A russet casket sunk down before Adeline, and her stomach fell with it. Every part of her went down with it. Her eyes burned as her stomach twisted along with her throat, a bitter taste coating it.
She let it all out behind a nearby tree. She gagged through tears as her mother rubbed her back.
"Are you ready to-" Before her mother could finish her sentence Adeline hurled once again.
"I-I can't look at him like that anymore than I have already." Adeline choked out.
"And you won't have to after- I mean...that wasn't the right way to say that. I'm sorry dear." Her mother frowned, hugging Adeline closely.
"I hate funerals, they always make me feel weird or depressed." Adeline sniffled, shoving a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"I understand-"
Adeline stopped in her tracks. "Caesar was supposed to graduate with me this year." She whipped her head around to look back at her mother through tears. "And I had so much to say at the podium, but I didn't have enough time… He didn't have enough time. This day shouldn't have come until we both were old and gray."
"At least you were there when his time arrived." Her mother said firmly.
Adeline sent her a stiff smile. "Ah yes, seeing someone die in front of your eyes is definitely a miraculous sight."
"Look, his parents can not deal with your special...commentary on this matter."
"They were there to hold his hand during his last breath while I couldn't even be in the same room with him. Barely the same building, they despise me for me just breathing- still living in a matter of fact!."
"This is not about you! I get that you two were friends but you can't-"
"Till this day, you two still argue like there's no tomorrow." A voice interrupted.
Adeline and her mother turned around to see her father. He was grinning ear to ear, arms slightly out stretch to bring both or one of them into his arms.
"Katherine, good to see you. Barely a gray curl in sight." He chuckled while hugging her but she did not hug back.
Adeline was frozen in place, even when her father let go of her mother and moved in front of her. He had a beard now, and his teeth weren't crooked like she remembered back when she still drew with crayons.
"I came to support you, I know this would be difficult for you. Your mother called, but I didn't answer before it went to voicemail." He explained pulling Adeline into his chest, squeezing her in a bear hug.
Her arms stayed at her side just like her mother's did, but her fists weren't balled. She didn't respond but glanced at the back of her father's head, his pine tree scent flooding her nose. It almost reminded her of Caes-
"Woah there lassie," He pulled back from her chuckling with a broad smile, as she just blinked at him. "I can get you my shampoo so you don't have to smell me. Though, I know it's been a while since we've seen each other." he sighed as her mother glared at him from the corner of her eye.
"We were just about to leave, Dea- Adeline can't stand it anymore." Her mother said wrapping her hands on Adeline's arm, pulling her a bit behind to shield her.
"Understandable, I can come along with you two." He said walking over to a dark blue car parked nearby.
"That's really unnecessary." Her mother replied but he was already in the car, ready to trail behind them. She sighed looking over to Adeline. "I understand if you're upset with me calling him. I just thought...you would need more than me here for you."
Adeline blinked and looked down at her mother who she towered over a bit. "It's fine...it seems you're more upset about him than I am. I could care less." she mumbled, earning a hard slap on the hand. She hissed, fighting the urge to scowl at her mother.
"Yes yes, now let's go." Her mother ushered her to the car.