"Maeraaaaaaaa" I sang. "Guess what! I get to go on my diplomatic journey after all!"
She came around the corner and smiled. "That's great Faelyn. I'm guessing I need to help you start packing?"
I beamed. "Yes please. And I want to pack light. I want to carry my own things. I don't want Eldar to have to carry both of our things. You know I hate depending on people!"
Maera laughed."You know its not so bad to sometimes depend on a person. Especially someone you love and care for. I know that you care for Eldar."
"Yes, of course I do! But not in any way except friendship. He's like an annoying older brother." I crinkled my nose at the thought of him anything more than a friend. "I only want one nice dress packed. The rest of my clothes have to be pants! I don't want to be seen as a rich lady because that will make me more vulnerable to attackers."
Maera nodded and rolled my clothes into my pack. "Which dress do you want to bring, Faelyn?"
I pondered. "How about the flowing white one with the gold threading?"
Maera grabbed it from the closet. "This one? The one your father gave you? I'm not sure if it would be wise to bring it, my lady."
"No its will be OK. Maybe there will be some special occasion I will need it for." I thought immediately about Greyson and blushed. "Anyway just toss it in there I think that's all I will need." As Meara finished packing my bag, Keya barged in.
"Faelyn! Are you really leaving me!? How could you do this to me! You know I will be incredibly lonely without you!"
I laughed. "Yes, you are probably the neediest person I know. But I have to find Greyson. I must see him again. Keya, he's the one. I'm sure of it. Maybe I don't believe in true love but I do believe that certain people can have a connection."
Keya scoffed and rolled her eyes at me. "He stole your first kiss, douche-deserted you and now you want to see him again? You are out of your mind. You would be far better off staying here with me, torturing the local hotties."
"Ugh. No thanks. All those boys are rude and egotistical. I'm going and that's my final answer. Even my mother approved!"
"Fine. But you better be careful and stay close to Eldar. You know its really far to Lycandor and Goddess knows what you will run into on the way there!"
"Keya are you forgetting that I can defend myself?! I've spent hours training with the guards. I know my basic self defense skills. Ill be FINE!"
"Hah as if. You're so short! Anyone taller than a thimble could easily overpower you. Let Eldar do the fighting and you run in the other direction."
"Pffft you are so mean to me! I'm going to see if Eldar is packed and then I'm going to bed. I love you Keya. I PROMISE I won't find another best friend while I'm gone, okay? She sniffed and gave me a hug.
"Okay. Ill be here waiting like a lost dog for you to come back. Bye Faelyn." We both walked out the door and parted ways with a wave at the staircase.
I went down the hall and approached Eldar's door and knocked loudly. "Eldar are you in there? I want to leave early and you better be ready!" The sturdy wooden door creaked open slowly and a shirtless Eldar appeared.
I turned around the other way, blushing and shouted."What the hell Eldar! Get some clothes on! I can't believe you'd open the door half naked to just anyone!"
"Well first off, I was dead asleep. Second, you're not just anyone so it doesn't matter" he shrugged. "What do you want, Fae?"
I turned to face him with my hands on my hips."Ugh didn't you hear me when I knocked!? I want to leave early tomorrow morning and I am here to make sure you're ready!"
"Fae. It takes me about one minute to pack. I don't need as many clothes as you do. Plus, I figured you would want to leave early so you could see your boyfriend. As he said boyfriend he rolled his eyes. I hoped his eyes would stay stuck like that!
"He's NOT my boyfriend! We are going on a diplomatic trip to strengthen relations between our countries!"
"Faelyn I'm not stupid. I know he's the reason we're going. He's going to hurt your feelings and betray you." He bent down towards me and put a hand on my cheek. You deserve so much better than that beast." His green eyes pierced my gaze and I felt my face turn beet red.
Swatting his hand away I hissed "You don't have any idea what you're talking about! Only I know whats best for me and you certainly don't have any right to interfere!"
"I do when it comes to your safety. Fae he is a BEAST. A werewolf. They are dangerous and unpredictable. What if he cannot control himself and he shreds you to pieces. If anything happened to you I--"
I hastily interrupted him. "Just stop! I won't listen to any of this nonsense anymore. He is a king and is probably a better man that you will ever be!" I knew my words stung him. His eyes twitched and he abruptly pulled away from me.
"You're right, your highness. Goodnight." And with that he slammed the door in my face. I huffed and stormed back to my room and plopped into bed. What did he know about what was best for me!? I closed my eyes and fitfully tossed and turned all night.