never happened, because she never went. Her heart was crushed and buried with her best friend
and true love.
Chapter 1
Adeline laid spread out in starfish position on her bed. Parts of her legs and arms practically hung off the bed with the small size. If she was to lay down to sleep, her feet would still almost hang off the end of the bed.
A sudden knock on her door drew her attention, causing her to glance to her left. The door was already open and her friend was walking in before she could respond.
Caesar yawned walking over to her. "Giantess, it's time to go."
"I never said you could come in." She huffed, turning her head to stare at her headboard. "And I don't want to go, social events are a bore." she muttered as her bed sunk in from Caesar's weight.
"What happened to being my date?!" He scoffed, his fake frustration fogging up his glasses a bit. "I rented this suit out for you!"
A grin spread across her face as she sat up and turned around to face him. "Rented, go get your money back!"
"I even rented you a dress so your mother wouldn't force you into a suit." He fake scowled but her smile didn't fade.
"I appreciate it, but you know I hate dancing."
"That's because you can't dance, and neither can I. It's prom, our last year, we should go. Besides, we both know I'm not getting my money back." He reasoned while laughing and grabbed her hands, causing her cheeks to redden before she glanced away.
"I don't want to go as your date if I'm not actually called that publicly." she mumbled under her breath.
He sighed, letting go of her hands to fall on her lap. "I told you already, I love you but I'm just not ready for...us to go further. Things could go wrong."
"Things have already gone wrong." she whispered, lifting his head up to look at her. "We kissed, friends don't kiss."
His ears redden with his face before he pushed her hands away from his face. "It was an accident." he muttered but her hands found his face again, cupping it.
"An accident, that has happened multiple times now." she added softly, bringing her face closer to his.
He leaned in as well staring at her lips. Their lips were mere inches from touching before he quickly pulled away with his face a darker shade.
"I can't do this." He breathed out before getting off the bed then rushed to the door. "We should just stay friends. I'll meet you there if you decide to come." he insisted, barely looking at her before shutting the door.
She sucked in a breath as her hands flew up to her hair and gripped it. Her tugs ended up pulling some extensions out. Eventually her tears mixed with her mascara and began to streak down her face. She swallowed down the cry or scream fighting to leave her throat.
You would think after so many times of this occurring she would have been used to this feeling by now, but she wasn't. Every time she just crumbled over and over again. But at the same time she couldn't let go, so she would rise and try again.
But this time anger was raging through her. She slammed her bedroom door open and ran down the stairs. The front door was slightly ajar. Her mother on the couch glanced her way when she marched out the door.
"COWARD! Go ahead and leave! This is exactly what friends- best friends do!" she screamed after Caesar as he started his car, slightly glancing her way with a frown. He quickly looked away from her as he pulled out the parking lot onto the road.
Suddenly a pair of glowing lights are seen, making a turn onto the road in front of her. Her eyes grew wide as her heart dropped, and her hands waved frantically in the air.