While dancing Ariana felt like a princess and wished the night would never end. It was the third time she attended a dance, the first time being when her parents introduced her sisters to society.
-Thank you for agreeing to dance with me, Miss, uh, what should I call you?
- Oh, I'm sorry," said Ariana who was a little distracted thinking about how lucky she felt to be dancing with someone so handsome, "I really appreciate the dance and hope to see you again.
-Of course, Miss, we'll see you again soon," said Ethan a little confused, waiting for the young lady to tell him her name.
-I'd better go, sir, I hope you have a good night. It was a pleasure to meet you.
-The pleasure was mine miss.
After dancing with that handsome young Ariana, he decided to go to bed, tomorrow he had to return early to his sister Danielle's house.
- Naomi! Thank you so much for inviting me to the dance, it was wonderful.
-I'm glad you enjoyed the evening Ariana.
-Yes, and I apologize, but I will retire to rest.
- So soon? It is still very early and the dance will continue for 2 more hours.
-I know, but tomorrow I must return early to my sister's house.
-All right, have a good night, Ariana.
-Thank you and the same to Naomi.
A few hours later the dance was over and Ethan and his cousin went to their respective rooms.
- Did you love the dance dear cousin? -Naomi asked, grabbing her cousin by the arm in the hope that he would have enjoyed it.
-Of course cousin, my uncles always organize the best dances.
-That's right, too bad you don't come here very often.
-Business with the duchy keeps me very busy, dear cousin.
- Oh! That's right. But I hope you come more often.
-It is very likely that in England I will find what I have been looking for.
-And I may know what you are looking for, dear cousin.
-You will soon find out, for now you had better go and rest.
-All right. Good night Ethan.
-Good night Naomi. Maybe that brown-haired girl is just right for my needs.
The next day Ariana's mother, Lady Christine, went to the house of the Dukes of Salisbury.
-Lady Anlwick, Lord Anlwick, forgive the hour of my arrival but I know that my dear daughter, Ariana, is here and I am coming for her.
-If Lady Collins, Miss Ariana is in our house, -said Lady Anlwick.
-Well, I would like to take her away at this time, her sister has become ill and I need her help in her care.
-In a moment they will call for her, my wife and I hope that Lady Danielle will soon recover.
-Yes, thank you Lord Anlwick.
Ariana was dreaming about the dance the night before when she heard a knock on the door of the room she was staying in.
-Come in," said Ariana sleepily.
-Good morning, Miss, I've been sent to tell you that you're expected downstairs.
-Thank you, you can tell me who's looking for me.
-Yes, Miss, your mother is looking for you.
- My mother! -she said with some trepidation.
-Yes, Miss, they are asking for you right now.
-Yes, thank you, I'll be right down.