Elaine's POV
I rolled over my bed feeling my stomach doing a great storm deep inside me soaking my petite form with sweat. I was too weak to think why it was; may be something I ate didn't digest in my system properly. The sooner all the struggle in my stomach ran upward making myself prompt as I literally stood off my bed, I ran into the bathroom and knelt beside the commode and threw up all the stuffs inside me until my eyes glazed with tears.
"Hey! Ela what happened girl?" Suddenly, I felt the soothing caress on my back of Kayla's aka Kay my friend who I am sharing this apartment with.. I got on my feet with the help of Kay and then rinsed my mouth and face off... Grabbing the towel from the rack and stepped out of bathroom wiping my face off with the towel.
"You okay...?" Kay asked following behind me.
"Yeah. I am fine Kay..." Said I slightly throwing the towel onto the couch and perching myself on the edge of the bed. As I sat, Kay came and sat down on the bed next to me having her right palm laid on my shoulder..
"Ela. I don't think you are fine... You look so pale. It's not like you are looking so sick today only, but since two three days you were having this." she said with a concerned look...
"It's because of the chicken sandwich I ate... Nothing is there to be worried" said I in a shaken tone squeezing her hand slightly.
"Um... But...Ela... Listen.... I feel like you...
I mean.....
You are pregnant..."
"WHAT! Pre-pregnant....?" I jumped off the bed like a woman who went through a sudden current shock... A spiral of nervousness washed over my veins. The thing I feared, would come up in near future since the day it was happened is gonna be come out now..
Is it really gonna be true?
I quetioned my inner-self...
No.. I am not pregnant!
I tried to console my self putting a halt to my flooding thoughts...
''Kay... No... I am not...pregnant..." I yelled in shock as a tear that I had even not known stored so far in my orbs escaped my eyes only to be rolling down on my heated cheeks...
''Hey...Realx...El.... It is not sure yet.. Don't cry baby girl... Whatever it is, I will be there by your side..." she said hugging me tightly whilst patting my back in a soothing caress.
I know whatever the things I undergo in my life Kay was and is there by my side being such a spine for me. But this...? It will be so hard to go through this.. My life sucks..
"Ela... You need to go through a pregnancy test...." breaking all my thoughts down into pieces, her voice raised up sending another spiral of electricity through my spine..
"No... I can't do it... I am not pregnant.. So why should I?" yelled I distracting myself away from her shaking a bit with fear...
"I understand you... You take some rest... I'll be back soon..." as Kay left the room, I crept up to my bed and crawled on bed shivering with fear.
Though I tried to fall in a deep slumber even it was not at my hand now much to my dismay. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to skip the things that destiny had recently thrown at me.
What is gonna be happened?
How I dreamt of my life?
Now how is it gonna be ended up?
Why my destiny plays with me?
The day I first got drunk, devastated whole my life into a number of pieces. I had never known that being intoxicated for once, would drag me to a place that I had never imagined even in my dreams.
My father being the super hero of my life, taught me every thing how to go through in my life. As a matter of fact he was my first guide and pillar of my life. My mum Rebecca Steinfield, dad Edward Steinfield, my little brother Elmer Wayne Steinfield and I together had a wonderful life in New York. My dad was one of super billionaires in that competitive business world that brought us all wealth and happiness in our life. He was a person who never took the things onto his head to fly over the sky. The charm and simplicity were what he highly expected things. But all at once a tornado came out of nowhere drove our happiness and wealth away from us leaving all of us just into broken pieces... My dad's companies were over taken by the business associates whom he dealt with and Ultimately he was left with nothing, but the dresses he worn when his last breath took away from his life forever. Yes! Two years ago when I was a teenager of nineteen, my dad killed himself leaving all of us stunned and miserable only to be embraced by the debts and loans he had left on us. Losing my dad is a feeling and impression that is so f****** hard to express in words. The only man, the one and only man who loved me unconditionally beside my fifteen year old brother left me uncertainly. Yes! He is the only person who gave me his true love without expecting anything return. The thing which made me understand the love of my dad was the most pure and the precious one that truly existing in the world, was the entrance of the third Man into my life... Jasper Welbock! I loved him with all my pure heart and thought that he too loved me in the same way I did, but making my hopes fall down, he cheated on me with another woman and left me at the time when I needed him the most. The time I realized, he needed only my dad's money and wealth, but not me drove me insane to kill myself. But thinking about my mum and brother, it gave a meaning to live my life throwing that disgusted man away from my life and feelings forever. A nightmare still it is much to my helplessness.
Why dad? Why did you leave us?
For the millionth time I questioned to which I had never returned an answer out of nowhere.
If you had once said me your problems your heart out, I would have helped you, dad. I would have been the supporting hand for you.
Where are you now dad? Can you hear me? A lone tear escaped my eyes breaking all my feelings... I cried my eyes and heart out for the billionth time which I have been doing for this all years since the day he left us. I never let my mother undergo all the downs and sorrows and never let her disturb by the debts and loans my dad had left on us. To say my mum is a heart patient and so much excitement and shock will lead her life to suffer. Being the elder child, I was burdened with all the responsibilities which caused me to find a job myself. To my happiness I found a job as an assistant at Ashton Enterprises. As it was too far from my home I shifted to a little apartment which I had to share with my co-worker, but now my best friend Kayla Jackson. She is such an amazing and wonderful friend someone will be really lucky to be gifted with.
That was the fateful day of my life that I had to relieve all my sorrows and pain which were freaking brewing inside me through out all these two years by hugging a glass of scotch.. No not a glass... More than that. I have no idea how many glasses I gulped down on that night. The day I was supposed to celebrate my birth day with my friends and relatives, just passed by drowning myself in the pool of alcohol. Since the day I lost my dad I never wanted to give a f*** about the special days of my life. Even about my birth days. I miss my dad so badly when those days arrive in my life. So two weeks ago that was what, my birthday was to me. A f****** c**p it was for me. Just leaving a note for Kay on the vanity, I left my apartment to distract my mind away from the loneliness, desolation and the desperation I was going through. Eventually, I came to an abrupt halt when I was passing by a Night Club. The whole night I spent there drinking and mumbling some stuffs only to myself. But next morning the realization washed over me when I woke up only to find myself had been left totally naked on a bed in a room of that club sacrificing my womanhood to a person that I had never known or seen in my life. I just wanted to puke there as it all felt unreal. But it was not a dream nor a nightmare that I could undo or delete from my life. So grabbing the remaining pieces of my clothes, I left the room in a sudden urge drowning myself in a pool of tears and whimpers. For the second time in my life I felt disgusted about myself. I cursed myself. The thoughts of my mum and Elmer revolved around in my mind making me so desperate.
How I was too fool and careless to lose my consciousness to the alcohol?
"Ela... I am back..." I was jolted out of the reverie of my bitter thoughts when Kay's voice echoed in my room. The bed shifted as she sat down next to me and leaned herself on me.
"You feel better now?" I wiped the tears off my eyes from the back of my palm and sat up. "Yeah.. Fine..." answered I looking away from her not meeting her gaze.
"Um.. I have brought you three.. um three different pregnancy kits. Will you...? I mean..You wanna go through this..?" As she said my head literally turned towards her bulging my eyes in their sockets.
She went out to buy me this?
She was giving me a pleading look with so much concern. I bit down on my bottom lip and just nodded instead of a reply.
I have to do this though how bitter it would be for me.
"You okay with it?" Her face was replaced by curiosity....
"Yeah.." I said giving a conclusion for her curiosity. She gave a slight queeze on my forearm before leaving the clasp on the bag. As she placed the bag which contained the kits on my palm, I glided into the bathroom with my shivering knees. I closed my eyes containing myself from the heart queezing pain.. I let a deep sigh out before taking one of kits in my hand. A tremulous shiver seeped through my veins as I took the first glance at the brand new kit on my palm. Not wanting to waste my time nor tempting myself more and more, I followed the instructions as it was said and went through all the tests.
"Ela.... What's going on? You fine? Should I come in?" I was startled by Kay as her voice pierced in through the door after five or six minutes. I left the kits on the edge of the sink and rushed out of the door slamming the door shut.. "Hey El.. What happened?" She probed me. "Is it..Is it positive or negative?"
"I--I don't know?"
''I-I di--didn't check on it..."
"What the? Okay just relax... We'll hope something better..You be here.. I will check on it..."as I said I didn't, Kay went back into the bathroom to take the place on behalf of me..
In a minute or two she came out of the bathroom holding the kits in her hand.. I felt my eyes glistened with tears making my sight more blurry.
No...No... Don't let it happen.. The frightened voice in my head murmured silently like a broken record.
"Ela...." Her voice even made me more frighten and cringe....