She read the sign as the taxi dropped her. She walked in and checked in to the room she saw on the text.
For a moment she couldn't believe where she is.
She's away from home, from everybody.
She bit her lips and smiled. She walked around the room, looked through the window, sat on the bed, watched the TV. All through she kept checking the time. The deal man had said 11 o'clock, its past three in the afternoon.
She heard a sound and opened her eyes, she had fallen asleep on the couch. She saw a man standing by the bed head. She jumped up immediately.
"Hi, you were asleep when I came in, so I decided to let you sleep, sorry I came late. Had something important to take care of",
"Its fine", she said wiping out the drool by her lips,
"I am Liam by the way", he said extending his hands, she took it, "Regina", they smiled,
"I guess you're really hungry and stressed, I'll have the waitress get you something and I'll have someone pick you up tomorrow morning too", he said and left the room.
Gina sat on the bed for awhile after he left, trying to get herself. Her head was banging.
When she got herself, she thought she should've said something else to the deal man before he left. She had a lot to ask him.
While taking her bath she realized that she doesn't actually know what surrogacy is all about.
After taking her bath, she took her time to research on it.
It felt scary to her, but easy. She thought about why she had to do it and it all made sense again.
Early in the morning, a driver picked her up. She was taken to a place where she entered a private jet heading to somewhere she doesn't even know.
Another driver picked her up when she got down from the jet and took her to a large building.
She was taken to an office. When she entered, two men were sitting facing each other.
"Good morning", she greeted.
He recognized one of the men, he's the one she saw at the hotel.
"Morning Miss Regina, have a seat", Liam said.
She looked at the other man sitting, his eyes toring her down. "Well, Regina, hope you don't mind?", he asked politely, "just call me Gina", she said smiling.
"Alright Gina, this is Seth McGregor",
She nodded,
"You know him?",
"N-no", she answered smiling politely, Liam looked at Seth and nodded.
"Alright, we all know why you're here right?", he asked and she nodded,
"have you done surrogacy before?",
"Okay, have you ever gotten pregnant before?",
"Are you in any relationship?",
Liam nodded and continued.
"You still a virgin?",
She looked at Seth who sat with his hand on his lips, she shook her head, "no",
"Sorry for my questions, but they are necessary",
"its fine",
"Does your family know you're doing this?", she looked again at Seth who's still staring at her, "no", she said feeling a little guilty.
"Good, so apart from you who else knows you're here?",
For a moment she got scared, "My friend knows, Nicki",
"Alright, see how this is going to work", he said bringing out a file.
"In this contains our deal, our contract", he said handing her a file.
"All you have to do is to go through it, play your part well and you will get paid,well. I don't know why you chose to do this but when you're done reading this, we'll sign it tomorrow, so you have from now till tomorrow to make up your mind to stay or to leave. All you need to do is to get pregnant, give birth and give us the child and you'll be paid pretty well. Easy".
She took the file, "I'll read it",
"Okay take your time. You must be tired, I'll have the driver take you back, we'll meet again tomorrow".
She nodded and left.
Seth shifted in his seat when she left.
"What do you think?", Liam asked.
"She looks weak, I suggest you get someone else", he said and stood up.
"I don't think so, she looks good, she looks a bit weak but at least she doesn't look like trouble", they left the office together in agreement.
Gina sat down on the bed while she dried her hair with a towel, she took the contract with one hand and walked to the couch.
She sat there and opened it.
Its just a three page contract. She twisted her lips and nodded.
She skimmed through the first sentences talking about what she's supposed to do and then the numbered ones which listed what she's supposed to do and what she's not supposed to do.
First, she's going to stay in his house throughout the pregnancy period, do what he says, the pregnancy is going to be a secret between the four of them, she wondered who the fourth person is. Nicki?
No contact with family or going to social medias, she scoffed.
She will give them the baby and walk away with the money and all ties with the baby will be cut. Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of that.
She skimmed to see how much she's going to be paid but it wasnt written on it.
She closed it and dropped it on the couch. She jumped on her bed, the thought of going back crossed her mind, why is she suddenly missing home?
Tears almost fell out but she ignored it and closed her eyes begging sleep to come.
Seth sat in the bar waiting for Tricia, who had called to meet up.
He waited for another ten minutes and got up to leave, then he spotted her walking in, so he sat back down.
"Sorry, something came up", she said ordering a glass of vodka.
"What do you want?", Seth asked her,
She smiled, "Is that the first thing you have to say to a sister you haven't seen in awhile?", He ignored her and took another sip from the glass he was holding.
Tricia smiled again, "seems like you got ahead of me, you can handle your self now, you usually get drunk at the third sip, how many times have you been here without me?",
Seth dropped his glass in annoyance and tried to leave, "Alright, just calm down, I'll get straight to the point!", Tricia said holding his hand, Seth looked at her and sat back down.
"I just wanted to know what you're going to do about grand mother's will, I don't know what to do, I need the money", she scoffed and took a sip from her vodka,
"Why do I have to tell you that?",
Tricia stared at him,
"You do your thing, I do mine, so butt off my case and try to get a life", he said and took his jacket to leave,
"Cold blooded bast**d!", Tricia said not caring whether he heard it or not, he turned and looked at her for a second and left.
Tricia sat there for some minutes, she's starting to feel frustrated with her life. Nothing is going well. She stared at herself in the silver ware in front of her.
She used to be very beautiful, she still is, its just that they want younger people, so they threw her out when they don't need her. Where did all that money go? She wondered.
Seth removed his watch and dropped it on the table. He walked to the mirror and looked at himself. He thought about Tricia.
Back in the days they've been so close. You could think she was his everything. He loved her. For some time he thought he was doing it all wrong, why does his heart beat whenever he sees her, she is his sister, he wasn't supposed to feel that way.
He was a fat dumb bast**d then Yea, that's why!
He blinked and it brought him back to his senses. He shouldn't be remembering those days, they were days he hates the most in his entire life.
His phone beeped and it was a text from Liam.
"Have you called the doctor?",
"Not yet", he texted back,
"Okay, I'll call her, what about the lady?",
"What about her?",
"You should call her and see how she's doing?",
"Cause she's now your responsibility",
"Not yet",
"She hasn't signed the contract yet",
"Fine, I'll do that too, but what if she changes her mind?",
"I don't care",
'You should care, she might spread rumors",
"Then we'll shut her mouth for good",
"Well, check your e-mail tomorrow, I'll send you all her details", he read the last text and dropped his phone to take a shower.
Liam texted again, "That's her number, in case you change your mind", he knows he won't, but just so he'll have her number.