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The Hidden Heir

Agnes Miraquel Labrado was an adopted daughter of both business tycoons. They always have no time with her since they barely go home in the Philippines. Her actions were controlled by her parents so she couldn't go anywhere. Unlike her half-sister, the real daughter of her parents, can always do whatever she wants in life. It was really suffocating for her because she has to follow their words and never felt loved in her entire life. On the other hand, Jash Eubert Flarion, was her first in everything. Her first crush. First date. First boyfriend. First kiss. And also her first heartbreak. He cheated on her half-sister without her knowing. The worst thing in all was... she was carrying his child and being left nothing at all. She lost her dignity that she's been taking care of. Abandoned by the family she thought that would fullfil her needs in life. And betrayed by her first love whom she loved the most. Now... she's back with all she have after five long years.


Back In His Arms

Shanne adores only one person and it's Mr. Winston. Ever since high school up to college and until now that she has her own job, her feelings for him stays the same. No matter how she tried to entertain her suitors, date some other guys, and focus her attention to her work, she can't help but to think of the guy that makes her heart beat fast whenever they encounter. In the other hand, Mr. Winston doesn't know that she exist. He never did waste his time in nonsense things such as accepting gifts from his admirers, reading stupid love letters, and most especially to go out on a date with someone. In short, falling in love is crossed out on his list. But what if fate has a plan for them and it started with that one night stand? Will it be the way for them to get to know each other most especially when he found out that she's bearing his child? Is there a chance of winning his heart even if she knew that he's still attached to his first love?


Loving My Best Enemy

In Bannister Academy, there was an ultimate bully named Cahleen Seth Monteserio that was admired by everyone despite of his bad attitudes. However, Shantal Fara Lindzbergh the scholar of the Academy was never attracted to him. They were like cats and dogs that always fight whenever they see each other. But behind those actions that they flaunt to each other, there was a hidden chemistry that was going on between the two of them. The bully that was known as the clever one will change his life for the girl who captured his heart. While the simple girl that was nothing to worry about was having a hard time on a guy that caught her attention. He, secretly adores her. She, undeniably loves him. It was the beginning and end of everything.

Teenlove-triangleTrue Love

Sweetest Affection

Many people were going crazy when it comes to love and Caisey Laine Valientes is one of them. She's still attached to her childhood crush that left her 11 years had passed. He promised to come back when she's on her right age and they'll marry each other. She hold on to his promise but she can't wait any longer and finding him is her only option. However, it was never been easy for her since she didn't even know his real name. And when she stepped inside the company where she's hired for being the CEO's secretary, everything has changed. After the years of longing for the love of her life, she finally get the chance to see him again. The thought of having a happily ever after because she already found her prince suddenly faded after knowing that he's getting married with another girl. It caused her so much pain to the point that she almost killed herself just to forget him. But the thing is... Could she really make it after all that happened to them?

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