After my shift at the diner, I am walking by the river. My shift at the diner on Saturday starts at 8 in the morning and ends at two in the afternoon. I came back home after that and took a nap. At five I started walking by the river shore, thinking about papa's words. Papa is trying to teach me to heal for almost four years now. But I haven't even been successful in being one with my spirit. Papa says once I know how to do that I can heal anyone physically as well as emotionally. I can calm a person down and can even mend bones if I really focus. The aura of every living being is different. Once I learn how to use spiritual energy, I will be able to do all this. But, I can't at this moment. Let's just hope I can do this someday.
Well, it's getting dark, I should get back home. I started walking back home but I heard some voices that made me stop in my tracks. It sounds like an animal in pain or something like that. Some animal must be injured. Should I go check? Off course I should. I started walking towards the noise slowly not to scare the animal even more. But what I saw was not what I was expecting at all.
Alexander and some other guy were tearing a deer into pieces with their teeth and hands. The guy had black hairs and pale skin. I can't see his eyes clearly from where I was standing. He has this scowl on his face. He is hot, not as hot as Alexander though, but still qualifies the test. What the hell am I thinking? Hot or not they are killing an innocent animal with an inhuman animosity. Their hands, cloths and mouth were covered in the blood of the poor animal. They were so busy mauling that deer that they didn't even notice that their murder has a witness. If that counts as a murder. It should right. It is a living thing after all. Well, seeing a vampire hunt was definitely not on my bucket list. Do I even have a bucket list? Who cares? So these are the vampires papa were talking about. Why the hell am I still standing here talking to myself? I should get the hell out of here, before they realize they have an audience. If they found me here, they will kill me before papa or Ryder even gets here for my rescue. Still a message to them will at least have a 10% chance of saving my ass. So I sent a quick message of help in the mind link. They are usually at the south of the woods looking over the shifters. They will take time to reach here. Till then I have to protect myself.
I started walking slowly backwards. I am so lucky aren't I? No, I didn't escape from there, I tripped on a big fat root with a loud unlady like shriek. Ironic right. Their heads snapped towards me. Oops! Busted. What should I say ‘sorry for ruining your dinner’? But don't they use blood from the blood banks? Well that's not the primary concern I should be having right now. The main point to be considered should be what is going to happen to me. They were not actually drinking blood, just taking their anger on it. At least that’s what it looked like. They looked at each other and exchanged some looks that I didn't understand. There was barely any light, just the moon light shining a bit through the dense trees. Human eyes can't see that clearly in these situations and mine seems to be the only human eyes present in this place. Alexander said something to the other guy who looked fully in a dinosaur mode. But he ignored it. He is staring at me like I am some piece of meat he wants to eat. Oh no! This is turning dirty really fast. This is the moment. I should focus and try to be one with my spirit. Alexander is holding him back. But he is trying to get free. Close your eyes Amara and focus. I tried to remember papa's words," Find the inner you. Become one with the nature and become one with yourself. That is the key to possessing the spirit energy."
I am seeing light in the darkness. I followed it. Theirs a girl. She looks like she is made of light. She is holding her hand out. I extended my hand to touch hers. As soon as I touched her hand she disappeared. I opened my eyes. All I can see were lights in the shape of trees and two human figures. They looked cold though. One trying to restrain the other. Maybe this is what papa said about the aura of the living beings. I am hearing a voice saying," Run quickly. I will hold him down." I want to run but I am walking towards them. I was standing right in front of the unknown guy. He is struggling to get out of Alexander's grip baring his teeth at me. I placed my hand on his cheek and said," Calm down. You don't want to do this." There is a yellowish golden glow at my palm. His face started to relax and finally he stopped struggling. I dropped my hand to my side and smiled at him. He returned my smile. I turned my head to look at Alexander. He was standing there with his jaw almost hitting the floor. Not literally though. Did I do something wrong?
The unknown guy started talking,
"Hi I am Oliver Knight. And this is my brother Alexander. I didn't mean to scare you........."
His voice started to fade away slowly. I am feeling numb. Why does it feel like I am going to faint? Oh my god! The famous black dots. Not with the vampires. They will probably suck me dry before I even wake up. But I just want to take a long nap and I can go back home to tell papa about my little adventure. That's what I am going to do. I closed my eyes and drifted into the darkness. I hope papa and Ryder finds me before these two kill me.