-Well, my dear, where is Ariana? -Michelle tensed up, she didn't expect me to ask about her. -I've run her off," she said calmly.
- Why did you run her, Michelle?
-For trying to seduce my husband, mother.
-Wow, how brazen of you. And where did that young woman go?
-I don't know, Mother. I threw her out on the street, I guess she's begging or something.
-It's all right, I won't have to worry about her anymore.
Ethan was still in England and in his spare time he spent time with his cousin Naomi, waiting for an answer from the lady he danced with that night who seemed to have disappeared.
-Good morning dear cousin," said Ethan as he arrived at the dining room.
-Good morning cousin," said Naomi with a smile.
- Have you rested well?
-Yes, I hope you did too, cousin.
- Ah! Not enough Naomi," said Ethan with a tired tone in his voice.
-Thinking about that young nephew again," said Mrs. Bradford.
-Yes, aunt, I can't stop thinking about her.
-You'd better forget her, young man. If you haven't found her in a few months, it's hard for you to.
-Perhaps, uncle, I'd better go back to France.
As the days went by, Ariana became more educated in how to be a society lady, thanks to her sister Danielle and her husband.
The days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, until the time came for Danielle to give birth.
-Ariana, I need to talk to you.
- What happened, Danielle?
-As you know, very soon my baby will be born and our mother will be present, she has informed me through a letter that she will soon arrive and stay a few days.
-It's okay.
-I've spoken to Naomi and her parents, they've agreed to let you stay with them for a few days.
- Have they?
-Yes, Ariana, I understand that it is best.
- And when will I have to leave?
-This very afternoon, a carriage will come to pick you up and take you to Salisbury.
Days after Ariana left with Lady Naomi, Danielle went into labour, her mother, together with her two little sisters Lady Marissa and Lady Michaela had arrived in time to be with her on that special day and were looking after her, hoping that the doctor would soon arrive at Witley Court. They were swirling around in their room together with some maids whom Lady Christine ordered to be provided with clean cloths and warm water, as well as having her attended to during the increasingly strong contractions. When the doctor arrived, he asked the sisters to wait outside and began his work.
Mr. John (Danielle's husband) arrived with the doctor at Witley Court and waited outside the room for hours to learn about his wife and his future heir to his dukedom, which he hoped would be a boy. John was walking around when he heard two little boys crying.
-Lord John, I congratulate you, your wife has given birth to a healthy boy and girl," said the doctor as he left the room.
-I can see them Doctor.
-Sure, you can come in.
Count Victor Alnwick accepted that Ariana would stay at his house for a week, she was his daughter's best friend and a very kind young woman, but that was not the best time to receive her, so he planned that she and his beloved daughter Lady Naomi would go to the house his family has for the summer, located very close to Cornwall Beach, did not want her nephew Ethan to remain in love with that lady and get involved lovingly. Despite being a kind young woman unlike the daughters of her friends and acquaintances, Ariana was not of the nobility as she seemed and neither did she have a dowry to offer her family.
Ethan was not yet planning to return to his country because of work, he was investing in factories and his presence was needed in those businesses and affiliations so he would stay at his aunt and uncle's mansion for a few months, he hoped that during this time his cousin would finally give him some information about the lady he danced with that night.
Michelle received a letter with the news that her sister Danielle had given birth to two little ones, so she went to Witley Court to keep her sister company and meet her new nephews. On arrival she met her young sisters who were causing a stir with the crowd.
-I tell you this soup tastes awful, get it out of my sight immediately," said Marissa, who had a high-pitched voice that used to be irritating.
-And the tea is not to my liking, change it," said Michaela angrily.
-Girls, please behave," said Lady Christine as she entered the dining room.
-Yes, mother," said both young women to the flatterer.
As they turned around they saw Lady Michelle entering the room.
- Oh, my dear, I am so glad you could come.
-I am glad too, Mother (said Michelle very seriously).
Every day Lady Michelle was more unhappy with her life and that made her more bitter.
-Well, Michelle because you are not going to see your sister and meet your new nephews.
-Yes mother, I'll be right up.
Danielle was resting in her room next to her two little ones when her sister Michelle came in.
-Hi Danielle, how are you feeling?
-Well, thank you Michelle, I'm glad you're here.
-It was a little difficult to convince my husband to let me come, but knowing that our mother would be here, he accepted.
-Your husband is very kind Michelle.
-Yes," said Lady Brown with some regret.
-Forgive me, my sister, but I sense a certain melancholy in you.
-Not so Danielle, it's only tiredness," said Michelle with a slight sigh. -I know we don't live far from each other, but the pregnancy makes it difficult to come and visit you.
-I'm sorry, I've been through it myself and I understand what you're going through," said Danielle sorrowfully.
-Thank you for understanding, sister.
-Yes, now I want to introduce you to my children.
Danielle approached her children very carefully so that her sister could meet them.
-They are very beautiful children, sister, and you have already chosen some names.
-John and I have been thinking that the girl's name is Emily and the boy's name is Adam.
-They are very beautiful names for these adorable little ones.
Ariana enjoyed having tea in the middle of the day and walking with her friend Naomi to the shores of Cornwall beach in the afternoon and with her help she learned more about the tasks and things that a society lady was instructed in. Lady Naomi Anlwick taught Ariana to embroider, sew and play the piano and when they were not doing any of these activities, they would meet in the house library reading some romantic novel.
She had a great time in the company of Lady Naomi.
Ethan was very busy with the affairs of the factories he had allied with, but even with all the work and affairs of his duchy in France, he could not stop thinking about that lady with the blue dress and brown hair, he used to see her in his thoughts very often. I tried to look for her, find out her name or know where she lived, but I couldn't find any concrete answers.
-When can you forget her," said his friend Cedric, with whom he had allied himself to the factory.
-I don't know, I'd like to see her one more time.
- And where do you think you will find her?
-I hope to convince my cousin to give me some information about her.