Emma POV
I never been feel super exhausted of my entire life. I feel like body is aching for head to toe especially in my private part. I feel pain and sore while I slowly made my way into door. I walked outside and ignore all the pain I felt at that moment. I need to leave this place this instant.
Thankfully I made it outside the hotel without collapsing. I went inside my car and try to close my eyes . I wanted to cry and I feel ashamed of myself I just sold my body to man who only want my body in return of money. But I can never regret my decision since it's about saving my sister life at that moment and I don't have other choice but to do it.
I didn't noticed the tears form in my eyes and now falling down to my cheeks. I let it go and I started to sob. After couple of minutes of crying I calm down. I clean my face and started my car heading to my house. I park my car and head towards my condo unit. I open the door and I slowly make my way to my sister room.
I love my sister so much that I will do anything for her. She stirred from her sleep and she slowly open her eyes.
"Hey sis! Did you just arrived from work? I cook dinner but you texted that you will be home late. I put the food in the refrigerator just heat ok? I'm still sleepy!" She said while she yawning.
"You don't have to cook. You just got recover from your surgery ok? I'm sorry I am late tonight. It won't happen again. I promise! Go back to sleep and I will sleep in my room after I eat the food you cooked for me! Thank you!" Then I kissed her forehead and she lye down again and close her eyes and went to slumber.
After I eated the food I went to my room and I took a bath to clean myself. I can still smell the scent of Xavier in my body. Shit! I scrub my whole body trying to erase all the trace happen tonight. But how can I when all I can see my body is covered full of love bites from him. I can still remember how he took me passionately. I shake head and try to erase it.
"Forget everything happen tonight. Move on!" I chant to myself.
After I took a bath I change into my comfortable pajamas set and went to bed to sleep.
The next morning, when I am in my clinic. My secretary knock my door and said that a committee requested my presence in the meeting room. I confused since it's my first to be summon. I get up from my seat and went to meeting room quickly. I knock on the door and enter when I heard a voice inside said "come in".
I was surprised when I saw one woman seated on chair beside the table. She gesture me to take the seat in front.
"You might wondering why I summon you?" She said.
"Yes ma'am!" I said truthfully. I don't really know her since I never seen or close to any committee members before.
"My name is Cecilia Knight. And I am the mother of Xavier Knight!" She said while I look at he shock.
"Yes from the way your face reacted I know you already get why I asked you here!" She said. But I still bow my head
"Doctor Emma I heard Xavier paid all your sister expenses here in the hospital. Which is quite confusing to me. Your not close to him nor know each other. You become his doctor when he had accident a couple of weeks ago right?" She said.
"Yes ma'am!" I said.
"Then happen? Why did he paid your sister bills?" She asked me persistently
"I don't want to talked about it ma'am but I think you already had an idea why! " I said straight to the point.
"Of course I had! But I can't believe it! Emma you had such a good reputation in our hospital. I don't understand why?" She said to me.
"Because I don't have choice at that time. I don't have money for her surgery and she's slowly dying. I am sorry ma'am if done something this low. It will never happen again. I promise!"I said.
"Then I am holding that promise! And I don't want to see you with my son again Emma. I don't want a low life like you for him. He has already someone that suits for him. A woman with pride and dignity and of course money and power too which I know you don't have. I just wanted to be prank to you dear since I don't want you to be one of woman he played and end up broken!" She said while smiling fakely to me.
I nodded then she dismiss me. I let of my breath that I hold when I am inside. I wanted to cry but what can I do it's the truth I can never change it. I took a long breath and proceed to my work.
She doesn't have to remind me my place since I know what happen between me and Xavier is called lust only. He only wanted me for sex and I used his money for my sister surgery. I don't even want to see again and I know he feel the same. He's a man who're anyway and he is used to that kind of thing happened between us .