Present time
Leo's POV
The racket from my alarm woke me up from a deep and peaceful sleep. "Urgh..." I groaned, turning into my back. Do I really have to get up right now? It was the first day of the new semester and I was in no mood for a bunch of idiotic, arrogant little fucks and a bunch of flirty little girls that had no self respect, with their tiny tops and even smaller skirts. All that most of them ever did in my class was flirt with me or with the boys in my class, instead of paying attention to the subject.
I only had a few students that actually took my class seriously, the rest just used it as a blow-off class. It was fucking frustrating. To make matters worse the disrespect I got from some of my students, grated against my inner Dominant. Making me want to punish them and teach them the proper way to respect their superiors. Unfortunately for me, the punishments I used would definitely be frowned upon.
I eventually got out of bed and headed into my bathroom, stark naked, and switched on the shower. I had a quick shower, got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast.
Eileen was in the kitchen, just finishing off my breakfast so I sat down at the breakfast counter and she placed my plate in front of me, along with a cup of coffee. "Morning Sir, how are you this fine morning?" She chirped with a smile.
I gave her a smile in return, "Morning Eileen, I'm good and you?" I asked.
"I'm good Sir, thanks for asking. I made your lunch and I have a flask of coffee for you." She said, still moving around and smiling as she went. I've honestly never met anyone as happy with life as she was. It made for pleasant mornings.
"Thanks love, I appreciate you taking such good care of me" I told her, and no, I was not attracted to her. First off, she was fifty eight years old and she was way more of a mother to me than my own ever was, which was why I loved her so much.
My socialite mother couldn't be bothered with a child, when there were so many parties to attend. My dad left when I was twelve and after that, my mother just couldn't be bothered and left me to be raised by a long line of nannies.
I shook off those morbid thoughts and finished my breakfast and got up. Eileen took my empty plate while I gathered my briefcase and coat. I gave her a kiss on her cheek, went through another door in the kitchen that connected to my garage and I got into my Lexus IS300.
A lot of people couldn't understand how I could afford the luxury car, or the big house or the expensive clothing, but they didn't know about the club I was part-owner of or the other businesses I had shares in.
Technically I didn't have to work at the College, but even though I got irritated with the kids, I still enjoyed teaching. It was a passion of mine since I was a teen and I wasn't ready to let go of it yet.
I made my way to work in the early morning traffic and parked in my designated spot. I got out, grabbed my briefcase off the passenger seat and made my way to my office.
On my way there, I saw a boy sitting on a bench, partially hidden by the bush next to it. He was small for his age, only about 5'5 at a guess. He looked like a child, with his sweet and innocent features and he was gorgeous. Kayden was one of the few students in my class that actually paid attention.
But there was something about him that called to me. The few times I have tried to talk to him about class, he had started shaking and he would keep a distance between us, like he was scared of me and I couldn't understand why. I mean, I know I was a bit intimidating at 6'6 and having a muscular build, but I have never done anything to cause him to fear me. I had a bad feeling inside that made me think something bad had happened to him in the past.
The only person I ever saw him with was his friend Maxie. Generally, if you saw one of them, the other won't be too far behind, so I assumed he was waiting for his friend to get there. As I passed him, I decided to greet him, "Good morning Kayden. How are you today?" I asked, softening my voice and face so that he won't feel too intimidated.
He looked up at me and quickly looked back down, his face flushed bright red, and his hands started twitching. "M-morning M-mr R-rodriguez. I-i'm fine a-and y-you?" He mumbled and stuttered out, not looking at me, but at his hands instead.
"I'm good, thanks for asking" I said, and then decided that was enough for today. I could see the way his body had started to shake and I didn't want him to feel pressured by me. So I told him to have a good day and I walked away.
Just as I was almost out of sight of him, I turned back to him, only to see him looking at me as well. I smirked when we made eye contact and he flushed red again as he quickly looked down at his hands. I smiled as I carried on walking, feeling lighter than I had all morning.
Kayden always had that effect on me. The other effect he had was less innocent, as all I wanted to do was tie him up to my Saint Andrews Cross and paddle his tight looking ass till it was bright red, but that is an urge that I kept locked away, not wanting to even let it out for air. First off, he was my student and it was against the rules and second off, the poor innocent was terrified of me.
I made my way to my office and closed the door behind me, locking it. The last thing I needed or wanted right now was some annoying girl or even some of the boys at the school to bother me so early in the morning. More than once I had been cornered in my office by some over eager student wanting to better their grade by getting it on with a teacher and I had learned to lock myself in here instead of leaving my door unlocked. I had no delusions or hang ups about my looks, I knew my looks were above average, but I wasn't about to use it to have a quick lay with a student. Besides I could lose my job here.
I was also not interested in the female population at the College. And even though I was gay, I was also not interested in any of the boys that had tried their luck with me. The only time I had ever wanted to take one of my students and bend them over my desk and fuck them into oblivion, was the day I had met Kayden, three years ago. The minute he walked into my class, clutching his books to his chest. My whole body had tightened and my dick had gone hard so fast, that I went a bit dizzy. I had to go stand behind my desk to hide my hard-on from the rest of my students.
As time went by, I had noticed his fear, not just of me, but of any male that came close to him. His fear seems to be aimed at men that were bigger than him, which was most of the guys in class due to his tiny stature.
Maxie was the only one he eventually allowed close to him, but then again Maxie was only about 5'6 or 5'7. And it helped that Maxie wasn't the kind of person to take no for an answer.
In fact, he was the total opposite of Kayden. He was outgoing, exuberant, and the friendliest person you would ever come across, and I think that helped Kayden a lot.
I also knew that both the boys were gay, as I had overheard some of the guys calling them fags, and Maxie retaliating. I had even heard Maxie blatantly calling me the daddy type and telling another student to let him ride him. He did that, because the guy had told him and Kayden to take their fag asses somewhere else. So Maxie decided to mess with the guy by asking him to let him ride him and calling him daddy.
Needless to say, I didn't even have to intervene as the boy shivered in disgust and moved to the opposite side of the classroom. I did however, call the boy out after class and told him that I will not tolerate that kind of discrimination in my class and if he wanted to keep his football scholarship, then he will keep his opinions to himself in future.
After that the boy stopped his bullshit and kept away from Maxie and Kayden.
The day went by quite quickly and before I knew it, it was time to go home. Not that I could go home and relax. Nope, I had to go home, shower and get ready to head to the club that I owned along with my friend, Dean.