I punched him between his legs and he yelled in pain.
« Fuck ! » He said.
« Ayee Prince whats up bruh ? You alright ? » Kendrick asked.
« Nawl… » He struggled to get out.
« What happened ? » Kay asked.
« I punched him between his legs » I shrugged.
Kay and Kendrick busted out laughing and Ashton just mugged them.
School is over now and i’m walking home with Kay. She’s staying the night at my house since its Friday.
I walked into my house and went into the basement where the gun range was.
My dad had it built in and no one knows of it but us and Kay.
I changed the papers and got in my shooting area. I started shooting. I shot 3 times in be head, 2 times in the chest. I been training since I was 4.
I heard the door bell ring. I opened it and it was Kay.
« I swear yo’ daddy wanted a son, so now he making you one. » He explained.
I giggled and walked back to the range.
After we finished i showered and walked into the movie room where Kay was.
We watched Madea’s big happy family ‘til we eventually fell asleep.
Next Day *
I woke up and did my morning routine.
Ashton’s battery is getting low, but luckily my momma has the same phone. I knocked on my parents door and my dad answered it.
« Hey papa. Can you give me momma’s phone charger ? » I asked.
« Sure » He went back into the room to get the charger.
« Thanks, And Daddy We’re gonna go to the mall later. So if we be gone by the time momma wake up, let her know. « i said.
He nodded. « Okay sweetheart. «
I walked back downstairs into my room. I showered, brushed my teeth, and picked out my outfit. I chose my high waisted, bleached Skinny jeans on, My Orange half-shirt, and my Orange and black Jordan 6 rings.
I threw my hair into a curly, messy bun.
Kay came into my room. She had on a peach crop top, black tights, and All Black Jordan 1’s.
We took pictures and posted them onto Instagram.
We walked down stairs and i Closed and locked the door. Ashton’s phone vibrated in my pocket. I answered it.
Phone Conversation *
« Hello ? « I said
« Ayee Ma. Where you at ? » Ashton asked.
« About to go to the mall » I said getting into my car.
« Oh. Ok. I’ll be there in 30,minutes. » He said.
« Alright Bye » I said and ended the call.
Phone call over *
I pulled up into the parking lot and got out.
We went to Foot locker first. I got 3 pair of Jordan 10’s, 3 pair of Jordan 5’s, too. I walked to the counter to pay. My total was $324. I reached into my pocket to pay bit a hand stopped me and reached over to pay.
I smelled his scent. It was Ashton.
I grabbed my bags and the receipt.
We walked out the store with Kay no where insight. « Thank You « I said. He nodded.
« Where you wanna go ma ? » he asked.
« Lets go eat. I’m hungry » I answered.
We walked to the food court. I ordered a Chicken salad, and He ordered a Bottle of water.
We walked to a table in the back corner ‘cause i hate people watching me. Once We sat down, He just stared at me.
« Why you staring though ? » I questioned.
« My eyes » He said in a ‘Duh’ tone.
I rolled my eyes and started eating my salad. I felt a pinch to my ass. That shit hurt ! I looked at him and he looked around like nothing ever happened.