Episode 10
(This Part of the Story is From Jeff's Point of View)
Lindsey went down to the first floor, and I followed her. She opened the front doors and I looked around Lockwood a bit more now. I was wounded and tired last time I was out here. I saw lots of buildings outside the walls, that meant that Lockwood was right in the middle of Kingston. The space Lockwood had was amazing. There was a big parking lot, and lots of place for cars to go in the front. There were two buildings beside the main hotel buildings. They weren't as big.
"That building to the left of Lockwood is the vehicle storage. This is where we keep all of our vehicles. We need to keep them locked up, since some of the vehicles are pretty dangerous."
"Then what is that last building?" I asked, pointing at the one to the right of Lockwood.
"That is a storage in general, where we keep all of our stuff we don't need, or will use later."
"Is there anything else to this place?"
"Yes, follow me to the back of the building." Lindsey started walking around the hotel.
I followed her behind the building, and was actually kind of surprised. I saw a big stone statue. It had the same features as Charlie from what I've seen in the picture in the elevator. He was standing tall and straight, he was wearing a suit, and looking off in the distance. It was surrounded by a water fountain, and there were some park benches where you could sit and looked at it.
"As you can see," Lindsey said, "That is the great Charlie Lockwood, the reason we are all safe."
"You guys really look up to him don't you?" I asked.
Lindsey looked at me, a little bit offended by that question, then moved on.
"Let me assign you your room. You can stay in there for three days to get to know the place, then you can go to the front desk where you will get your first job."
Lindsey brought me through the backdoors, and into the lobby again. She took me to the front desk, where a lady was working there.
"Hello Lindsey." said the lady.
"Could you get this man here a room? He just got here."
"Sure thing," she said as she typed some things into a computer, "Alright, you are floor three, room seventeen."
She handed me a key card, and I took it. I started walking to the elevator, and Lindsey followed me.
"A few more things," Lindsey said, "Lockwood has a backup generator, that explains why we have lighting and warmth in here, and we also have our own well. So you can use the water perfectly. Everything is ready for you in your room."
"Anything else?" I asked.
"That's all for now, I'll stop by your room in a few days and get you started on a job."
"Thanks." I said, calling the elevator down.
There was a ding, and the doors opened. There was a soldier already in there. I walked in, and nodded to Lindsey. The doors then closed.
"Which floor?" a man asked me.
"Three." I answered.
He nodded and pressed it, the elevator started rising.
"You must be new." he said.
"How do you know?"
"The dirty clothing, you smell pretty bad too." he laughed.
"Oh, yeah." I nervously agreed.
"Eric." he shook my hand.
"Jeff." I replied to him.
"I think you'll like it here, Lockwood is a good place. You'll be safe."
"Uh, thanks." I said.
The elevator dinged again, and we were on floor three. I stepped out, and Eric waved.
"See you around." he said, he almost seemed too friendly.
The doors closed and I was by myself again. I started walking around looking for room seventeen.
(This Part of the Story is From Jess's Point of View)
I stood outside, looking off into the forest. I wonder how Jeff was doing, he was probably dead by now. I don't think he was going to survive very long out there. He needed to be stopped, It was hard to shoot him. I didn't want to do it, but Jeff was losing it. He was a threat to the group. He wasn't my biggest concern right now though, Mark was. He had all the symptoms of turning into a strangler, yet he is still alive. He is still sick. What's going on? Ned walked outside and stood beside me.
"Have you figured anything out yet?" I asked him.
"No, it's weird. I don't know why Mark is like this. It's like he's turning into a strangler, but he's just not. I don't know what to think."
"Maybe it's some virus with the same symptoms? Maybe it's another sickness?" I asked hopefully.
"I don't think so. I think we should just stay away from him for a while. Incase something happens to him."
I stared out into the forest, acting like I was okay with it. I wasn't though, I couldn't stay away from Mark. Not when he needs me the most. I started tearing up, trying to hold it in but it just wouldn't work.
"Ned, I can't do this." I cried, I turned and hugged him.
He was surprised for a few moments, but went along with it and hugged me back.
"It's okay Jess, he might be okay. You never know, he's survived this long."
"He can't die Ned, he can't."
"He's strong, maybe he can make it through this."
(This Part of the Story is From Jeff's Point of View)
I found my room, and opened the door. I looked around the place, it was really nice. My room had white wallpaper, white tile, one big bed, and a big window overlooking Kingston. There was a bathroom to my right. I headed over to the window and looked out it. Kingston was doing better than Toronto, it wasn't as strangler infested. Sure, there were a lot of stranglers in it just like any other city, but it just looked safer. I think part of the reason was because of Lockwood, they probably have their soldiers keep the strangler count down. I wonder how this place hasn't been overrun yet. I mean, this big hotel with lights on? It looks like a beacon for stranglers and people. I guess Lockwood's army is just powerful. I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the tap. The water started running from it, I gave a little grin. It's been a while since I've seen that. I saw a shower to my side in the bathroom. I smiled, and got an idea. I haven't showered in about a year, I think it's about time I do it. I opened the shower curtain and turned the shower on. I took my clothes off and stepped in.
It was the best feeling I had during this whole apocalypse. I turned the water to extra hot and just let it run down my face. After I was done scrubbing with soap, which took about half an hour, I stepped out. I almost slipped, but I got my balance back. I turned the shower off and dried off. I wrapped a towel around my legs and looked around the place. I opened a dresser and found a fresh set of clothing. Chinos and a turtleneck sweater. It almost reminded me of Paul. I think about him once in a while. I closed the dresser.
"Not my style." I said to myself.
I opened another dresser door and found clothing that suited me better. It was just a plain red shirt, and cargo pants. I got them on and headed back to the mirror. I took a look at myself. Good thing I shaved and cut my hair at Elise's house before I got here, so I looked somewhat presentable before I got here. I think I could really have a life here, the only thing that it ruining it is not having Kayla here. Kayla. I almost forgot about her, I can't stay here living it up while she is out there. I can't rest until I find her, dead or alive. I walked out of the bathroom and peered out the window again. It was getting dark, there was no use leaving now. I laid on my bed and sighed.
"I'll find you, wherever you are."
(This Part of the Story is From Bay's Point of View)
I sat in my bed in Stan's house, curled up and thinking about everything. I needed to stay far away from Kayla and Brandy, and that dog. Stan is too generous, he doesn't know what he's doing. They are spies, I can tell. I kept thinking about my past, it wouldn't leave my head, it was like this.
"Bay, get up." said a voice, a baseball bat fell onto my feet.
I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I was in my tent, I picked up the bat. I left the tent and walked out onto our bandit campsite. The fire was stomped out, and the sun was shining in indicating it was early morning. There were a couple more tents scattered around. I saw other bandits preparing for something. I ran up to Ryder, the leader. He was loading up our pickup truck.
"What is going on?" I asked him.
He turned around at me, he wasn't a very strong man. He never really scared me with his physical appearance. The reason he was so feared around everyone was because he was crazy. He was a tall, average build man. He had long brown hair that touched his shoulders. He wore sunglasses that tinted out his eyes. You could never tell what he was thinking because of it. He had a big cigar in his mouth. He wore a checkered white shirt, blue skinny jeans, and checkered black shoes. He was odd looking, and his clothing wasn't the first thing you would think to wear in an apocalypse.
"We're attacking Lockwood again." he said.
"What?" I exclaimed, "We have no chance there! They already beat us tons of times, how do you expect-"
"I have a plan, it's okay, just trust me."
"How do you possibly plan to take down Lockwood Ryder? It's army is big." I asked.
"Listen, stop doubting me first of all it's really lowering my self confidence here. Lockwood is weak outside of those walls, once we break open the walls, it's fair game."
"Why do you even want Lockwood?" I asked.
"Bay, we've been over this. This camp sucks ass! Like it really sucks. Imagine us living it up in Lockwood. I'd probably change the name to the Ryder Inn, or something like that, but never mind. That baseball bat is to protect you, you're coming with us."
"A baseball bat? You gave me a baseball bat to protect myself with in a war with guns?"
Ryder looked at me confused for a bit, then said, "Uh, yeah. Get in the truck."
"Ryder!" said a bandit, running up to him in a hurry, "A bunch of stranglers are headed this way!"
"Why?" Ryder yelled.
"I don't know? They just are!"
"I thought it was your job to watch the perimeter dumb ass!" Ryder yelled.
"I am, but there were just too many!"
"Too many?" Ryder asked, walking close to him, "Too many?"
"That's right sir." The man said, sweating and backing away from him.
Ryder punched him across the face and the man fell to the ground, he then started kicking him.
"Too many?" Ryder yelled, "Too many of my foot up your ass!"
"What?" he asked.
Ryder started kicking the man in the butt several times, he just kept going.
After he was done, he simply walked away like nothing had ever happened. He shot his arms up into the air and screamed.
"Alright everyone! Let's go kick Lockwood's ass!"
All of the bandits got into their trucks, and I was forced to ride in the truck with Ryder. The trucks headed off, leaving the other man in the dirt. The one that Ryder beat the shit out of. The strangles showed up, I saw them behind the truck. They all pounced on the injured man and started ripping him apart. A tear fell from my face and I looked at Ryder, who was grinning the whole way to Lockwood. I need out of here.