She was beauty, grace... And cold natured as all hell. Her perfect features, long black silky hair, and tan, exotic skin were everything that I wasn't.
Me? Yeah, well... I'm just some 5'5 short haired blonde with a stupid number of freckles and a curvy figure hidden by countless baggy sweaters. What was the point of having curves is all the girls were either straight or turned off by the freckles?
But back to her. She could be a model, hell she could be anyone she wanted to be, she could even get herself into a royal marriage if she pleased.
She was tall, and amazing. And hot. Did I mention hot?
I sighed quietly, going back to work and ignoring to looks of my friends sitting either side of me. This was university, not some high school were every student constantly declared their love for their busty black-haired model of a teacher.
Honestly, I loved my classes, doing my Bachelor of Criminology was way more fun than high school classes, but I couldn't help thinking that being done by my teacher of criminology would be far more fun.
I stretched once I'd completed my coursework book. It wasn't due for another two weeks yet, but it was an easy enough task, one I'd been surprised to even see in such a high university course.
"You've finished"
My breath caught as I realised my professor was standing right beside me, her long black hair sliding over my shoulder as she bent over me to flip through my book.
There was a disgruntled muttering that went through the class. Half were jealous that they weren't getting close and personal with Alison Tsovinski, and the other half were frustrated that I'd been able to finish the book so fast.
"Good, I have an assignment for all those who finish, which is required to be done within 3 weeks"
I sat and listened as she brought me the papers on the assignment, explaining them quietly in her sultry yet unchanging voice. She never smiled, her expression rarely changed, but her eyes, stormy grey, always spoke of what she wanted. Yet as I met her eyes as the class finished, I just couldn't read them.
A week passed before I saw her again in class, a family emergency pulling me away as my mother had passed away.
I felt bitter, I decided as I sat in my usual spot, Melissa and David protectively sitting either side of me. I felt bitter because a woman I had hated died. But once upon a time she had been sweet and caring. Part of me ached for the fact that she had truly stopped loving me, another part of me was angry, angry that she had never even tried to love me like she did when I was little and she had treated me like I was her world.
There was also another part of me, a much larger part, that seethed in memory of the woman and was glad she was finally gone. Abusive parents should never be allowed the privilege of being parents at all.
I tried my hardest to focus in class after handing the last assignment in, 2 weeks early again. But no matter what, I couldn't bring myself to even listen to the hypnotising voice of my gorgeous professor.
Before I even realised the class was over, and Alison was speaking to me.
"Ana, please stay behind for a moment"
I frowned, heart jumping a little.
Alison sat at the table beside me, facing me, as the last two people -Melissa and David- left.
"You weren't very focused, and you weren't here last week, is something wrong?"
I felt confused, University professors never usually take any care for their students private life, it wasn't like high school.
"My mother died"
Her features softened, taking me by surprise.
"I'm sorry to hear that"
I felt the bitterness settle back in, shaking my head.
"Don't be, she was an abusive monster"
"Yet you're still hurt"
I froze, looking away from her. No wonder she was a criminology professor.
"She... Loved me once, long ago... Long before the emotional, then physical abuse."
I jumped a little as she rested her hand on mine, tan skin startlingly contrasted against my own pale tone.
"Is this why you chose this career path?"
I met her eyes fully, seeing the gentle sorrow there.
"It is one of many reasons, but it is the best one I suppose"
I sighed, shaking my head. This had gotten personal, too personal. Here was the woman of my dreams, comforting me about the death of my abusive mother.
"You can always come to me for help"
Her sweet tone was odd, but not off putting. It was a new side I hadn't seen before.
"Yeah... Um, thanks Miss Tsovinski"
She gripped my hand.
"I know you know my first name, so please call me by it"
"... Alison"
She chuckled softly, stunning me into stupidity. She was smiling and laughing.
"Tell me, Ana, would you join me for dinner?"
I blinked a few times.
"This is a fairly late class, I'd have offered lunch if it was earlier in the day but it's almost 7 now, it could nearly be considered a night class"
I smiled a little.
"Yeah... Yeah, I'd love dinner, I missed having a proper meal at lunch anyway"
She smiled again and stood, pulling me up with a tight grip on my hand.
"My shout then, for keeping you here late."
I shook my head, going to beg her to let me pay, but she cut me off, dragging her fingers over my lips and cheek.
"Please, it's my treat, so let me."
I nodded dumbly, picking up my bag before she led me out of the empty room.
"Did you drive here?"
I shook my head.
"I don't own a car."
"Good, I'll drive."
I fell into step beside her, following her to a sexy black Camaro in the teachers car park.
"I didn't think teaching paid THAT well."
She laughed, louder this time.
"It doesn't, I work with the BAU outside of class hours."
My eyes widened almost comically.
"How do you have time for both?!"
"Well, how do you?"
"What do you mean"
I blushed as she held the door open, winking at me before going around to get in the driver’s seat.
"You finished a three-week assignment in one week and went to your mother's funeral at the same time"
I shrugged.
"It's not as much a teaching a university criminology course and working for the behavioural analysis unit"
Alison pulled out of the parking lot and got onto the main road before replying.
"It's still a higher standard than any other student. You get 100% on every single assignment and task, and you always finish early. No other student has successfully matched you, not at all in my history of teaching."
I blushed; I was really doing that well.
"What do you do on weekends Ana?"
I barely hesitated in replying to the sudden change of subject, it was hardly a challenge to keep up.
"You don't hang out with your friends, David and Melissa?"
"Only to study."
"Well, that makes sense, they're close behind you study scores."
I smiled, I had spent a lot of time tutoring them and it was a relief to know they were doing well.
The car soon stopped, we weren't all that far from the university, at a large restaurant.
"This is... Ohhh no no Alison you can't this place is one of the most expensive places in town!"
"Ana, focus on me and not the cost, I have 2 jobs remember, and a Camaro, it's not that much."
I shook my head but gave in, it was too hard to fight over it.
Before I even realised it, she was opening my door, holding her hand out to me.
"Come Ana, let me show you just how much I can afford to do."
I groaned, breath coming in short gasps as a talented tongue lapped over my breasts.
"O-Oh fuck Alison!"
She purred against my naked body, her equally naked body pressed against mine.
The sexual tension had risen over dinner, both of them seated next to each other in a dark corner of the restaurant.
One thing then led to another and we both acted on our sexual desires at the same time.
Now we were in my bed, naked and hot against each other, my fingers tangled in her hair as her fingers touched my sensitive body, and she'd been touching me for hours, working me up, but not letting me finish.
Her lips met mine, demanding and burning, her nails digging into my hips.
"Do you have any idea how hard it was today? Watching you look so lost, and not being able to help you."
I whimpered softly, legs spreading as one of her hands trailed back between them.
"Good girl," she murmured against my neck.
A shudder ran through my body at her words. I arched up against her as her fingers slid over my clit, devouring my mouth with hers again.
She swallowed each sound I made, fingers slipping down into me, pressing harder against my naked body. I couldn't get out a single coherent word now, grinding down on her fingers in need.
"Stay still."
I froze with a low whine, eyes fluttering open as she sat up straddling my thigh and slipping the fingers that had been inside me into her mouth. I moaned, shaking harder in need.
"Do you need it, Ana? Do you need release?"
I gripped the bed sheets, whimpering yet again.
"Words, Ana, tell me."
"Y-y-es! G-god Al-alis-pleas-se!"
She smirked, running her tongue up over my body as her digits slipped roughly in and out of me a few times.
And I did.
I woke slowly the next morning, deliciously sore, to the smell of coffee and bacon drifting into the bedroom.
I was still naked, laying on my stomach, sheets gathered around my waist, sunlight warming my bare back.
Slowly, I opened my eyes, looked to my doorway, and smiled at Alison, standing in the doorway with a cup of coffee, and food for me.
"Good morning"