It was early evening on the outskirts of a major town and I had my best friend Mike standing next to me; it was him that had dragged me up to this door, in essence to meet his new girlfriend. Chi, I seem to remember her name was, but it has little bearing to my eventual situation, they did not really matter, Chi or Mike, nice people that they are. Neither would play any other part in my subjugation. They were only the means by which I was to be introduced to my Goddess.
Mike pressed the door bell and shortly I heard footsteps approach on the far side, then the handle turned. It was one of those old knob types, the sort that move the latch back allowing the door to open. It swung inwards; Mike had stepped back and now stood next to me, looking expectantly at the opening door. Mike was no ladies man but it was him that was to introduce me to her.
The front door opened revealing a young woman of about eighteen years old. She was dressed in the most form fitting and sensually cut white jump-suit any male could ever have hoped to see. My eyes traveled upwards over her flat stomach, past her slim waist, across her small but nice looking breasts and up to her face. She had the most beautiful coffee colored skin, her eyes were dark brown and sparkled with mischief, I will always remember thinking, as I looked into them.
Her face lit up as she glanced over me, seeing Mike she smiled at him, but I knew right then that it was me that she was smiling at, not Mike, not anyone else, just me. I felt it, the intensity of electricity as it leapt from her to me; we both knew that we were destined to meet. She stood back from the door at the same time opening it wider, allowing Chi to burst out past this goddess in white and throw her arms around Mike; nearly knocking him down the stairs in her exuberance.
I have to admit that I just stood there looking slightly up at her from a low step, totally captivated by her beauty. Chi invited us in but Mike was eager to be off, he wanted to see a film and had dragged me along to make up a foursome with Chi’s friend. I sure hope that this was her friend, she was and we left. Chi introduced her to me at the pavement edge; her name was Jan shortened from Anne Marie. Somehow I just knew that we were going to hit it off and so I believed did she.
For the next three months we dated, we went out, went shopping, went to the pub and generally got to know each other. It was on one of those dates out that she startled me with a few revelations about herself, revelations which had a decidedly addictive and highly erotic effect on me. Up to that point we had shared a lot of time but not any real intimacy.
With my motorbike parked up we walked into the fields following a public track, she was leading and her lead took us over a low wall into a woodland, where we sat down. Our backs rested comfortably against a fallen tree, we were just enjoying the lovely day and each other's company. The conversation turned to the past and specifically to education; she had spent her time at school secluded in a girl’s boarding school. She told me about it in some detail but more so about how strict it had been. Discipline was driven home to the girls she said, on the end of a leather soled slipper or if really needed with a strap. She had felt the slipper many times she admitted, ‘being a bit rebellious by nature’ but only the leather strap once, and then she had been twenty-one and a senior girl in her last year of finishing school. She lit a cigarette, held it out to me before saying.
“This is what got my ass thrashed, six of the bloody best and all on the bare.”
My trousers reacted to her story or rather my cock inside of my trousers reacted, which was quite uncomfortable and very embarrassing. I did my best to cover my arousal and at the same time encouraged her into telling me more about her thrashing. Instead she turned the conversation to my education and specifically how we were punished.
I had little of interest to regale her with, but she listened intently all the same.
“Well there were always detentions and lots and lots of bloody lines.” She laughed obviously picturing me writing lines, sat in some stuffy classroom, with a stern faced teacher hovering over me, watchfully. Then it came back to me and my one and only acquaintance with the school cane; well a blackboard pointer would be more accurate. One hard stroke I received that day across the seat of my trousers, whilst bent across the teacher’s desk. It had hurt at the time but… I hesitated to go on. I didn’t want to say what I had been thinking, because she would think me odd or worse.
She reached out taking my hand then looking deep into my eyes, she just blurted it out.
“It felt nice afterwards, didn’t it?”
I nodded, dumbfounded that she understood. “Yes-s… Ummm, it did, I was as horny as I had ever been by the time I had walked half-way home and it didn’t go away for ages."
“I bet you had your trousers down as soon as you could to get a look!”
Was she reading my mind, how the hell had she known? I had a mental picture of me bent over, my trousers around my knees looking at my striped arse in the bathroom mirror and all with a throbbing erection poking out, demanding my attention.
“So that was how you first found out, was it?”
“About there being no real pleasure without pain first, or during!”
“I don’t understand!” I was lying, I understood exactly what she had meant, but I wasn’t going to admit it to her, well not then anyway.
She looked at me rather strangely; she then reached out to touch my face as she also leant forward to kiss me, I stopped pressing against the bulge contained within my trousers. Her palm lowered replacing my own hand; she ground gently against my concealed erection.
“My we are hard, aren’t we!”
What could I say, her hand could feel my arousal, anything I might have said would have only added to my fast growing humiliation.
“Would you like your little problem dealt with?”
Wouldn’t I just. I smiled, she rubbed and I couldn’t help but squirm beneath her touch.