Shanne adores only one person and it's Mr. Winston. Ever since high school up to college and until now that she has her ...
Chapter 1 - Pregnancy Sucks
"Your tummy will be obvious sooner or later. You should find a place to live permanently until you gave birth," suggested her friend Jelle.
Shanne was just staring at the absence, thinking about a lot of things about her pregnancy. She was being preoccupied by the thought of aborting the baby. That's her parents decision since she doesn't know who's the father. It was just a one night stand for goodness sake!
She sighed frustratedly."I have to work for myself too. My parents cut off their connections on me. I don't know where to go."
"I can lend you money until you can go back to work. Just thinking of paying me back when you can already provide your needs... and also for the baby," Jelle said.
Her hand went to her tummy."I'm still thinking of.. having the baby or not. This will just.. give me bad lucks. I have a lot of responsibilities, Jelle."
"You should have the baby, Shanne. It's your home from now on," she pursued.
Even though she was a little bit confused why is her friend acting so excited, she has to shrug it off and think of a place where she could live. The money she has right now is just enough for her daily needs. She was disregarded by her parents after knowing that she's being impregnated with someone. It will cost a lot if she will rent an apartment or buy a new condo.
"What's your offer? Maybe I could accept it if I don't have any choice," Shanne was out of hope.
Jelle smiled at her sweetly."I have a house in Camarines. It's a two-storey house. I can pay the expenses and will provide all your needs. How was that?"
She's not Jelle for nothing. Of course, it has a compensation. There's no free in this society. Anyone can make a way to have something they want.
"What do you want from me?" She sighed in defeated.
Jelle just giggled at her before whispering something. She couldn't do anything but to do that favor her friend whispered at her. Nowadays, it's very hard to find a place to live so she has to go with the flow.
"This is the place where you're going to live temporarily. Just tell me if you already want to move out," Jelle told her.
Her friend wants to share her condo with her so they will also share the bill. While she still has time, working hard is her only option to survive. Besides, whenever she moves out of Jelle's condo, she will have nothing to worry about.
"I'll go back to work starting tomorrow. I have nothing now," she said boredly.
Jelle was shaking her head."You have your baby, always put that in mind."
"I don't even know who's the man who fucked me! It will be a pleasure if it's Mr. Winston but if not, it's disappointing." She rolled her eyes at her friend.
A loud laugh invaded the room."You're really willing to give yourself with that heartless one, huh?"
Nhorodien Zayle Winston, was always in Shanne's mind. There's no time she couldn't think of him. All she keep on wishing for is to be noticed by that CEO she's been loving from afar. But now that she has already a child inside her womb, there's no way she could still make a way to cross their paths.
After placing all her things inside her room, she cleaned it and arranged everything. It's going to be her temporary quarter so she has to make herself comfortable. It didn't even took an hour when she felt tired and grumpy. Her waist hurts a little that she couldn't stand up.
"Is it because I'm pregnant?" she whispered to herself.
Dinner time came and she didn't noticed that she fell asleep earlier. She's feeling energetic now that she recharged herself. Her sense of smell become active when she suddenly smelled the soup that Jelle cooked for her. She ran away to the bathroom where she could vomit so hard.
"Oh, please! Don't vomit in the floor. I just swept!" Jelle yelled dramatically.
She rolled her eyes heavenwards when she came back to the dining. When tomorrow comes, she immediately wore her attire in work. Jelle, who happens to be her bestfriend not just in everything but also in work. They were workmates and she's a big timer so she could drive her to the company.
"I want to be a godmother, please? Shanne, I'll assure you that I won't hide during Christmas." One of her friends, Kinnie begged.
She sighed heavily while typing at her laptop."It's not yet decided but it's up to you. I won't mind it."
Windy, her other friend giggled."I wonder what's your baby gonna look like. I haven't tried carrying a baby."
"Then have a baby with yourself! You have a boyfriend right?" Jelle teased her.
She shook her head while listening to her friends arguments. She was used to it day by day. There's nothing new.
"Gosh. What a slut! She got pregnant with a stranger. Yuck!"
If she has friends, then she has also an enemy. Laurell, who's like being insecure with her, interrupted. She looks like envious in everything she wants to do in her life. They were enemies not just in person but also in work. She doesn't like competing with someone but Laurell always want to reach the highest. And they couldn't help but to treat each other like that.
"Shocks! What an intruder! Judging someone without even fixing herself. Ew!" Shanne answered.
Laurell stepped back to face her."Excuse me? Are you pertaining to me?"
This bitch has the guts to ask her that. Isn't it obvious? There were the only one who always argue in the middle of the work.
"Duh? Stating the obvious? As if I'm talking to the air," she said bravely.
Every time Laurell will start the fight, she will not dare to answer her back. But now, everything has changed in an instant. She has no fear to anyone. Talking back was added on her vocabulary. Another achievement for her, she guess?
When break time came, she was asked to deliver the box of newspapers that they finished last week. It wasn't that heavy but also not that light to carry. Though, the convention room was on the other floor and it will took minutes to arrive since the elevator was being used.
"I heard that you're pregnant, Shanne. You can't carry these. I'll just ask the others to do it for you," Madam Emelda, the chief on the section said.
Her brows frowned."I can do it, Madam. My tummy was just weeks. It's not a big deal."
Geez. Rumors spread in just a lightning. Its probably because they have walking CCTV camera's everywhere. Those bitches with their leader, Laurell.
"I don't want to carry the responsibility or the company if ever something bad happened to you. I'll tell our boss to deduct a little amount on your salary," the Madamn answered.
"B-But Madam, I---"
"No buts, Shanne. Just go back to your respective work. Let them handle this stuffs," she cut off her words.
She has no choice but to go back to her place. It made her think twice. If it happens that there will be a deduction on her salary everyday, then she will just get the half of it on the payment day. She's even struggling right now because of lack of money and then it will decrease day by day.
It was still 11:30 in the morning but she already felt hungry. Usually, she will wait until 12:45 before she's going to eat since the lunch time will be at 12:00 PM. She then, realized that it's not only her who will get hungry but also the baby on her tummy. Good thing she sneaked a food inside her bag so she could eat without anyone knowing.
Eating during work hours is highly restricted but she has to make a way for the baby. It's the most important here!
"You can't work overtime starting now. You can't be stressed!" Jelle was so hysterical.
"I can lend you money for some of your needs since I'm not into spending a lot of money," Windy suggested.
She looked at her with disbelief."You can't do that, Wind. It's not that I'm starving to death."
"We just want the best for your baby. Hello? I want to experience holding a baby for the first time of my existence," Kinnie became more excited than earlier.
It will be months from now but she kept on saying that as if she will gave birth tomorrow. Sometimes, she's thinking if her friends really cared about her or they were just being overreacting. She's not a kid anymore. Of course, she knew what's the best and what's not.
"Thanks but I'll just inform you when I couldn't make it anymore," she answered.
It's hard for her to be in a situation like this but with the help of her friends, it's gonna be alright. They've been together in all of her ups and downs. She will surely overcome this stage.