- Are you sure to lead the dance?
- ... not so much ...
After it's two little words he took off from me and he looked at me, with a smug and proud look...
I should have stood up to him... now he's satisfied and that's not what I wanted!
The three wolves, who had gone in pursuit of the two fugitives, returned empty-handed and angry. Derek approached a golden wolf and looked him straight in the eye. After a few seconds, Derek violently hit a tree with his fist, and it uprooted.
I must have looked shocked, because Derek gave me a quick apologetic look.
He made his wolves leave and he turned to me.
- Well… we'll come to your house to take your things, then you'll come and settle in my territory in my house.
- No ! I don't want to change my life! Can't you pretend I don't exist?!
- Even if I wanted to, I couldn't! Stop being childish! I'm doing this for you, to protect you!
- No I do not ...
He silenced me by cupping my head and staring at me with his beautiful azure eyes.
- Trust me... please.
I'm trying to protect you...
when my eyes met his and my ears heard his words, all my fears dissipated to give way to blind trust. I don't understand...why do I trust him?!
- All right ...
- THANKS . Where do you live ?
- I... I'm in a boarding school, it's in the city center...
- a boarding school, why?
- I am an orphan.
a veil of sadness passed in his eyes and he looked at me with a really sorry look.
- I'm used to it, don't worry...
- I don't care I'm just really sorry...
then we set off in dead silence. we had been walking for at least half an hour when we came to the forest side of the boarding school.
- I will pick you up at the end of the afternoon. Be ready and try to leave boarding school quietly.
I bowed my head in resignation and headed for the boarding school. I managed to get back to my dormitory in record time. So I collapsed on my bed and gave free rein to my problems.
What would my parents have advised me at a time like this? How would they have reacted? I got up and packed my suitcase with the few clothes I had. I also took a few little trinkets, which can become so important to us over the years. I also stuffed in my bag a small teddy bear, which I had never separated since my birth.
Once my suitcase was finished I sat down on my bed, and that's when the craziest idea I had ever had in my life came to me. Run away, yes it is!
Deep down I knew that something powerful and precious bound me to Derek, but I refused to admit it.
So I jumped up, took what little savings I had, then I looked at my dormitory one last time. I headed with a determined step towards the only discreet exit I knew at the back of the boarding school with my suitcase in hand.
5 minutes later :
I was now in town and I was calling at the top of my lungs for the first taxi that came.
- Taxi!!!
A yellow car stopped on the sidewalk. I put my stuff in the trunk, and quickly climbed in.
- I drop you where my little lady?
- In the cheapest hotel in town please.
- OK !
The vehicle started again and during this time I decided to redo my "escape" plan in my head. It was very simple, that night I slept in a hotel in town then the next morning, first thing in the morning, I would take a train that goes far enough to protect me from Derek for a while. On the spot I would find myself a little job in order to have a roof under which to sleep and as soon as I have enough money I will go elsewhere...
This life might seem a little... nomadic, but it was better to live like a wanderer than to see my destiny forever tied to a man I know nothing about. Lost in my thoughts I hadn't noticed that the car had stopped...in the middle of the forest?!
- Why are we stopping here? I say a little tense.
The driver straddled the front seat to come to the back.
- What are you doing !?
- I'm going to have fun… he said with a look full of insinuations.
My first instinct was to try to leave, but he held me tight and pinned me against the window. By instinct of survival I started to give blind and violent blows against my attacker.
- Help ! Help !!!
- Stop moving, you dirty bitch!!!
I had to give him a hell of a blow in the family jewels, because he doubled over but, alas, he did not release me for all that...
He straightened up and glared at me.
- You will regret it!!!
No sooner said than done, he lunged at me, pulled a sharp knife from his back trouser pocket, and waved it at me. At that moment I felt the cold blade of the knife stab into my left hip and blood spurted onto the seats of the car. I looked apprehensively at my hips and saw in horror the extent of the damage...