on the punishment end of discipline and I still had four strokes of that wicked looking pain giver to receive. She picked up the tawse about then, swishing it through the air, just letting me know what it sounded like. Then fire exploded, twin tails ripped into my bare bottom, thrashing across from right to left curling over and kissing in the most unpleasant way, against my thighs. I gasped like a landed fish gritting my teeth together for all I was worth, riding out the agony of that single lash.
She looked up at me searching my face for something; her fingers still crawling further up my thighs! Soon, I thought, realizing that she would know exactly what I was really feeling as she told me her tale of discipline, I still haven’t got a clue where this was all leading me or what she wanted me to understand by her tale, but I also didn’t want her to stop telling it to me or touching my thighs.
“The second stroke whipped in on the backhand, the bitch hardly gave me time to feel the first, before delivering the second! You should have seen me; I gulped air like a stranded fish. I wiggled my bottom and twitched, trying to ease the fire she had branded in to my flesh.”
I wished that I had been able to see her being thrashed; the mental image she created in my mind lit the fires of my desire in a way that I could not describe. I could almost envision her delightful coffee colored ass bucking before the vicious strokes of her vengeful headmistress’s tawse.
“Anyway she stopped then, letting me regain some level of composure, and I needed too, had she continued on with the third stroke as she had with the second, I was certain that I could not have remained bent over, and I believe that she understood my situation. After all, she must have had hundreds of naughty girls bent over her desk, so she had a wealth of experience to draw on. Stroke three arrived once I seemed to her to be back in control, I heard it whistling thorough the air, before I felt it scorching my already hot bottom.”
“It landed fair and square on the center of my left cheek, the tails stretched out reaching around my natural curve and bit harshly into my crease. The pain followed instantly, flowing across my skin, delving after the tips, setting my ass afire again. That left one last stroke to survive, and by now it felt much to me like survival. She back handed it much like number two had been delivered, but it like the previous one also bit into the center to my bottom cheek, this time the right one, and again the tips raced towards my crack exploding their final pain into me, with punishing effect.”
“I was right on the edge of bawling like a spoiled punished brat, and damn it, she knew it! You know, I wonder when I think about that punishment if she regretted not giving me six or so. Then she would have broken me and witnessed my humiliating tears. I was most assuredly glad that she stopped at four; two more like those I had already received would have been horrendous. She rounded the table and to my utter relief put the tawse into her desk draw as she sat down looking directly into my face.”