Before returning to my refuge, I decide to stop at a store that sells newspapers, among other things. The announcement of the Alpha Supreme must necessarily make the front page. As soon as I get home, I am struck by the number of papers whose first page has the big head of the wolf who controls these lands.
In addition to the photos, each more ridiculous than the next, the first pages are also adorned with various seductive titles. I decide to take the one that makes me laugh the most: THE IDENTITY OF DARKNESS FINALLY REVEALED???
When I give this newspaper to the man at the cash register, I feel that he is looking askance at me. It's true that he must not understand why a young girl laughs lightly when she sees a newspaper.
Sorry to find it funny that journalists are hoping to find my identity when I myself have forgotten. I am only Tenebris, the slayer. I am no longer human, I no longer exist. Under the questioning look of the cashier, I go to my forest.
Once at home, I quietly read the article. The only important thing I've learned is that he wants my help and that of the vampire twins Idys and Erad. And the only thing I have concluded is that I do not wish to intervene. I am a hunter, I work alone. I don't want to be buddy-buddy with anyone. It's out of the question for me to live with him for "an indefinite period" according to the deaths of Arden Duncan.
Always hungry: because eating is life. I decide to have chicken wings. As I enjoy my fourth meal of the day, I start looking at my map of the world, which has pins connected in no rows. Each blue thumbtack represents the locations where I killed those who wanted to rebel and spread true chaos across all lands to finally ascend to the crown of the Alpha Supreme. The green thumbtacks represent my personal revenge.
I have been running around the world for fifty years in order to completely fill this map. However, there are a few places that I avoid as much as possible, including one in particular; the kingdom of the royal family of elves.
I don't know why my instinct draws my attention to this place. I'm sure to find important information to definitely choose if I join the supreme pack.
Without a doubt, I decide that tonight I will go to this cursed place. The elves are not difficult to decipher in addition to being absolutely not suspicious. In short, the complete opposite of me. I would have no trouble learning things.
As the area is quite far, I leave directly. I just put on my same eternal black outfit and my mask.
Without wasting another minute, I walk towards my motorcycle.
After several hours on the road, I arrive in a small town not far from the kingdom. I immediately notice a garage that is still open. I go there and park my motorcycle there. I see the manager who doesn't really understand what's going on, because he must not be used to a woman like me arriving quietly in the middle of his garage without even saying goodnight. Nonchalantly, I decide to tell him who I am, because I still have my helmet on my head:
“I am Tenebris. I'll leave you my motorbike for about two hours. By two hours, I want her to be in the same spot without a scratch and the garage blacked out. If you break any of his rules or decide to tell anyone that I've been there. I will find you and kill you in such a horrible way that you won't have the strength to scream. Did you understand ?
"Yes ma'am," he replies in fear.
- Ah and clean it then fill up with gasoline.
– Yes Mrs. Ténébris. »
Without another word, I turn my back on him and leave to put my helmet down.
Still with my back to him, I sink quickly into the forest. Once at the edge of the latter, where it is too dark for him to see me, I turn around and admire the man who has remained in the same position as when I left. I revel in the fear I read on his face.
After these few seconds of pure happiness. I sink into the heart of nature in a fast but discreet race.
There are many guards circling, but from my experience, I know of a passage that is out of sight. I pass through a tree stump which leads me directly into the palace gardens. I look to see if there are any soldiers even though I know full well that no one is watching this place: it is the inner garden of the royal family. I then climb the facade with elegance to then observe the interior of the palace through a window.
Here, the climate is always fine: mild and temperate. The elves have no windows and the doors are always open. Some houses don't even have one. I then slip into the room where there is a large table and a gigantic library hiding a secret passage. I'm not even sure the royal family themselves know of its existence.
I quickly put down a microphone to hear and record what they say. I know that many important decisions are made here. And anyway, I don't have enough time to position another microphone.
I hear a few steps then a voice that I will recognize among a thousand, says:
“Please excuse me, I have an emergency. »
This is Galadan Bornova, the future heir to the Elven throne. I have to hurry. My descent begins quickly without any noise to end a few meters from the tree, I slip into it. Just before completely disappearing, I come across a magnificent white owl. Her big blue eyes seem to read in me, but no time to admire her beauty, I escape from the elven garden.
I arrive quickly in front of the garage and I notice that the man has respected everything. I deposit a sum of money which must well pay at least 10 times the sum which I owe him, then I leave definitively.