Age ten:-
The big wolf and the others were still quiet. After my crying episode, the big wolf started talking and he said something I never expected him to say.
"I would like to adopt you as one of mine. Only if you are good with that arrangement." He added the last part nervously.
I froze. He wants to adopt me. That means I will have a family too. I mean uncle and aunt are my family as well but I have a feeling this will be different. I will have a place to call home.
I couldn't help the grin that stretched on my face. I ran towards him and hugged him. He went stiff the very moment and then I realized what I did. I shifted back a bit due to embarrassment. My face must have been redder than a ripened tomato.
He cleared his throat.
"So I will take that as a yes." He said a bit amused and glad.
I was too embarrassed to speak so I just nodded.
He continued, "You are too young to come and live here. Move into the cabin when you are eighteen after you are done with your school. Till then you will have to stay with your birth parents. You can spend your summer with us here as Esterden is not a problem. You can live with your uncle and aunt there. You see wolf spirits are all males. So it will be a good change to have you with us."
He finished almost what looked to be smiling at me.
Wow! I am speechless. I have a family now. I have a place to call home. I started bombarding him with questions.
"Thank you soooo much.” I squealed “What should I call you? Ryder told me your kind does not have names. Can I give all of you guys' names? It will be easy for communication right. Wait, if there are no females, who gives birth to the pups? I mean that’s what the younger wolves are called right? Or do you call them babies like human kids?"
"Easy there tiger. One question at a time. And who is Ryder?" He asked chuckling, making me blush.
I pointed towards Ryder and told him, "He is. I gave him that name earlier when we were talking in the cabin. It suits him right."
I grinned, hyper with excitement.
Everyone started laughing except for Ryder. He looked like he was embarrassed or something. The big wolf started talking,
"You named my son Ryder? What would be my name then? What would you call me?"
"Hercules. Because you are so huge and strong." I said jumping up and down in pure joy.
Everyone started laughing again except for Hercules. What did I do now? I stared at them confused. Hercules cleared his throat again.
"Isn't Hercules a weird name for me?”
I pouted at him.
“But if you like that name, I will accept it gladly. You will not use my name though. You will call me papa just like Ryder and my other pup do." Papa added with warmth in his eyes.
"Okay papa." I said beaming widely.
Papa's eyes softened.
"Wow! I have a sister now. Welcome to the family baby sister." Ryder said excited.
"Thank you brother." I squealed.
Papa said," You should go to your birth father's place now so you can look through the situation there. Come back here tomorrow. I will answer your questions then."
"I don't want to go papa. I haven't even met others yet. Besides I don't know my way around here." I said sadly.
I don’t want to go somewhere where I am not needed and hated by anyone who lays their eyes on me.
"I don't want you to go either, but its important princess. And Ryder will pick you up tomorrow morning near your house and he will drop you now as well. But you can't tell about us to even a single soul. Okay?" Papa said in a stern voice.
"Okay." I said sulking openly.
I am in a full on pout mode.
"But how will I know he is there?"
"About that. Come here I will accept you in the pack so you can hear and feel us all the time. I will have to bite you on your shoulder as you are human, to do so. I haven't done this before. So I don't know the extent of the pain it will cause. Are you sure you want to do this? That's the only way in though." He asked a bit concerned.
I want this. It will hurt for few minutes that’s all, but then I will be a part of this amazing family. I can do this.
"I want this." I said smiling.
Papa came in front of me and I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I felt him opening his mouth and then it closed around my shoulder.
It felt like many needles were stabbed in my shoulder all at once. A scream left my mouth and tears started pouring out of my eyes. But all of a sudden the pain vanished and there were various voices in my head. I looked at my shoulder to see my wound but it was already healing and a tattoo like symbol started appearing over there.
Then there came a chorus,
"Welcome to the pack."
If I die now, I would die a happy girl. I never felt this happy before other than being with aunt, uncle and Alec. Ryder came near me and crouched a bit.
"Hop on baby sister. I will drop you off and don't worry you will be back before you know it. You are not alone now."
I climbed on his back.
"Hold on tight princess." He said standing up straight.
I held on to his neck as tight as I can without pulling his hair out, if those were really hair and he started running like the Flash. I buried my face in his neck. In no time we were at the clearing behind my father's house. I hopped off his back.
"Go princess. I will pick you up tomorrow. I will call for you in the mind link when I get here. Okay? Bye sis." Ryder said to me.
"Bye big brother. See you tomorrow."
And off he went. I turned towards the house gloomily.
Did dad know I was out for the entire night? The more important question is did he care? Did he look for me? Anyways I will find out when I get inside.
I walked towards dad's house, opened the door and went inside.
Dad is not home. He might have went to his job. Elena hasn’t come back either. So I am alone I guess. Awesome!
I should take a bath. I am covered in dirt and that's what I did. Then after eating I went to bed.
Will Ryder really come to pick me up tomorrow?
I heard his voice in my head, "I will princess. Sleep now".
I closed my eyes with a smile on my face and I was out like a light. I think I was dead tired.
I woke up to some noises in kitchen. I opened my door to look who it is.
Elena and dad were home. They looked at me, then to the wound on my head and then continued eating dinner.
So we are back to normal. No drunken episode, no lashing out.
I closed the door of my room, curled up in my bed and closed my eyes thinking about tomorrow. It is going to be a wonderful day. I can feel it. I went to dream land again.