- Wake up girls!
And here it is... another day that begins. Once again, I'm going to have to get up and not think about my pain, which, despite the past 9 years, persists in staying inside me.
I always did what I called the morning routine. That is to say wash, have lunch and get dressed.
I always did that to pay attention to the girl who was busy around me, as well as the supervisor who passed from time to time, to see if we were all ready soon.
I forgot to tell you that I am in an orphanage. I knew my parents...I used to have them, they were wonderful and more generous than anyone. But now they were dead. This is the cause of the sadness that is anchored in me. When they died I was very young, but contrary to what adults thought I understood everything. I even understood all the pity they had for me. But I didn't want their pity, I just wanted to be left to suffer alone and for them to keep their fleeting and false compassions to themselves. I was very fusional and welded with them, so when they left my soul flew away with theirs... Since then I no longer smile, I no longer laugh and I only speak to say what is strictly necessary, like: "I'm hungry", "I'm thirsty", "Thank you", "Hello", "Goodbye", etc.
Once ready with a full stomach I went straight to the room where my lesson would start in 10 minutes. I put myself as usual at the very bottom of the side of the window. It was a way for me to escape when class got too boring. I'm no friends and I don't complain about it even if sometimes I feel alone ... anyway I don't think I can be a good friend, since I hardly speak to anyone anymore. even to no one.
After 15 minutes the course began because the teacher was late, to the delight of my classmates who had not stopped talking (or rather shouting) causing me a migraine...
The morning classes went smoothly for me as usual. As it was the lunch break, I sneaked discreetly into the kitchen to grab a salad sandwich. If, on the other hand, one thing had not changed since the death of my parents, it was my appetite, I was a foodie, and I sneaked into the kitchen as soon as I could to eat everything I could. there was good . Then with my wrapped sandwich in my hands, I headed to my dormitory, to take my drawing pad and my pencil case hidden under my bed. Without attracting attention I left the orphanage through a hole in the fence opposite my prison buildings. Then I headed for the forest. It's been several years now that I've been used to going out in the forest at lunchtime, and no one has noticed it since all this time... proof that I'm invisible...
In short, I went in the direction of an oak tree far away in the forest, in which I used to climb. Once arrived I climbed it without worries because I was used to it. The very first time I climbed it I thought I was going to kill myself! The very first time I had taken refuge in this forest, it was to escape my classmates, each of whom was meaner than the other with their spades, she considered me a moron because I hardly ever speak. In tears I had taken refuge in this tree and since the habit of leaving me more.
I sat on a branch not too high and I began to nibble my sandwich. After a few minutes a small robin came to rest on the end of the branch on which I was. To prevent him from leaving I threw him some breadcrumbs from my sandwich. Once the bird was busy, I quickly but quickly took out my drawing pad and an HB pencil. I then began my sketch a delicate head, wings with light curves, thin legs, a small beak that pecks at bread...
I was so absorbed in my drawing, that I didn't even notice that I was slipping off my branch. Too late, here I am falling... then the ground which was fortunately covered with orange leaves at the beginning of autumn slightly cushions the shock.
- Aiiiee!!!
I straightened up then suddenly I took my pencil case and my drawing pad in the face.
- Aiiiie no but, seriously! I must have been a black cat in a past life...
I was checking if I didn't have something broken... phew! I'm nothing but bruises and bloody skinned knees. I picked up my stuff and sat on the floor for a bit. Then I looked around me... the orange and yellow trees were hiding, the sky was a little gray today but some rays of sun were able to break through. Suddenly, I heard very, very fast footsteps approaching. What is this ?! I tried to get up to climb back into the oak, but my knees were hurting me too much, and I couldn't get back up. I tried again, but the only result was to moan even more, and my knees to hurt even more. Suddenly the author of the noises was in front of me... I couldn't believe it!!! It was impossible! It was too unreal!
It was a huge, but really huge wolf. He must have been about 2 meters at the shoulder and this beast must have been very powerful according to the muscles that I could see protruding from under his thick fur. He had gorgeous turquoise eyes and snow-white fur, he was so white it hurt my eyes. It is majestic, immense, impressive, magnificent. And I had the impression that this wolf was not just a wolf, he symbolized more.
The wolf approached me with fangs out, so I backed away, crawling since I couldn't walk, until I bumped my back against the tree.
My time has not come, if I joined my parents now, they would resent me...
Without thinking I swung my peid in the left front paw of the wolf making him lose his balance. By the time he got up I stood up with great effort because of my sore knees, and I grabbed a big piece of wood to use as a weapon.
- Come on big boy! I'm waiting for you !!!
As if the wolf had understood he threw himself on me, but I managed to dodge him. He started the same attack again and this time if he didn't miss me. I was pinned to the ground...hopefully it's a male! I gave him a knee kick in the crotch. He doubled over in pain bingo! When the wolf got up he was mad with rage, he rushed at me and propelled me with a great kick against the tree. I was stunned, and on the ground ... the wolf approached with a predatory step, growling, it's the end. Once at my height, he opened his mouth wide and approached my throat... goodbye!!!