The week went by pretty quickly and it was already Friday. This past week was a very interesting one. Elena made small conversations with me, which went quiet good I must say. We are somewhat on a talking terms now and I can actually call us casual friends. She invited me and Aaron to her lunch table yesterday. All of us including her, her friends, Aaron and I got along pretty well. I am at the diner working my shift right now. School ended few hours ago. The diner is almost packed, today being Friday. The town people come here with their family to have dinner sometimes on Fridays and the weekends.
The bell chimed signaling that someone came and sat on one of the tables assigned to me as others were already occupied. I finished serving the family I was currently attending to and started walking towards the customer that just arrived. Their backs were towards me. It was a man and a girl. I stopped beside their table and took my notepad out without looking at their faces. I put my best smile and looked up from the notepad and asked them,
"Good evening. I am Amara and I will be serving you today. What can I get you?" The smile slowly slipped off of my face.
Holly shit. I stood there in shock. They were father and Elena. Father looked up from the menu and he was shocked as well but he recovered from it quickly and a stony look settled on his face.
"I would like a Hamburger and a cappuccino." he said in a hard voice.
I wrote it down, turned my attention towards Elena and asked her what she would like. She said,
"A medium rare stake and hot chocolate."
I gave her a smile and wrote it down.
"Your order will be here in fifteen minutes."
"You work here Amy?" Elena asked.
No shit Sherlock. I am serving you, aren't I? But we were finally getting on good terms and I don't want to ruin that. So I answered nicely.
"Yeah. Except for Sundays."
"But why do you need to work anyway?" she asked confused.
Well don't you know anything about me lady? Or you are being oblivious on purpose?
"Well I need to feed myself and pay the rent and I don't have anyone to do that for me. So I got to take care of myself.” The words came out of my mouth quiet harshly and I saw Elena wince. “Living alone in this world is not that easy you know. Some people are so cruel that they can’t stand people being happy and they do anything they can to ruin their lives.” I said quite pointedly and they knew who I was talking about. “Everyone does not have rainbows and unicorns for a life. I would like to get going so you can get your food real quick. I will be back with your order." I finished giving them a tight lipped smile.
Father was sitting their stiff throughout our conversation. He looked uncomfortable. Well you had that coming. Not my fault. Elena flinched at what I said. But girl you should know better before asking something like that. I mean you know what I have been through. You were a part of it sometime back. I know I lied a bit about living alone to try to make them feel guilty, but still she started it. Anyways, after fifteen minutes I took their order to them and placed the contents of the tray on their table. I gave them the best fake smile I can muster and turned around to attend to another customer.
After 45 minutes they were done. They paid their bill at the counter and left. Elena gave me a small wave and I returned her gesture and then resumed my work. After my shift was over, I started walking home. This is getting really tiring. My feet will disintegrate someday by all the walking I do. After reaching home, I took a quick shower and curled up on my bed thinking about the events of this week. I already ate at the café, so no need for cooking dinner. I didn't even get much time with papa and Ryder or for my homework which is piled in heaps. Why do the teachers give homework in the first week of school?
My family got smaller in size. It is just me, Ryder and papa now. Everyone merged with their humans already in merely a time period of one week. First Raven then Tyler and others followed suit. It's because the vampires moved back here. Papa said I will meet the shifters soon. I am looking forward to seeing them. I miss my family already.
They live in the southern part of the town near the Greycoast beach. This town got its name from there. I heard the beach is always gloomy due to the weather that is why the name and there is a cliff too. I will ask Aaron to take me there someday. I don't want to walk all the way there. I know I am sounding like a brat but, I just can't. Walking to school and work is more than enough. I said good night in the mind link and heard two replies. I love them so much. A smile formed on my lips as I closed my eyes and went to the dreamland.