
Mean Girls

Monica Montgomery is bitchy, sassy and undeniably beautiful. In other words, she's a mean girl who will stop at nothing to get what she wants. She and her two best friends are the girls every girl wants to be and every guy wants to date. Archer White is cocky, egotistical and undeniably handsome. In other words, he's a bad boy who has girls drooling at his feet.


The Devil's Lover (bxb)

Trance Wilson was terribly bullied during his first year of senior high up to the brink of death. He missed a year of schooling being hospitalized and comatose. When he regains consciousness, he refuses to testify against those who bullied and gang-raped him. He has to start senior high all over again having to see the faces of those offenders again. Yes, he's back to school... But this time, he has the devil by his side and he's about to bring hell with him.


Fragile (bxb)

10 years ago, Ivan Hendrik was the biggest bully in school. Now, he's an undercover cop working for a special witness protection program. His current mission is to protect an important witness to a murder case involving a politician. That witness is Jeremy Jefferson, one of Ivan's bullied victim back at school. Now... will they be able to get over the past and work together? UPDATES: weekly on Monday.


Blinded By The Past

Cassandra Porsse grew up being the 'Miss Piggy' during her school days. Having a crush on one of the most popular boys in school, Crayvin Smith, and with her waistline expanding, Cassandra faces cruel peers and cold hearts. The final result toughens her resolve at the expense of creating a self-sabotaging relationship between Cassandra and her body. After battling through the demons of her past, Cassandra is back with a heart made of steel and moving on fresh from the Police Academy. Being the new officer in the station is hard enough, especially since she's the only woman, but what makes it more complicated is the fact that her new assigned partner is her old crush and nemesis.


I will see you in my Dreams

Hannah and Ari met doing contract work in the city. Hannah noticed that Ari is always looking at her, staring the whole day. One day Ari asks her, "Did we meet before? Your face is so familiar…”Hannah said, “I don't remember meeting you.” Ari jokingly said, "Maybe we dated in the past."She said, “…..no, we haven't, I know whom I dated in the past. I don't remember meeting you.” “Ahhhh, maybe we've met from our past lives”, Ari said. “Do you believe in destiny?” “I don't know, I heard about it, but I don't have facts about it”, Hannah said. “And you? Do you believe in destiny?” “Yes, I do,” Ari said. “I am sure, I have met you somewhere. Maybe I failed you in our past lives....just maybe. This time around, I will make sure that I succeed in making you mine.”



×How far can a secret kept for five years threaten your life?×That night she was going out for a walk with her boyfriend. He was there with her in flesh, but his demons were with her in spirit. And that's what caused her death.×And now she's back, but not for his demons... She's back for him. And she'll get even.×He has to fight her fears, her desires and conquer her heart once again. But it'll be proven impossible because her heart is with her dead self.×She made an oath that she'll get her revenge one way or another. And he, more than anybody else, knows she ALWAYS keeps her promises.


Suited For Grand

A girl moves from the UK to Manhattan on request of an old family friend to come live with her. With that comes her meeting a guy who himself is well on his way to high school graduation and then college. She encounters his friends who somewhat welcome her in and she tries to survive the last two terms of the senior year at a new school with new people she doesn't really know well. Except for one girl that attended the same school she's from back in Scotland. Will this girl follow the rule, 'What happens in Britain stays in Britain ', or will she drag that into this school just as she's starting afresh?It won't be easy; nothing good ever is. Worth it? Maybe. Hectic? Definitely.


A Future With You

"What future can you get from a man who don't have anything?" mom yelled at Samantha. Samantha could just walk away if she wanted to, but she was afraid that her mom might forever mind her relationship with Bryle. She stood there, trying to defend her caring boyfriend who is always right there for her whenever she needs him. She got no choice but lied to her mom. "I am pregnant!" she shouted back and received a loud slap and a curse. "You are not my daughter anymore! Get out! Go with that man and we will see if you could survive." mom said with teary eyes. Samantha left with her things and went to Bryle's place.

Sad love

Echoing Strangers

All Melanie wants is a life, one that she ruined five years ago. Meeting a tattooed (sexy) stranger who she's meant to stay away from but can't help feel drawn to might or might(not) be the thing she needs. One thing is for sure, they both have grave secrets that tear them apart.*Returning back to the town she so much fears and despises, Melanie Meadows has to face the grave mistakes she made five years ago, from estranged families to slackened friendships. To her, everything and everyone are strangers, strangers she must evade.But there's something about this particular tattooed stranger; Zayn. The fact that he returns continuously to her life, resounding just like an echo--As she does the same to his.


All I Want Is You Baby

"I think that your brother is hotter than you. I'm leaving you"Kate Roberts, a high school student, is always referred to as a 'good for nothing', while his twin sister Anna Roberts, is the queen of her class and is currently dating the hottest guy of the school, Brandon Johnson, who is often called the 'prince' of Kerlin County High. He is the best at everything he does. But suddenly, he dumps Anna, know the reason why? Check out the hottest and cutest love story, but it's just a bit different....how exactly? Well, you surely checked the genres. We've got you sarcastic humour-"I'm so fucking fabulous- I pee glitter, shit cupcakes and fart rainbows!!"All I want is you baby ;3


The Time is Right?.! SAVE MY MATE

Lilly Moore has been abused her entire life. Never having learned how to speak, she talks in fractured sentences. No one taught her about life, leaving her clueless about the world. After an accident, she finally escapes, only to have nowhere to go. Jaxson Steele, is a powerful Alpha who is known for being patient and kind. Hearing of a rogue on his territory, he sets off to check it out. He never expected to find his mate sitting on the fallen leaves, covered in blood. Having to work through Lilly's troubles, their relationship isn't as smooth as most mates. Throw in vengeful parents and surprise twists, their life just got a lot more difficult. Can Lilly learn to love Jaxson, even with all the challenges she's facing?


Her Second-Hand Husband!

Anika and Arjun are made for each other. They doesn't know that in all the encounters they had. Destiny showed them that through many clues but they are not brilliant enough to read the clues right. Their family tied them together in the sacred knots after a series of events. Not knowing the inner turmoil of each other, they start their life with bitterness! It is a story of a girl who marries a man of wealth. It's her first marriage, but for him, it's not. She is a girl from a middle class family and finds it hard to settle herself in a place where everything looks alien to her. She is in love with someone and couldn't accept him as her husband. Will she find the love she has lost in him or will she hate him for taking away her love from her? He has a dark past that she is yet to find out. Will that dark past make them drift apart or will she heal his wounded soul and have a happily ever after? Jump in to find out more!


I'd Like to Change My Reincarnation Subscription, Please

Superpowers abound. Villains rule the world. A transmigrated dork that has absolutely no idea what’s going on. Strong-armed by the Superhero Enhancement System into the thankless job of endlessly performing good deeds in a world where such actions are often met with violence, Lucas Lynn doesn't have much choice in regards to using his supposed gifts. It’s bad enough having to pretend to be a supervillain, but how exactly does Boss System expect him to save the world with only the help of a homeless orphan, a dog that’s smarter than he is, and a yoyo? Oh, just trick some supervillains into becoming superheroes instead? You make it sound so easy! ----- >>>Excerpt from the end of Ch1; [Bzzt... Scan complete. Analyzing...] 'Eh?' [Analysis complete. Positive value found, now loading... Loading complete.] 'Okay, WTF is...' [Binding successful. Congratulations upstanding citizen. You have been selected by the Superhero Enhancement System. Please select your desired enhancement. The following options are avail...] 'I'M DYING! IS NOT DYING AN OPTION!?' [Error, invalid selection. An enhancement will be randomly selected. Randomizing... Strength has been selected. Enhanced strength will be calibrated for your rebirth. Please look forward to it.] 'WHAT IN THE ACTUAL F...' With this final thought, Lucas has finished dying in a pool of his own blood on the sidewalk. ----- Little character theater: Lucas, attempting to broker a deal for benefits for his freshly forced vocation of heroic servitude: “Hey 427, do I at least get some vacation time?” System # 427, completely deadpan: [...There's a new minor task available to the southwest. There's also a cute dog you can pet over there.] Lucas, with newfound enthusiasm: “WHERE'S THE PUPPER!?” ----- Discord for myself as well as a small handful of other authors and their works, a few fans are already in here if you care to mingle: https://discord.gg/MR6FnbmPRQ Personal WP page that has other relevant links for the novel, a little about me, information about the novel's inspiration, as well as a link to the character reference sheet and art gallery: https://geminel.wordpress.com/2021/07/07/fancy-seeing-you-here/


Please Be Mine, Miss Secretary

*This story is CEO's Love In Trap spin-off. Julian Evans was one of the best CEOs in the world, a rich and handsome young man who was famous for being romantic. Who would dare to refuse such a great man if not his own secretary? No matter how hard the man struggled to chase after her, the girl still closed her heart, even though there was a reciprocated love inside. Mia Sanders was the daughter of the Evans family’s driver and servant. Being educated to be a reliable secretary, her goals were to make parents happy and repay the kindness of the Evans family. Because of that, she didn't dare to disobey. Her relationship with Julian Evans was indeed a disaster to be avoided. "I wonder why you insist on believing something that isn't real. The love between us is just wishful thinking." “Then give me a challenge! If I can complete it, I hope there is no more doubt in your heart. I really love you and I’m willing to do anything to live with you.” What happened next? Could Julian melt the secretary's heart and convince her that their love was worth fighting for?


Before The Storm

After the unpredictable event at the party she didn't even want to go to, Nevaeh Wilson finds herself meddling with the school's notorious bad boy, Ace Braxton. Although she has her heart set on escaping the bad boy that has pulled her into his grasp, Nevaeh finds herself becoming more attached than she ever thought. They tell you not to play with fire for a reason. • WARNING: This novel contains: coarse language, sexual content, references to mental illnesses and violence. Read at your own risk. •


A Bet (I'm in love with her)

It all started with the bet he made with his friends, he thought it was going to be like others but little did he know that this particular bet would change everything about him forever. Meet Liam Parker, every lady's dream man. He's hot, rich powerful and have different whores at his beck and call. He has tasted almost every girl in school well except one particular nerd and they're in the same class of course. Meet Aubrey Connor, the pretty gentle nerd that no one associates with because they think she's poor and not up to their class. She dresses like a nerd to school but her parents aren't really poor, just that she doesn't want attention or popularity. But what happens when she becomes a victim of the bet among the popular and hottest guys in school, she definitely isn't the first person to fall into their trap but will her case be different or is it just going to be like the other bets in the past? Min Seok is a transfer student also in disguise like Aubrey. Can he and Aubrey be involved together? What if it becomes a love triangle where Aubrey is stuck between two demi gods and is really confused about what to do? Find out what happens in this interesting and intriguing story. TBC....... ©️ Tricia


Family Taboo

This is a story line that gives an insight to the romantic affaires of family lifestyle and most especially a man who lost his wife and took to drinking just to help caution the situation. He entered a period where he blamed himself for everything, even Nancy's illness, and drink more. He became increasingly irritable and depressed. His inner voice told him to come back every morning for three months to pray and meditate, so he started a routine. He wakes up an hour or so before sunrise and go to the same spot on the beach. He sit down and try to open his mind to the messages I will receive. Amazing things happened in the first thirty days: he stopped drinking almost immediately; his attitude towards others improved although he was still depressed, he stopped trying to get others; and he decided not to sue anyone; After all, bad things happen and this time it happened only to Nancy and therefore to him. With time he got healed off his past and started building towards a great future. Lately he got to meet Marilyn who was introduced to him through his friend. Marilyn appears, barefoot and from behind in her Levis. Her pale skin was brightened by her hot shower. A girly pink turtleneck had replaced the wrinkled and now very wet T-shirt she wore in it. Her wet blonde hair was swept back and held in place by a rather wide black band. She put on some lipstick and blushed too. She was so feminine, so pretty; and my heart beats fast. About half an hour later she wriggled in my arms, for the first time I tightened my arms around her naked body and rubbed her butt against my soft cock for a very friendly gesture. I reciprocate and return the hug with a few kisses. When she woke up, she turned to me. We hugged and kissed, very tenderly. She apologized for her morning breath, but I don't know such fault. She bent down, grabbed my cock and started massaging it back to life. I don't respond as quickly as I would like until she throws the sheet at us, slides down on me and sucks in my dick, where the scent and dried juices of our love still remain. The night before. When I fully penetrated her, I began to use the pistol in and out of her vagina. His ducts open and flood the area with his girl's juice, ensuring deep penetration and distribution of my seeds into his body. Marilyn's legs fluttered in the air, her knees dropped, then she wrapped them behind my ass and started using them to pull me deeper and deeper into her hot aisle. We increased our speed. Right after that I smacked her body hard, using all my effort and strength to get ready to ejaculate inside her. The stay between jim and Marilyn became very interesting as they both have fun together and enjoy there company. Reading through will get you glued to other interesting scene in this story.


Bed Slavery

Prologue " Isabel slowly closed her eyes when she feel the caress touching in her different parts of his body. She immediately bit his lower lip when his hand landed on her chest. "You can do that Isabel for your Brother." She whispered to herself before quickly wiping the tears from her eyes. "Ugh. She moaned as his suddenly squeezed her chest. "Don't! She stopped his hand which was slowly descending between her thighs but instead of stopping he quickly pulled down her wearing short . “Please ..” Don’t. ”Moaning but he didn’t seem to hear anything. "He quickly pulled on the rest of her clothes before he took off his own clothes, which made her even more nervous to see his muscular body. "why are you shaking ?Are you nervous? She raised an eyebrow at him as he stared at her intently. "Yes .. I'm sorry, She said in tears. "What? could you please stop acting as if your virgin and first timer in this kind of job, "I'm really sorry." "Common did you forget that you are a prostitute? That's why you're here because I will pay you." "Because_because I'm not a prostitute." She said tremblingly. "F*ck! And why are you here? Are you playing me around? You just wasting my time nonsense! He spoke before standing up. "Get your f*ckin dress and get out! He told her emphatically. "Sir, so_sorry I really just need the money." She said tearfully to the young man before pulling the blanket to cover her naked body. "What did you say? You need money? But you didn't give me what I wanted, prostitute." He spoke before laughing "Hey Lyka your friend is here! A woman with colored hair She was said. "Oh how is it  Isay, I'll go back inside, be careful coming home okey." Before hurrying to leave. "Thankyou Ly, She shouted ., It just waved at her before going inside. Blake Pov "OHHHHH .." HMMP .. "Shane moaned loudly as I started to play on top of him., She even hugged both hands to me to stick our bodies tightly together. "Blake baby your so great!" She said loudly that his body was about to twist so I wanted more, I improved what I was doing, I violently pulled the inner garments of him leaving me nothing.


Benefits Of Love

"Stand there, it's your art", said ante sakin and held my arm then stood up ... I have done nothing because I have no right ... "I'm sorry sir zayn, faith is so lazy, don't worry, faith will do whatever you want", ante smiled at that zayn ... I looked at the one named zayn and I saw that he was also looking at me and smiling at me ... but what I noticed were his eyes looking at my body ... I immediately covered the parts of my body that he was looking at..and begged him with my eyes .... "Don't cover your body sweetie, your body is just perfect for me", he said rudely to me..and smiled too ... I was just terrified because his eyes were full of desire looking at me .... So I immediately went behind ante and hid..I don't want to see that rude man, he's scary ... But instead of ante and trisha helping me, they left in front of the man and Trisha pulled my hair and brought it closer to that zayn .... "Hey don't be artistic you're not beautiful, so get organized", trisha shouted at me and she let me go ... "Please be patient, Faith is a bit shy, but she's strong in bed", ante said fondly to zayn ... I just cried over what I saw and I didn't know what to do .... I felt zayn stand up and hold my arm but only weakly, so I looked at him .. His eyes had no emotion so I got up and adjusted my clothes ... Zayn signaled to his colleague to give the brief case to kila ante which contained the money ... Ante immediately took it and opened it, I saw how bright ante and trisha's eyes were ... "I think we're done here, so we must go now", zayn said without emotion and turned their backs on them ante .. I was taken by one of his bodyguards and put in his car when we arrived here .... I just came because eventually they will also evict me ante ... and maybe it's also right that they sold me ... I just cried because of what they did ...


Meet My prince Charming

What if the cold and smart SSG press changes because of a woman who is cold and book worm but to their family members she is a childish woman Introduction " The eldest is crist arle crimson monteverde a strict cold with pointed nose and kissable lips tall crazy women 19 y/o and king of a gang named BLOODY HELL second child is Paul arce crimson monteverde 18y/o he is a playboy tall kissable lips pointed nose white and naughty he has twins but on the contrary he is also part of BLOODY HELL paul arce's twin is luck Aero a smart cold serious mistaken for a nerd because of the eye glass but you can still see his handsome face book worm too (Hellanxiah inherited from him The youngest and only daughter of the monteverdes is Hellanxiah crimson monteverde a cold woman outside but childish in their house her beauty is a goddess and her skin is also white But she wore a glass at school because her eyes were a bit blurry, she was good at katana, a Mafia princess 17 y/o

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