I'm bored to death, my blood fails me. It's been five days since I heard my victim's last breath.
After doing some research for my personal revenge, I decide to go eat in town. Food is sacred.
In Frélême, I try to be discreet. No one knows my identity and that's fine. I walk into the restaurant and the boss simply greets me with a nod. I'm one of the regulars at this city-side restaurant, but despite that, Disam doesn't know my story or even my name.
Our first meeting was quite funny, by the way. It was a day when unsurprisingly, I was absolutely in no mood to talk so I made him think I was mute. I waved my hands in all directions, but when he then told me that his wife was mute and that suddenly he had learned sign language for her, out of love, I quickly realized that I was unmasked. Then he told me that he didn't judge my lie and even less the fact that I had said in his wife's language: I'm a turtle.
That's how I enjoyed it and every time I come, I have the right to my favorite place: a remote place in the center.
But enough nostalgia, a man comes in and looks at me insistently. I quickly surround people, and this one, I risk killing him. He decides to sit near my table, but I dare to hope that he sat there, because he only finds the chair pretty.
Fame disgusts me, I hate that people come and talk to me even more during a meal. That's why without hesitation, I decided to kill in anonymity. I'm not afraid of jail, I just hate recognition.
You could question anyone on this earth, everyone knows my name, but nobody knows my figure. From the furthest, least inhabited place to the capital.
The only people who had the chance to see my face died some time later.
But you have to believe that I don't need to be famous to be bothered. The man from earlier who definitely didn't find his chair particularly pretty asks me:
" Hi, how are you ? »
I don't answer. He continues this time in a greasy voice:
“Come have a drink with you, you're good.
- No thank you. Looking at your face, I would risk spitting it in your face. »
He gets up suddenly, not appreciating my little joke. He approaches and spits these words in my face:
“Bitches like you, I flip 'em around and fuck 'em whenever I want. And the best part is that there are some who want more. They're good little sluts, like you. »
So him, I know in advance that his death will be long and painful. I turn slowly in his direction and look him straight in the eyes. I see him gradually losing these means. This is often what the effect of my lifeless deep black eyes do, combined with my strong wolf aura.
I gently tilt my head to the right while continuing to stare at him. In a cold, slow and perfectly calm voice, I answer:
"I'll tell you what's going to happen. You will run away in fear, because your balls must be the same size as your brain, be tiny. Then as soon as I leave this restaurant after having eaten wonderfully well, I will find out about you. I'm 95% sure I'll find at least one sexual assault case. If you are in the 5%; you will live, if not, I will quickly tell you what will happen to you. I'll find you. I will catch you. I will tie you up. Then, comfortably tied up in my cellar, I will torture you. Then when I've had enough, I'm going to cut off your little tail and you'll bleed out. You will suffer so much that I will enjoy it. This will surely be the first time that you will manage to make a girl come. But OK ! Too bad for you, you will die a few minutes later due to a lack of hemoglobin. While I will fall asleep in your blood lulled by the sweet memory of your screams. Do you like raping girls? Personally, I like to torture. But whatever, I hope you enjoyed the program of the show? »
I support the end of my speech by slightly cutting his pants at the place of his cock. The message has obviously gone well, because he scurries off like a little rabbit. And I hope for him, that it is not one.
Nobody seems to have paid attention to our confrontation, perfect. It's only when Disam slips me a few words that I realize there is an exception:
“Always standing out, you will never change.
“It's not my fault I'm attracting all the morons around here,” I said nonchalantly.
"What did he want from you?"
– That you leave me. »
He then goes back to his bar accompanied by a childish laugh. Seeing that it does not hurt, my reply, a soft smile dirty my face. He's the only one who appreciates my sarcasm. I start to eat, but no sooner have I swallowed my first bite than a group of girls settle down where the jerk had previously sat. But what a shitty day. Who will be next on my list?
For me food is sacred, so when woodcocks talk about the guys they've banged as well as their machines; I just want to throw my dish into their mouths which they use as a paint palette.
While I hesitate between killing them or leaving, I am surprised to hear that one of them starts talking about an interesting thing:
“You heard what the supreme alpha said, woodcock number 1 asks.
– Well, of course, everyone talks about it, cowardly woodcock number 2.
– Ehhh me, I haven't heard of it, replies Picasso.
- What?? Ok, I tell you. Basically, there are several problems at the moment in the world and suddenly, the Alpha Supreme called on the three most famous and strong hunters: the twins and of course: Ténébris, says woodcock number 1.
– We all hope that Ténébris will show its face, there are already several journalists on the spot.
– If she hides her face, it's probably because she's ugly, laughs woodcock number 2.
I believe that this group of friends is ultimately useful to me. I have to be more careful. Without further ado, I go home to find out a little more about this story and about the man from earlier.