« Princess » I stated.
« Princess. Princess. MY Princess. » He said. Wait. I’m confused.
« So you do know her ? » I asked.
« Yeah, I know her too well » He said. I just left it at that, Although I wanted to know how the hell he knew.
After a few minutes of talking business, Derrick, One of my dad workers came in. « Boss, We just been informed that one of your trap houses uptown has been hit. They took over 67k in Weed and coke. » He said. My dad’s jaw clenched. 67k.wasnt a lot AT ALL to us, but he just doesn’t like for people to fuck him around.
« Tell Pedro to get everything out of the house. Take it to Fema and let it sit there. Get the rest of the workers to come here. » He told Flame. He nodded then left out. « Prince go home and keep your moms company. You know she gets crazy if you don’t come over at least once a week son. Don’t tell her about business, ‘cause you know she worry too much. » I nodded.
I got up and gave him a side hug. « See ya’ later pops » I said.
« Bye son »
As i was going to my moms house across town, I saw one of my pops workers smoking their work that they are supposed to sell. I rolled the window down and gave him 3 to the head. Don’t play with my dad’s money. Feel me ?
I pulled up at her house 25 minutes later and as i was about to knock on the door, I realized that i had a key. Forget that shit. I opened the door and walked to the living room.
« Ma ! » I yelled.
« In the kitchen baby » She said.
I walked in and she was sitting down at the island, eating strawberries, and watching the cooking channel on TV. Shaking my head. That’s all she watch.
« Hey mama. » I said.
« Hey. Whats up son ? I know you just don’t come over to talk. You eat then leave, and that only happens on Wednesdays and Sundays. » She explained. I chuckled.
« Nothing really. I cant just come to visit the woman that birthed me, carried me for 8 ½ months, raised me, and fed me ? » I asked. She looked at me with a ‘ Really Bitch ‘ look on her face. I smacked my lips. She knows me too well. « Okay so there’s this girl… »
« Oooh, My son has a crush ! My son has a crush ! My son has a c-r-u-s-h ! « She yelled and did this crazy dance with it. This woman.
« Ma, Chill out. But I told her how I feel about her today. » I said.
« Really ? I’m happy that you are finally settling down. Wait ! She ain’t a hoe is it ? Someone that just trying to use ya’ for your money ? » She asked seriously.
« Nawl ma. From what i know. Her family is rich and she’s still a virgin. She’s very quiet, sassy, and feisty. She loyal and keep it real. I been having my eyes on her for a minute, just haven’t said nothing to her. She seems like a rider ma. « I said.
« I want to meet this girl that’s finally making my hoeing son settle down. I like her already and i don’t even know her. When am i gonna meet her ? » She asked. I shrugged. « Whats her name ? »
« Princess. We ain’t even together, but I want us to be. She tripping. But ma i got to go love ya. »
I said while getting up and kissing her jaw.
« Okay baby. Just know that if you really want her. Don’t let nothing get in your way. Do you have a picture of her, before you go ? » I showed her a picture out of the many that Princess had in her phone. « She’s fine. If i do say so myself. Alright. Love you son. See you later and be safe. » She said.
After leaving my moms house, I went home. I called Princes to see what she was doing.
I got into the tub and K.O. Shit i have school in the morning.
♪It was hard to hear at first,
Couldn’t understand what you was saying,
And these bitches bound to get hurt
Cause a lot of these niggas be pla-♪
My alarm woke me up out of my sleep.
I walked to my bathroom and took a 15 minute shower. I brushed my teeth while i was in. Weird ? Oh well. When i got out i grabbed the towel and dried off.
I walked to my walk-in closet and decided to wear my camouflage Pants, my black v- neck, and my all black Jordan 1’s . Simple but cute. I added my gold chain that says Prince and tucked my gun in my ankle.
My hair ? I ran my hands through it. I needs to get a line up after school.
I texted Princess ‘GoodMorning Bae ♥ ‘ and she replied ‘Bae ? But ‘Morning ツ ‘
I drove to McDonalds and got me a cup of orange juice.
As i pulled up to school i see a lot of commotion, I got out the car with my hone ready to record. Then i heard familiar voice. « Bitch Prince was my man first. You just another hoe. Yo’ mama probably was one to. » Then i heard a loud noise.
Sounded like somebody got punched. Wait. Prince ? Me ? I walked closer and saw that the two females were Princess and Leslie. I know Leslie had to be the one yelling because Princess calls me Ashton. She was just a hoe that i used to fuck with. She got too attached so i had to drop her.
Princess punched Leslie in her face and Leslie ‘Tried ‘ to grab her hair. Princess took two steps backwards to that she couldn’t reach it. & Eased back up and started throwing blows. Damnnnnn. Princess can fight. I’m talking bout straight punching. & No pulling hair.
The teachers tried to break it up. 3 Had Princess and 2 Had to help Leslie off the ground.
They couldn’t hold her down though. Princess turned around and punched Mr. Turner in the jaw and kicked Mr. Mason in his ‘balls ‘. I’m glad i didn’t try to break it up. Then security came and they broke it up.
I stopped recording because the fight was over.
I walked to the basement of the school because Quenton owed me 5k . Well my dad. I grabbed the money and left. Time to go to my 1st period.
I guess the teachers are back then.
I walked in class late and the teacher, Ms. Winners, didn’t bother to say anything. Everyone turned their heads as I walked down the row. I hate when people look at me. Shits annoying.