Natasha groaned as she stared at her ceiling fan whilst tossing and turning to and forth. It's freaking two in the morning and sleep has not yet touched her eyes. She got up with a sigh and took a walk to her bathroom and then to her kitchen, after rummaging for sometime she found a hide and seek packet. She thanked the god that her aunt was fast asleep in the next room.
Jumping back onto the bed, she picked her phone and opened her google assistant with an excited face and mumbled," hey google!" in the mean time,she also munches a biscuit into her mouth.
"Hi, Natasha. What can I do for you?"
"Tell me something interesting." She never leaves a chance to learn something whenever and wherever she could. That's one of the unique thing about her along with her pretty green eyes.
"If you sit for more than 11 hours a day, then there are 50% chances that you'll die within 3 years."
"Damn. That's absurd. But scary." Natasha sighed but her eyes lit up brightly as she thought of what to google next.
"Google what's the time in Florida currently?" her face was eager and excited.
"2:00 am Monday, in India is
4:30 pm Sunday, in Tallahassee, FL, USA" Google replied. With a jerk she sat up and immediately opened her whatsapp. The first person in her call dial like usual was Farhan, after calling his number, she patiently waited for him to pick up the call.
"Nats? You're awake till now?" came the surprised voice of Farhan as he answered her call.
"I couldn't sleep. Tomorrow is our last exams and well i'm freaking out." Natasha replied with honesty and heard him chuckle from the other side. Her eyes goes wide in shock as she saw Farhan requesting for video call flash on her screen. Making sure that her hair looks okayish, she accepted his video call.
"HEY!" he yelled into the phone excitedly.
"HI" she waved at the screen and subtly checks him out, clad in a white shirt and black pants; Farhan looked handsome as usual. Maybe a little too handsome than usual. She quickly averts her eyes and looks him in the eye.
"I miss you." they both whisper at the same time and smiled sadly.
"I wish you were here. It's been six months already." Natasha mumbled sadly but Farhan gave her a helpless look.
"I'm stuck here. But the work is going great, that's the only good thing happening so far. I so wish that I was there with you guys tomorrow as you both will finish your last exam of graduation." Farhan smiled proudly. Natasha nodded her head. How much she wished! If only everything happened like she wished; then life would have been so fun, but life is anything but that. At least for her it was.
"But stop freaking out. You're the famous nerd of your class, you will rock it like usual." Farhan cheered her up with his charming smile, which automatically makes her smile as well. Every time he smiles, his cute little dimple makes its appearance and she had to make sure not to drool over them everytime.
"Insha Allah!" She smiled at him and continued," how are you doing? Are you eating properly?" he groaned at the mention of food.
"I miss our food, yaar. The spicy and tasty food, I miss them so much. It's been so long." she nodded her head. It must be very difficult for him to eat all those cheese and cereals every single day," when you come back home, I'll cook all your favorite food, but for that you need to get back soon." she demanded with hopeful eyes.
"Don't forget that biriyani." Farhan licked his lips excitedly making her giggle, she nodded her head nevertheless and they both continued to talk anything and everything.
Staying away from Farhan was not how she has imagined it to be. That was so horrible and difficult. Now she understood how hard it was to be in a long distance relationship. But funnily enough, her situation is nameless. She was in love with this guy for years but he has no idea and how much ever she tried, he refused to leave her mind.
Her love for him was one sided and pure. If he loves someone else then she's okay with that. As long as he's happy, she's happy too. Her heart was that big.
But this distance was messing up with her feelings way too bad. She can neither talk about it nor express herself to anyone. And it was so damn frustrating. That's why her parents said, stay away from guys. Oh, how she wished that she has listened to them.
"How's Haya?" he asked in between and her smile immediately vanished from her face.
"She's good. Must be sleeping." she replied with a fake smile. Natasha loves Haya but when it comes to Farhan, the little envy which she has for her was growing day by day and it was getting very dangerous.
"You've exams tomorrow. You must be sleeping too. Go to sleep." Farhan replied with concerned filled voice.
"Yeah, I should." she replied but he didn't pay any attention to her as a new member made an appearance behind him and he turned to talk with that person.
"Uh, I have to go. Work is calling." Farhan sighed and the person behind him cut him off in between," No, Mr. Sheikh, if you're busy we can postpone the shoot." the girl flashed her bright smile, assuringly. By the way she was looking at Farhan, it was clear that she's attracted to him. Natasha waited for him to look at the screen.
"Hey, Nats. Uh, well... She's Sasha, a super model. Basically works for our company, until I work here. I gotta go now. Go and sleep. You've exam tomorrow. Get some rest." Farhan smiled at her as he waved bye and before she could respond to him, he hung up her call making Natasha frown at the screen.
That girl was so gorgeous.
A freaking super model.
And by the looks of it, she might have a crush on Farhan.
Who can blame her? Any straight girl will fall for that guy, he's not just a pretty face but a really down to earth and kind hearted guy. Everyone falls for him. But his heart though, is only reserved for Haya Ali. She or that Sasha, no one stands a chance. And that was the fact which Natasha finds hard to digest. She's slowly accepting it though.