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Meet My prince Charming

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What if the cold and smart SSG press changes because of a woman who is cold and book worm but to their family members sh...


chapter 1


Hellanxiah (hell for short) P.O.V

The author has already introduced me, I'm here now in cr to get out of the room freh ganern

I'm done taking a bath so I'm going to walk in my closet

Yaya "young lady your parents are waiting for you in dinning area yaya said oh diba grabi yaya namin English speaking

Me "ok I'm just going to change so can you please tell them i shouted cause he's just outside the door

And maids are not allowed here in our Rooms without permission

I didn't wait for her response and went inside my closet and i wear

White short above the knee and oversize t-shirt

Then go downstair i see mom and dad waiting for me dad is reading magazine and mom is busy on her phone

Me "morning mom/dad your beautiful daughter is here i said with sweet smile

That's why they think of me the same

Mom/dad "morning too sweetie come here and eat/morning baby how's your sleep

I sit first and answer dad's question

Me "it's good dad i said while mom was putting food on my plate

Me "mom that's enough the size of that is not enough

Mom "no sweetie that's ok and you need to eat more she said

I just smile and start to eat

While we were eating, dad spoke

Dad "baby we decided to move you to Philippine he said because of my shock

Me "whhaatt dad why is their something problem i said at napalakas ata

Mom "sweetie calm down and don't shout she calmly said I followed what she said

Me "then why do you want me to back in Philippine i ask again

Dad "because you have to handle your business he said

Me "tsk so small reason I can handle a company even though I'm here and I don't have a problem with my business

I coldly said

Mom "but sweetie you were born there and why don't you want your brothers there too she seriously said

Me "I just don't like it there, I prefer it here because I answer quietly

Dad "sorry baby but you don't have choice i already book your flight he said

Me "ok when i ask pero cold parin

Mom "on 09:00 she said what the heck

Me "what why didn't you tell me to look at the time soon, I'll tell you if you're annoyed

I finished and got up to change and prepare what I was going to bring

Me "argghh mom you both really want me to out of your life i said with sad tone and run upstairs

And i already pack my thing I'm done it's already 08:30 and go down and i see them in the couch

I approached but I was still sulking hmp

Me "mom and dad did you already tell to kuya's i ask without looking on their eyes

Mom "no they don't know yet

Me "ok don't tell them or else I'm not going i said

Dad "ok baby take care leave that maybe you'll be late he said tsk they really want me to go home huhuhu

I'm eating a lollipop now I just nodded and left tsk

I'm now wearing jeans and a black hoodie crop top and I'm also wearing a mask because I'm famous here in the states

I used to be a model but my older brother stopped me because that's where I need to model

(contanuation of chapter 1)

Still hell P.O.V.

I was already in the van, I put on the earphones and sounded

Me "brother lee just wake me up when we're at the airport because I'm Tagalog

Kuya Lee is a Filipino who has been working for us as a driver for 2 years

Kuya lee "ok soge po young lady he replied looking in the mirror because that's where my reflection is

I just nodded and went to sleep

• | • FEW MINUTES PAST • | •

I felt a hand on my shoulder so I opened my eyes

I saw brother Lee waking me up

Kuya lee "young lady we're already here he said I'm stretching

And I looked out here when my older brother and I came out and opened the door for me

When I came out of the door, he just followed me, pulling my map

I was at the door of the private plane and picked up the malita

Me "Good bye States I whispered and then entered

Minutes past we flew este the plane can be the CP so I took my phone

Best friends will be called missing if ugly chaarrr

[On call]

Me "hello i said

Sharmaine "oh you were called ata ahh she sarcastically said

Me "tsk i just want to tell you that I'm going to Philippine

Sharmaine "wait where are you waiting for us we'll come with you it's like you're in a hurry

Me "tsk andyan ba ang dalawang pangit i ask

Shar "yes why she said (shar for short)

Me "what are you doing why the hell are you in fast can you please stop running oo alam kung tumakbo siya kasi namn napuputol ang pasalita

Shar "of course packing my thing she said"

Me "why where are you going i coldly ask"

Shar "tsk boba ka talaga syimpre sasama sayo duhh

Me "no need cause I'm already in the airplane"

Shar "whhaaaatty its shouting on the phone so I missed my particle"

Me "can you please not to shout I'm not deaf I coldly said

Hailley “hey im hailley

Me "where's shar

Hailley "in her room crying

Me "why did something happen

Hailley "nothing i think she's sad because you leave without saying she sadly said

Me "sorry but it's not what I want it's dad's discission not mine and he already book my flight this morning without asking my permission

I said because they might still be mad at me

Hailley "ok ok i understand bye take care patatahanin kopa kasi si childish na shar she said and end the call

I'm listening to the song STEAL MY BOY while eating chocolate hehe

I didn't realize I was asleep

I woke up because someone woke me up like a flight attendant

Ate flight "ma'am we're here she smiledly said

I just stand up and never mind her tsk remember I'm cold to otherWhat if the cold and smart SSG press changes because of a woman who is cold and book worm but to their family members she is a childish woman

Introduction "

The eldest is crist arle crimson monteverde a strict cold with pointed nose and kissable lips tall crazy women 19 y/o and king of a gang named BLOODY HELL

second child is Paul arce crimson monteverde 18y/o he is a playboy tall kissable lips pointed nose white and naughty he has twins but on the contrary he is also part of BLOODY HELL

paul arce's twin is luck Aero a smart cold serious mistaken for a nerd because of the eye glass but you can still see his handsome face book worm too (Hellanxiah inherited from him

The youngest and only daughter of the monteverdes is Hellanxiah crimson monteverde a cold woman outside but childish in their house her beauty is a goddess and her skin is also white

But she wore a glass at school because her eyes were a bit blurry, she was good at katana, a Mafia princess 17 y/o

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