Watching Farhan leave the country wasn't so easy for neither Natasha nor Haya. They tried hard not to cry as he stood in the boarding pass line. He smiled at them both, trying to act strong but from inside he was breaking too.
After an hour of I'll miss you and take care talks, he's finally leaving.
It wasn't easy for any of them to leave each other. They've been close, so close and this sudden distance was something very unexpected. They had an emotional group hug for one last time until he comes back.
Natasha probably faced the hardest time among them, as she stopped herself from not crying. She's going to miss him so much! But will he miss her as much was her question.
Suddenly, Farhan broke the line and came towards them once again. They both gasped as he pulled Haya into a bone crushing hug. A huge blush crept her cheeks as she hugged him back.
"I'll be back soon, okay. And then... I will ask you for something. Hopefully, you'd say yes?" his eyes were so hopeful and vulnerable as he broke the hug. Haya nodded her head as she sniffed softly whilst whispering," I'll wait."
Natasha's heart broke into million pieces at the scene in front of her. As a good friend she should be happy for her best friends but why was she so jealous? She clenched her fists in fury. His every word felt like a rip to her soul. She controlled herself from not breaking down. This was too hard for her to watch.
Anger builds up within her as she wiped away her tears. It was her fault anyway. Why did she had to fall in love with him, when she already knew he'd never be hers. But that hurt her nevertheless.
Faking a smile, she waved at the disappearing figure of him as he joined back in the line. Haya hugged her in happiness as they both watched him leave after one last bye, but Natasha couldn't get herself to be so happy for them. She was probably the worst ever best friend, but the stupid heart wants what it wants.