Leo's POV
After I got home and had my shower, I got dressed in my soft leather pants that hung low on my hips and a black button up shirt that I left unbuttoned. I wore that with my black boots and deemed myself ready.
I left and made my way to the club, where I was supposed to do a whipping demonstration tonight. I had chosen Teagan as my sub for the night, because he was the most experienced at whipping. But I will admit, he irritated the fucking shit out of me. He was bratty and self centered and treated the other subs like they were beneath him, all because he used to be Dean's sub. But Dean had refused to renew his contract, because of his behavior, leaving the sub to become bitter and resentful.
I really needed to get a boy of my own, so I didn't have to deal with the club subs. Don't get me wrong, they were all gorgeous boys, but the innocence in their faces and the sweetness in their demeanor was mostly fake. I wanted a true innocent and someone that was truly sweet. Someone like Kayden.
Maxie wasn't far off when he called me a Daddy as that is exactly what I was. I wanted a sweet boy that I could train and then spoil rotten. Someone that would make me the beginning, middle and end of their existence and someone that I could make mine.
At thirty two, I wasn't exactly old, but I wasn't getting any younger either. I felt the need to settle down with someone and eventually start a family with that person and I knew my friend Dean felt the same way. There was only one difference between Dean and I and that was the fact that I was a lot more strict when it came to behavior and respect than he was. He seemed to prefer the boys that were sweet, but with a mischievous streak, whereas I preferred a boy that was well behaved in every way.
Unfortunately for me I haven't got my own boy so for tonight's demonstration I had to deal with Teagan.
I walked past Marko, one of our bouncers at the door and asked him if he knew where Dean was. He told me that he had last seen Dean heading for his office, so I went there first. I knocked on his door and I heard him say I could enter.
"Hey man, how's it looking for tonight?" I asked as I took a seat opposite him, relaxing back and putting my feet on the corner of his desk.
He looked at me with a grin on his face, " Things are looking good tonight. Looks like we'll have a full house for the dance floor as well as the demonstration area. I'm just sorry that you have to do it with Teagan. I know how annoying you find him to be at times. At least he shuts up when he's in subspace." He said with a sigh.
"You do realize I'm not fucking him, right" I said with a grimace. I went there once and he automatically assumed I wanted to be his next Master. Hell no, the last thing I needed was a conceited, bitter sub that tried to top from the bottom.
"That's fine, he really gets off on whipping, so you should be able to get him to let go without ever even touching him." He said, understanding my feelings towards Teagan. I wouldn't even be doing this demonstration at all if it wasn't for the fact that it was my area of expertise as well as the fact that I was one of the owners.
"Thank fuck for that, no offence to anyone, but he seriously needs to be pulled in line. I'm going to go find him and get ready for the show, it starts in an hour." I said as I got up and went to open the door.
I left the office and went to find Teagan. I asked the barman if he had seen him and he rolled his eyes and said he saw him by the demonstration stage, giving orders on how things were supposed to be set up for the scene. I shook my head and went in the direction of the stage. I found him shouting at the boys that were busy setting things up.
" Are you fucking kidding me? I specifically told you to put the cross in the center of the stage. Why the fuck is it set up to the left?" I heard him shout at Corey, another sub that worked at the club.
He had a Master of his own and he was such a sweet boy, and he definitely didn't deserve this abuse. His Master, Hayden would go ballistic if he heard how Teagan was shouting at his baby. He was one of my best friends and I knew how protective he was of Corey.
I didn't know exactly what had happened to the little guy in the past, but I did know some of it. Let just say that their relationship started off on strange terms, with Hayden actually just trying to protect Corey from an abusive father, but then something else happened, which shattered the sweet boy. After that Hayden spent months putting him back together. Now the two were inseparable most of the time and Hayden didn't tolerate anyone causing his baby any stress.
"M-master Leo s-said he w-wanted t-the cross to t-the left of t-the s-stage for t-tonights demonstration." I heard Corey reply softly, and I felt so sad hearing him stutter like that. It only happened when he was feeling very stressed or upset.
Teagan's body tensed and I knew what was coming. "I don't give a fuck what he said. I'm telling you to put it in the fucking center you stupid little bitch!" He shouted at Corey and the poor boy looked like he was seconds away from tears.
I decided I had enough of this bullshit and cleared my throat loudly. Both boys turned to me and Corey looked immensely relieved. Teagan looked guilty at first, but then he lifted his chin stubbornly. "Corey, thank you for doing as I had asked. Why don't you go find your Master, little one. I'm sure he misses you." I told him with a gentle smile.
He smiled back at me, before thanking me and scurrying out if there, in search of his Master.
I turned to Teagan, folding my arms across my chest and raising my brow at him. At first he doesn't say or do anything, then he decides to try charming me, "Hi daddy Leo, I didn't know you were here already." He says, with a smile that was meant to look innocent, but I could see right through it. Besides I was right there for the whole thing. I saw what he did and heard how he spoke to poor Corey.
"Let me make a few things very clear to you Teagan. First, I am not and never will be, your daddy and second, if I ever hear you talking like that to another sub, I will make sure you lose your membership at this club. I have had enough of your fucking bullshit, do I make myself absolutely clear?" I asked in a hard tone. He nodded and mumbled a yes sir resentfully.
"Good, now let's get ready for our demonstration, then I will speak to Master Dean about a suitable punishment for you. I think it's only fair that Master Hayden deals with your punishment as it was his boy you just treated so badly." I said as I turned away from him and made my way to my Play Room.
I didn't miss the sharp intake of breath as I said it and I smirked. Hayden was a hard ass Dom except with his baby and when Corey was involved, he became a nightmare to whoever upset him.
We got ready and I drilled him on what was expected of him. Once it was time, we made our way to the stage and I proceeded to strap Teagan to the cross, talking to him to make sure he was still in the right head space for the scene. He nodded and quietly answered all my questions confidently, so I thanked him for agreeing to the scene with me and stepped back, while I looked out over the audience. It looked like Dean had been dead serious when he said it was a full house tonight, I couldn't see one seat open. I unfurled my favorite whip and moved to stand about three feet away from the boy strapped to the cross.
I pulled my arm back and let the whip fly forward suddenly, the tip landing with precision on Teagan's left ass cheek. Again, and it curled around his right thigh. Another time and it curled around his waist and the tip kissed the head of Teagan's cock, causing pre-cum to drip from the slit of his rock hard member.
With every lash of my whip, the boy arched and writhed in pleasure, and I knew he was close. He started begging to cum, but I denied him for a while so he could build up to a shattering release.
I saw the tears rolling down his cheeks and I knew he had enough. "Cum!" I commanded and he released spectacularly, his whole body shaking and vibrating. I caught his body just as he slumped forward, completely drained, and I released his wrists and ankles from the restraints. Dean came from behind the stage with a blanket for Teagan and I wrapped his body, before picking him up and carrying him to my Play Room so he could rest. I looked down at him and he had a smile on his face and he kept mumbling stuff, completely out of it.
I lay him down on the bed and went into the bathroom for a wash cloth. I ran it under some warm water and went to clean Teagan's body. I wiped down his entire body as he started coming back from his subspace. I got some water and cut fruits from my small fridge that I had stocked earlier tonight and put it on the bedside table. I stayed next to him, rubbing his back and ass with a special lotion that would help soothe the welts caused by the whip.
Finally his eyes opened and he looked more awake, so I fed him some water and some of the fruits. I waited for him to be fully aware and himself again, before I left him there to sleep a bit if he wanted to and went to find Dean.
I found him in the VIP area and explained to him what happened earlier with Corey. He agreed with me about Hayden doing the punishment and said he will talk to him. I said my good nights to him and a few other Doms that were there, before going back to my room to check on Teagan.
I got to my room and Teagan was nowhere to be found so I collected my shirt, wallet and keys and made my way down to the dance floor. I saw him there, sitting on the lap of another Dom, and knew he was alright. He might be a horrible sub, but it was still my responsibility to make sure he was okay after a scene with me. So I left him there with the Dom and made my way outside to my car.
I got in and went home, all the while thinking about the type of sub I wanted for myself, but my mind just kept turning back to Kayden. He would make the perfect boy for me, but we had so many obstacles in our way and I needed to figure out if he was worth all the trouble at the end of the day.