She smirked in delight as he sank, making her own bid for escape knowing he would come after her in a heartbeat. He may have superior strength because of his physique, but she had the superior speed and was more agile. She dodged her cousin’s attempts to reach her and climbed soaking wet out of the lake, bending over to catch her breath as she giggled at his bedraggled state.
Liam’s hair was a tangled, dripping mess, looking almost black as opposed to the rich deep auburn it normally was. His jeans and T-shirt were drenched and weighed him down as he waded out of the lake. She knew she probably didn’t look much better and tried to wring some of the excess water out of her hair as she laughed at him. "You look like a drowned rat."
"So, do you," he chuckled, pouncing on her and taking her down to the grass where they rolled a couple of times before coming to lie on their backs in the waning sunlight, laughing. "That’s the most beautiful sound I’ve heard in a very long time, Elle."
She turned her head to look at him, puzzlement in her eyes. "What is?"
"Your laughter." Liam turned on his side, leaning up on an elbow to smile down at her. "There’s no harm in letting go and having a little fun every now and then, Elle. You deserve it and it’s your right. You don’t have to look after me anymore."
A frown marred her face and her gaze slid from his to look up at the darkening sky. "I do enjoy life, Liam. I may not be as spontaneous or demonstrative as most people, but I am not unhappy with my life. We are all different, cousin."
"But I know there is so much more within you, Elle. It was there once, a long time ago. It hasn’t disappeared, it’s merely been suppressed."
Rising, Elina reached deep within herself and called on her abilities to quickly dry her clothes and hair. In less than five seconds, there was no indication she’d just been playing in the lake, her expression once calmer and more collected. She turned to face her cousin, warmth flickering across her features. "You have the gentlest of hearts, Liam, and you have much to endure while you try to claim your mate. Apply your gifts where they are needed, cousin. I am fine as I am."
She turned and headed back to the compound, leaving Liam feeling frustrated. For just a second there he’d had her laughing, hoping to have started her off on her own journey of discovery. An image of Karn came to his mind as he rose and dried off too. Maybe it wasn’t his job to awaken Elina’s emotions; maybe that role belonged to another? He’d love to be a fly on the wall as THAT situation unfolded. Smiling again, Liam turned and followed his cousin.
Dayton smiled as his eyes lovingly traced his mate’s features. He could detect a slight hint of strain in the set of her lips, but overall, she appeared to be handling Reasa’s presence in their home quite well. As always, she was the most beautiful woman in the world to him, and his pulse sped up as he strode across the room to pluck her from her chair and kiss her hard.
He ignored Reasa’s presence, instead luxuriating in the exotic taste of his woman, delighting in how she instantly molded her body against his and didn’t hesitate to kiss him back with as much fervor. "Hmmm, I missed you this afternoon. Ma wants to know when her daughter-in-law is going to grace them with her presence. She said to remind you it’s been three months since your last visit." There was no rebuke in his tone, just a light teasing. Despite her protestations, he knew Freya enjoyed her visits to the Alexander household.
Sighing, she pulled her head back and gave him a pointed look. "I have Ancient duties to perform as well as pack duties. I am expected to perform familial duties too? I visit as often as I can." Her lips quirked in a small smile. "Anyway, your parents prefer to see Elina, rather than me. Where is our daughter? Did you leave her there?"
Dayton dropped another quick kiss on her mouth and reluctantly released her before his body reacted as it predictably did. One kiss from his woman was all it took to have him wanting to ravish every delicious inch of her body. "We found Liam lurking outside so Elina’s gone for a walk with him." His gaze slid to the other woman in the room and he watched her stiffen at her mate’s name. It made him sad to see her instinctive reaction. Liam was certainly going to have a hard time wooing the attractive creature sitting at his table.
"He was told to stay away," Freya growled, a frown marring her brow. "What is it with you males that you’re incapable of listening to the simplest of wisdom? He was really spying on us? I am going to have some serious words with that young man."
Her irritation immediately had Dayton reaching for her again and brushing her lips gently with his. "Yes, it’s amazing how the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, honey. I know someone else who was incapable of resisting the urge to spy on her mate when she met him."
His teasing struck home and she had the good grace to look slightly sheepish, but being Freya, she wasn’t about to back down easily. "I did not know you were my mate," she countered in a prim tone. "You were merely someone who was irritating me and required to be put in your place." "I had to seek protection in the pack, woman. You were a nightmare," he continued to tease, laughing as her expression turned outraged. "You know it’s the truth, Freya Eriksson, so don’t try to deny it."
Her mutinous expression softened and she laughed with him. "Very well, I may have been a nightmare, but I turned into the best daydream you’ve ever had."
Her answer had him laughing, as did the smugness of her tone. "That you did, my love, and we can’t forget that you’re also my biggest fant..."
"Dayton! We have a guest."
He chuckled louder at her outrage and gave a gentle squeeze so she knew he was just teasing her. He liked seeing his mate off balance and it would do Reasa no harm to see the open, affectionate love there was in a mixed mating. Maybe it would help her to come around to a healthier way of thinking. "Okay, I’ll behave. Just cut Liam a little slack, Freya. He’s doing the best he can under the circumstances."
Turning from his mate, he smiled at the former vampire. It wasn’t hard to see what enthralled his nephew so much. She had her own brand of exotic beauty; her skin having a glorious dark sheen to it, which made him think of warm caramel. Her green eyes were a surprise, given her coloring, but they suited the woman frowning back at him. "Welcome to our home, Reasa."
She inclined her head, rising from the table and walking a wide circle around them. "I will return to my room now, Freya. I will try not to intrude on your personal space."
She was clearly embarrassed by the affection on display, so Dayton didn’t try to halt her bid for freedom. It was evident it would take time for Reasa to feel relaxed in their family environment. "Everything went okay?" he asked Freya when the other woman disappeared into the back of the house.
"It was challenging but I was able to contain the bulk of my irritation," Freya sighed, leaning against his hard body, basking in the soothing comfort that only her mate could give to her. "I felt myself reverting back to form, Day." It was hard to admit that to him, she didn’t want him to be disappointed in her. His hand ran lightly down her back, tickling her spine and sending heat flooding through her body.
"You didn’t revert, honey, you used the tools required to deal with the situation." Dayton tilted her chin up so he could see her expression, his lips tugging in a smile. "Your problem is you think the old Freya has no redeeming qualities, love. You view her as someone to fear, someone to loathe and distrust. She’s part of you, Freya, a very important part of you. She’s as necessary to you as my wolf is to me."
His fingers trailed over her cheek, his thumb brushing her bottom lip with tenderness. "Don’t be afraid of her, honey. Don’t cut off a part of yourself that is as necessary to you as the air you breathe. She is a part of you and I love her with all my heart. So much so, that as soon as we have this problem with Reasa and Liam taken care of, I think we should take a little vacation up to the cabin." He gave her a saucy wink. "Maybe the old Freya would like to come out and play for a little while?"
She threw her head back laughing loudly. "You are incorrigible, Dayton Alexander. First you cry foul when I take what I want from you and now you invite it. Be careful what you wish for, mate of mine. I may hold you to that one day soon."
It was fun to tease with him like this, and her soul felt more settled as it always did when her beautiful man loved her so unconditionally. Freya hugged him tightly, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she glanced absent-mindedly at the dining table. Her body stiffened instantly, a loud growl issuing from her lips.
"The Bitch!"
She was vaguely aware of Dayton’s concerned expression as she was spinning around and flying towards the back of the house.
Reasa knew she didn’t have much time. The wolf and vampire were wrapped up in themselves, but it surely wouldn’t last. Quickly punching the coven’s number into Freya’s stolen cell phone, her heart raced as she waited for Louis to answer. It felt as if it was an eternity before someone picked up at the other end.
"Who is this?"
"Michael?" Reasa whispered the word as loud as she could. "I need to speak to Louis and I don’t have much time. Get him for me."
"Louis has declared you banished from the coven, Thereasa. I don’t have to do anything you ask of me anymore."
Cursing under her breath, she fought back tears at the thought of being excommunicated. If she could talk to Louis, maybe she could convince him otherwise, maybe he would help her. "I need to speak to him, Michael. It’s urgent."
Silence greeted her words and her frustration and fear grew. How long would it take Freya to notice her phone was missing? "Michael, please. I don’t have time. They can come in any moment now."
"They, who? What did you do, Reasa? Louis isn’t here right now. Tell me and I’ll pass your message on."
Fighting back a sob, she took a deep breath. She would have to trust that Michael would do as he said. He had behaved okay when they’d been in Scotland, he had even taken care of the Bruce problem. "I followed Pietro home, and tried to take out one of the hybrids. I’ve been caught and am now held captive by one of the wolf packs the local vampires affiliate themselves with. You can get the GPS coordinates from this call. I need an extraction. Tell Louis to come get me. I’ll accept whatever punishment he deems fit, just don’t leave me here."
For some reason, she found herself hesitate to explain her diminished status. If Louis knew she was now human, he may decide she wasn’t worth the effort. Also, she could use the witch’s power as an enticement. "Tell him I’ve learned something that is so terrible it places all of our kind at threat, and it has nothing to do with the poison. His coven is in danger if he doesn’t rescue me, and he won’t see it coming."
She had Michael’s attention now, she could tell from his increased breathing. "Tell me and I’ll pass it on."
"No! The coven has to come and get me. Louis will have to come himself, if need be, to breach this pack’s defenses. I will tell no one other than him, Michael, and he’d better get here quickly."
The bedroom door crashed open and Reasa was thrown from the bed landing in a crumpled heap on the floor. She screamed in pain as her now fragile body connected with the hardwood flooring, her shoulder dislocating, sending red-hot agony pulsing through her body.