« Why the hell you do that for ? » I asked.
« Why you questioning me ? » He asked. I rolled my eyes. « I owe you when we get up. »
« If you touch me, I will punch the shit out of you ! » I said seriously.
« We’ll see » He shrugged.
« Give me my phone back, too. « I said.
« Nope » He said popping the ‘p’ .
« Why not ? Don’t you need your phone ? » i asked.
« That’s my personal phone. I always use my business one » He said.
« Well i need mines. «
« Just so you can text that Nigga, Tony ? » He asked
« Bitch shut the fuck ! » I said standing up to throw my trash away.
« Bitch ? I’ll show you a bitch. Just wait. « He said hugging me from behind and squeezing by butt. I elbowed him in the stomach as hard as I could. He grabbed his stomach and groaned in pain.
We walked away from the food court.
« Where you wanna go now ? » He asked.
« Nowhere now. Kay ain’t no where around. Wait. Where is she ? » i asked.
« With K.D » He said. K.D is Kendrick’s Nickname. « Wanna go to my house ? » He asked.
« Ion even like you. So no. « I said.
He chuckled. « You didn’t say that yesterday »
We pulled up to his house. Let me tell you, This house is HUGE ! 3 story house, but bigger than mines.
He drove me and him in his car, and got someone to drive my car over to his house.
We walked in after he put the password in. I didn’t bother to know, so i looked the other way. He grabbed my hand and walked in. It had Black and White everything.
He lead me upstairs to where i’m guessing is his room.
He opened the double doors and it looked like two of his living rooms combined. I walked in and sat on his bed. He changed into some basketball shorts and a black v-neck.
When he took that shirt off, I nearly fainted. He a 8 Pack and abs for days. His muscles showed and lord did he have ‘em.
He walked over and laid across the bed on his back.
I reached across him and grabbed the remote off his night stand. I turned to SirusXm The Heat and listened to ‘Part II ( On the Run )’ by Beyonce and Jay Z.
« Yes ! I love this song ! » I yelled.
He chuckled. I punched him in his stomach, and he flipped me over so that he was on top of me.
« Movee. « I said.
« Nooo » He said in the same whiney voice i gave him.
I tried to hide the smile that formed on my lips, but they slipped out.
« Aww, You’re so cute » He told me.
« So I’ve been told » I replied with a smirk.
« Feisty much. » He said.
« Get off me. « I said.
« Make me » I tried to flip us over, but he was Wayy to strong. « You know the only way I’m gonna move » He said then puckered his lips. I gave him a peck then pulled away. I looked around the room as I felt him staring at me.
I leaned back up and kissed him like he wanted it. I pulled away before the kiss became heated. I rolled across the bed and turned to ‘Bring it !’ .I swear i love Kayla ! Ion know what Sunjay be doing, but she alright. Mrs.D don’t play though !
He came behind me, and wrapped his arm around my waist.
I soon fell asleep.
I woke up in a empty bed. I checked the time and it was 7 :15 p.m. I turned the lights and television off. Walking down stairs, My pone vibrated in my hand. I opened the message from Ashton. It said ‘ Left. Had to handle business.’ I didn’t reply back.
I locked up the house and drove home.
I walked inside and smelt food. I smelled macaroni, baked chicken, fried pork-chops, greens, and cornbread.
I walked into the kitchen and my mama and papa was down each others throat. I snapped a picture and broke them up.
« Eww, Get a room » I said.
My mom turned red and looked away. My pops chuckled and walked towards the front.
I went upstairs and took a shower. I thought about today’s events. 15 minutes later I got out. I put on my Black tank top, Red shorts, and my black socks.
I walked down stairs to eat.
Once I was done, I went upstairs and brushed my teeth. I listened to music and fell asleep.
2 days later *
Its now Monday again. Yay ! * Note the sarcasm* Another day at this Ghetto ass school. I groaned then got out of bed. I did my daily routine. I put on my red skinny Jeans, my pink v-neck, and my Jordan 1’s Red and Pink Valentines.
I put my hair into a fishtail braided down the back. I ate me a blueberry pop tart and drunk a bottle of water.
I told my momma and papa goodbye then exited the house.
I walked to the end of the block where me and Kay meet. We said our ‘Heys’ and headed to school.
She told me that Her and Kendrick are trying to be a couple and that they are taking things slow. If she is happy, Then i am, too.
We walked in and went to our lockers. When we got there, Ashton and Kendrick were standing there. I ignored Ashton and Grabbed my things. I turned to walk away, but he grabbed my arms. He turned me around and kissed my lips. I didn’t kiss back.
He got mad, smacked his lips, and walked away. I chuckled and walked to first period alone since Kay wanted to walk with Kendrick. When I got there Ashton was in the back on my phone, laughing at something.
I smacked my lips, rolled my eyes, then walked to my seat. The teachers must be on a vacation because they haven’t showed up in 3 days. I took pictures of myself and changed his wallpaper. Then i turned the camera to where you could see me and him.