His lips were so soft. My body completely relaxed against him and I wrapped my arms around his torso. His fingers traveled to the back of my neck and brought me closer to him. Greyson's body was so hot. Literally and figuratively. He kissed me again and my chest felt tight. I couldn't stop myself from melting into him. He was so warm and gentle..
"Don't forget to breathe, princess."
I broke the kiss and took a deep breath but before I could make a snarky comment , his lips roughly crashed into mine again. This time he wasn't gentle. His fingers trailed down my neck, back, and stopped on my ass. He grabbed firmly and pressed his erection into my belly. I tired to push away, but his right hand firmly held the back of my neck towards him.
I pulled away and hissed "Greyson stop! I've never done anything like this and we only jus--"
He spun me towards the wall, pressing against my back side again.
"Shh. Don't. I know you're enjoying this so why stop? You are just dripping with arousal. I can smell it and if I wanted to, I could feel it. Do you want me to feel it? Feel how wet you are for me right now? His fingers released their grip on my ass and traced between my ass cheeks.
"N-no! don't please don't." He smiled against my neck and started nibbling at my shoulder crook.
"This is your sweet spot Faelyn. When we make love, this is where I'll mark you. This is the spot that my canines will sink into your delicate flesh and bond us forever, making us inseparable. You'll scream my name, both in pain and pleasure."
"What are you even talking about?! Don't say such embarrassing things! I would never do such things with you!"
"You will. And already have, I might add" he chuckled.
"Why must you talk to bluntly?! You know I am royalty and I could have your head for this!" I hissed. He turned me around for the hundredth time, staring into my eyes.
"Why, you ask? Because, Faelyn, you are my mate."
My mouth dropped wide open. "Wha--" Before I could finish, Eldar came around the corner.
"Is everything all right here, Faelyn?" He stared at us, studying our reactions. Eldar was no idiot. He knew exactly what was going on. And if he didn't, the redness that came over my face would surely explain the situation.
"U-uh. Eldar. H-hello fancy meeting you here. I was--we were just.."
Greyson interrupted me, showing a rather toothy smile. "I was helping her highness get straightened out. It seems she has had a bit too much to drink. I would gladly appreciate your assistance to help her into bed, as I have errands to run."
Errands. Errands? What was he thinking? I just had one of the best and most embarrassing I might add, moments of my life. And here he was, trying to run off! I stomped on his foot and tried to punch him but Eldar was there a moment too quick.
"Faelyn. I think maybe you have had a little too much to drink. Let's get you upstairs." And with that, he picked me up and slumped my over his shoulder.
"Eldar let me go you pesky fly! I need to have words with him!" I went to point my accusations at Greyson but there was no one there. My face burnt with humiliation. I had given my first kiss, not only to a complete stranger, but a complete dickwad! I sulked the entire way up to my room. As Eldar entered my bedroom, Meara appeared.
"What has she done now, Eldar? Gone and gotten herself into some trouble?" She chuckled.
"NO, I haven't. I did nothing wrong and that-that BEAST used me!" I started crying into Eldar's shoulder and he placed me gently on my bed. He helped my lay down and I looked up at him. His green eyes were filled with genuine worry.
"Faelyn I--"
Meara interrupted him. "Eldar go downstairs and get Keya. I will comfort the princess and make sure she is alright for the time being." He nodded and left the room.
I turned around on my stomach and sobbed dramatically into my pillow.
"Shh shh sweetie. You will be fine." Meara stroked my messy hair, trying to soothe me. When I finished crying, she helped me get out of my dress and into my nightgown. I gingerly climbed back into bed and as soon as I was comfy, Keya burst through my door. Meara took this as her cue to leave and quietly slipped out the back door.
"What the hell Keya! Can't you knock? What if I was NAKED?"
"Its nothing I don't see in my mirror everyday Faelyn. Besides, you're like, SO hot! I wouldn't mind at all!"
I rolled my eyes and laughed. I was so lucky to have her as a friend. She always knew how to cheer me up. She came over and flopped onto the bed. I told her about meeting Greyson and how he stole my first kiss.
"I don't regret it. Even though he ditched me, it was still enjoyable and I try not to regret anything I do, only to learn from my mistakes."
"Hmm well, you know who he is. You know his name and I'm sure you could find someway to track him down, Fae." Keya pulled me into a hug.
"Thank you. You know I'd be lost without you, right?"
"Hah of course! You know I'm always here to listen to your rambling. I'm like a therapist but I don't get paid. I mean of course if you want to pay me I wouldn't object." Keya smiled mischievously and elbowed me.
"Ow! Cut it out! You have plenty of money to spend on outfits." I rolled my eyes and frowned.
"There is something that I don't understand, though. Greyson mentioned something about us being "mates". Have you ever heard of something like that?"
Keya scrunched her brow. "No it must be some weird werewolf thing. I've never heard of it before. But I mean it's obvious he wants to be with you. Maybe there's something in the royal library about it?"
"That's a good idea I guess I'll go there tomorrow and see if I can find something. I'm getting sleepy I'm going to head to bed okay?"
Keya smiled and said "Ok babe I'll see you later. Night"
After Keya left I fell back into my bed and sighed. What a day. Nothing could have prepared me for today's events. I closed my eyes and thought back to Greyson's face. He was so handsome. His demanding attitude and sexy voice also added to his appeal. He was a werewolf though. I thought they lived in an uncivilized clan, behaving like wild animals. But he was so...nice. He knew the proper way to greet royalty and my even my mother didn't bother to complain about him. He must have been brought up properly. And his lips. He knew exactly how to turn me on and could tell just what I needed. Tomorrow I'll find out more information about these werewolves