Episode 6
(This Part of the Story is From Jeff's Point of View)
"Is he still alive?" I heard, the voice was very drowned out.
"I think so, he's breathing!" said another voice.
I slowly opened my eyes and saw blur. Everything was a big blur. All I saw were three blurry figures standing in a blurry frozen forest.
"His eyes opened!" said a voice.
A person knelt down and leaned in closer to me, as they got closer I could make out a girl. She started talking, and her voice got more and more clear. It was Jess.
"Jeff!" she said shaking me, "Are you okay?"
I didn't have enough strength to even talk, so all I did was let out a quick cough.
"Alright! Let's get him back to the cabin before he actually dies!" said someone behind her.
I was picked up by Jess and two other people, I was assuming it was Terrence and his son Ryan. I wanted to tell them to put me down. I wanted to let them know I wanted this. I wanted to die alone. I don't want to go back there. The whole point of this was to get away from them. I only destroy things now. I just want to be alone, I just want this all to be over. Something out there is not letting me die though. I've been near too many life threatening situations. Any normal man would have died from the shit I've been through. So that is my only question, why am I still alive?
I must have passed out again, because I woke up in the cabin. I was feeling much warmer, but I still felt really weak. I could barely sit up. My vision was no longer blurry, and I could hear fine now. I turned my head over to see Elise doing something. She must have helped me out when I got here. My hands were cleaned from all the blood and I was sitting right next to the fireplace.
"H-hello?" I asked in a weak voice.
Elise turned and walked over to me, she sat down on the bed next to me.
"How are you feeling?" she asked.
"Like I always am."
"You need to stop putting your life at risk. You are going to die one of these days." she said.
"Yeah right." I snickered.
"Seriously Jeff. You may have made it through a lot, but it only takes one small thing to kill you nowadays."
"This world has taught me otherwise." I said.
"Seriously Jeff, there are people that care about you believe it or not. You're affecting everyone if you die."
Oh great, I affect people if I stay, and I affect people if I leave. There is no way out of this madness. I thought leaving would solve everyone's problems. Maybe that's not the answer. There is no way I can redeem myself from this though. I've reached the breaking point, and there is no going back.
"Everyone's waiting for you in the living room, when you're well you should let everyone know you're okay." Elise pat my shoulder, got up and left the room.
"Oh and Jeff," she said, "There are some things in here to freshen you up. We got a new change of clothes, scissors, and a razor. We don't have any spare toothbrush's, but you can use your finger. Just run it under some water."
"You guys have working water?" I asked.
"Yeah, we have a well in the back."
(This Part of the Story is From Kayla's Point of View)
Brandy was getting worse by the minute, I have to do something for him. The only way I know to stop an infection are antibiotics. We are never going to find them out here, Brandy is going to die out here from a cut on his arm. Damn. Talk about ways to die. I couldn't give up on him though, not yet. Not until he is dead. I will support Brandy all the way. I put my arm around his shoulder and was helping him walk through the freezing forest. Doug was even slowing down, I don't know how much more he can take.
"K-Kayla," Brandy started, "Y-you have to cut it off."
"What?" I asked.
"You have to cut my arm off." he coughed.
"No! Are you crazy?"
"The infection is going to spread."
"Brandy! The infection has probably already spread way past your arm, and cutting your arm off is totally defeating the purpose! You'll just get that wound infected! You'll probably die from blood loss anyways. It is out of the question."
"Since when did you become a doctor." he joked.
"Stop it Brandy, we need to focus on getting you help."
"Really?" he asked, "Who the hell is going to help us out here? We're screwed Kayla! Screwed! I am going to die soon, and then it will be you next! Then Doug! We're all going to die!"
I shoved him onto the ground. I walked up to him and slapped him in the face.
"What the hell are you doing?" I yelled at him, "We're not gonna die! Okay? We'll be perfectly fine!"
"Keep telling yourself that," he said, "I think it would be best if you just put me out my misery now."
"What?" I asked, stunned on what he just asked me.
"You heard me," he repeated, "Kill me."
"Brandy I think the infection is making you say crazy things!" I exclaimed, "I am not going to kill you!"
"Please Kayla," he said, "I am going to die soon, I'm in pain. Just end this, I want this."
A tear fell from my left eye and onto the ground, I ran my hands through my hair.
"You can't be serious."
"I am." he said, looking me straight in the eyes with a determined look on his face.
"I-If that's what you want." I said, holding myself back from bawling.
I slowly pulled out my pistol.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"I'm sure." he said, closing his eyes.
I pointed my pistol at him, tears falling down my face like a waterfall.
"L-Last chance." I cried.
"Goodbye Kayla." he said.
I aimed the gun at his head, then looked away. I didn't want to see him die. I didn't want to watch the bullet blow a hole in his head. I can't watch, I can't.
"Hello?" asked a voice.
I turned around and pointed a gun in the direction the voice came from. I saw a scrawny old man with an axe looking at me.
"Who are you?" I demanded.
"Please don't shoot!" he cried, "I'm Stan! I don't want to harm you! I promise!"
"Then what are you doing out here?" I asked.
"I was just going to cut some trees down, I need the logs for my furnace! Please! Don't hurt me!"
"Where is your gun? Everyone carries around weapons." I said.
"I don't carry guns around, I don't like them." he said.
"I'm serious! I don't like them! I've hated them ever since my wife was killed by one!"
Stan spotted Brandy lying on the ground beside me.
"What happened to the boy?" he asked, slowly walking towards us.
"Stay back!" I yelled.
"I just want to help! I promise I don't want to hurt you!"
"This is none of your business."
"You two look like you've been through hell. Where is your group?"
"We don't have one."
"You heard me." I said.
"What happened to him?" Stan pointed at Brandy.
"He scraped his arm and it got infected. He's dying."
"What? Just a scrape? I can help with that! I have antibiotics back at my home! You guys are welcome to stay!"
I looked back at Brandy, who wasn't moving. I don't know if it was too late. The truth was that I was really cold, and I needed somewhere to stay before I freeze to death. I think Doug would agree too. He wasn't barking, which made it look like Stan wasn't a threat. He barked at Blake earlier, because he was a bad man. Maybe Stan isn't bad. I have no other choice. I have to go with him.
"Okay, show me to your place." I sighed, lowering my pistol.
"Thank you for not killing me! Thank you! I'll help your friend no problem! I promise!"
"That's enough." said another voice.
We all turned around to see Blake and the woman. Those damn bandits from earlier that tried to kidnap us. I pointed my pistol at him, but the woman had a rifle pointed at me. He had a big bloody cut across his face from where I shot him but missed and skimmed it.
"Don't do anything stupid little girl," Blake said, "I see you have met some new friends. That's good, it really is. I thought it was really rude how you shot us both last time we met. All we wanted to do was bring you guys with us, out of the cold. We could be friends."
"You two are creeps," I said, "I am giving you one last chance to back off. I could have finished you off back there. I didn't. Let me go."
"We are very grateful of that. Just come with us and there will be no fight."
"Just let these kids go." Stan cut in.
"Shut up old man!" Blake yelled.
There was then a bang, and my ears rung. I saw Blake holding his neck, blood was spurting out of it. He gurgled, then fell to the ground. I looked beside me to see Brandy, pointing a gun at them, he was alive.
The lady looked confused for a bit, I then shot her in the chest. She fell back into the snow. It was over, they were dead. I was surprised on how easy that was. These people were wimps. Nothing but pathetic wimps.
"Let's go back to your place now, shall we?" I said to Stan.
He looked at me in fear and relief at the same time. I think he had mixed feelings about us.
"Are you good to go Brandy?" I asked.
"I can make it to his house." he said.
"Let's go then." Stan started walking, and we followed him deeper into the forest.
This guy better have some medicine when we get there, or else Brandy is going to die. If Brandy dies, I am going to be very angry, and I don't think Stan will like it when I'm angry.
(This Part of the Story is From Jeff's Point of View)
I got out of bed and cleaned myself up. I looked in the drawers and found a new change of clothes. I got out of my old ones from the mall and threw them in the garbage. The new clothes were pretty nice, they smelled nice. Better than those couple month old ones from the mall. The shirt was a normal long sleeved, white shirt. The pants were jeans, and there were some work boots lying there for me. I put them on and tied them up. Once that was all done, I looked in the mirror and grabbed some scissors. I started to cut my own hair as best as I could, I cut it shorter, but not too short. I needed something keeping my head warm out in this weather. I then started cutting my beard. I didn't like this thing at all. It's gotten quite big over all this time. I haven't cut it at all during the apocalypse, it's been a year. I cut it all off, then applied some shaving cream on my face. I started shaving, and that was that. I felt better for sure. Having Kayla missing is still destroying me on the inside.