Demetri buried his head in her neck, holding his woman tightly as he uttered another groan. He’d talk to Caleb later and make sure he knew that he hadn’t deserted him. Mara’s words made so much sense and he was thankful to have her by his side, helping to keep him reined in. "Thank you, beautiful."
"You’re welcome, love," she whispered, running her hands through his hair. "Council business won’t convene for a couple of hours. Didn’t you have something you wanted to discuss with me?"
For a second, Demetri stiffened and then he threw back his head and started to laugh. His woman was insatiable and the blood was already rushing to his groin at the thought of what he was going to do to her. "So, I do, wife," he laughed, his deep green eyes sparkling with lust. "I believe you were telling me how you weren’t afraid of me...?"
Mara shrieked as he stood up, throwing her over his shoulder as he did. He gave her backside a hard swat, making her shriek again with laughter. "Let’s go test out that premise, woman."
Caleb parked his car in front of the huge house that made up the training and living areas of the Praetorians. He waited briefly inside the car, his eyes taking in the couple standing on the top step to the main entrance, arms wrapped around each other, lips joined in a kiss so passionate it would have made most humans blush to witness. Mac and Lily made an impressive couple. Even melded together in a heated embrace, they gave off a sense of power, always alert to everything around them.
Lily was clearly feeling in a feminine mood, dressed in a pretty blue summer dress with her chestnut hair cascading over her shoulder. There was a glow about her that was more than just being newly mated. It was an inner radiance that he’d seen many times over the years from female Weres in the early stages of pregnancy. Lily had that same look about her and he couldn’t help but smile that he’d soon get to enjoy another generation of the pack entering the world.
Mac was her complete counterpoint, taller, with wide shoulders. His black hair fell in a single braid down his back. He was dressed for combat in black jeans and T-shirt, bathed in an aura of fluidity even though he was standing still. There was no mistaking his love for his mate; the way he held her spoke to a level of protectiveness she didn’t need. But like all vampires, Mac wasn’t about to leave anything to chance that may cause harm to come to his woman, especially now that she carried his child.
It would likely be a long time before the Praetorian Leader would ease up on his overprotectiveness towards his mate. The past was what shaped everyone, no matter what species they were. And Mac’s past was tinged red with the loss of his wife and daughter when he was still human. Finding love again with Lily and learning to adapt to becoming a father again would take some time, but Caleb was sure his friend would overcome any issues he still needed to work through.
Mac pulled away from Lily, glancing over at the car. Caleb climbed out and headed over to the couple as Lily turned serious eyes on him and leaned her back against Mac’s chest. Her mate’s arms automatically surrounded her, holding her tightly against him.
"Kitchen," she said in a loud stage whisper, her lips quirking as the serious expression melted away.
Mac chuckled, rubbing his chin against her hair as Caleb raised an enquiring eyebrow. "Lily has a theory that the only way she’ll get to remodel the house is if the rooms are demolished by irate vampires. So far she’s got a pretty study and we now have a girlie living room."
There was a bit of an edge to Mac’s tone but it held more amusement than anything else. It was enough to tug Caleb’s lips up further in a smile and he nodded his head to Lily. "I’ll be sure to concentrate on the kitchen if I lose it again." He winked at her as he spoke, bringing a peel of laughter from the Varcolac.
She pulled out of her mate’s arms and gave the Ancient a spontaneous hug. "It’s okay, we forgive you, Caleb. And Mac really can’t complain because he was the one who destroyed the study." She gave her mate a saucy wink as she hurried down the steps. "Sorry, but I need to run. I have to get over to the pack. Kitchen duties await me."
Caleb gave her a quizzical look. "But it’s breakfast time." He’d heard that Rafe had tailored her chastisement to fit her new living arrangements and mating so she was excused breakfast detail.
"Rafe may have given me a reprieve, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to take it," she laughed as she walked towards one of the waiting Jeeps and pulled open the door. "See you later!"
Mac waved, smiling as he watched his mate drive away. It was hard letting her go every day when all he really wanted to do was wrap her up in cotton wool. He knew there was no way in hell his Lily would let him get away with that shit though. He also understood the importance of chain of command, and how much Rafe’s approval meant to his mate. She needed to feel she’d earned back his respect, and Mac would do whatever he could to help her achieve that.
"She’s a remarkable young woman," Caleb smiled, nodding his approval as he turned to face the Praetorian leader.
"More so than most people realize," Mac agreed, pride in his voice. "She’s been up half the night visiting with the injured in the infirmary. She’ll do the same tonight too, after a full day at the pack. I have to fight to get her to come to bed, but she weeps at the thought of Brandon being on his own, and I can’t stand to see her tears." His expression was troubled as he continued to gaze into the distance where his mate had disappeared.
"Brandon? Infirmary?" Caleb was confused. The Praetorians didn’t have an infirmary or at least they hadn’t had one couple of days ago.
"We needed a way to accommodate the injured so as we were fixing up the living room, we restructured some of the first floor into one big room and put them in there. Come in and see for yourself." Mac headed inside and Caleb followed, sparing a quick glance into the newly decorated living room.
Lily’s hand was evident in the soft creams on the walls, and the large comfortable looking sofas and chairs in red with cream accents. The wooden floor now had rugs to give it a splash of colour and luxuriance. He had to concede the room looked good as he followed Mackenzie upstairs.
There wasn’t any hint that the room he followed his friend into had once been at least three large bedrooms. It was now one larger room with half a dozen hospital beds along one wall, complete with some impressive looking hospital equipment. Caleb noted that a couple vampires in the room were following some Weres on their rounds. The vampiric shadows were watching and noting everything the Weres did as they completed their checks on machines and made notes on charts.
"Weres training vampires? Mac, how the hell did you manage to pull this all together in two days?"
"Necessity," Mac answered, his expression now serious. "We fucked up and disaster hit us. When the shit went down, everyone bailed on us, intent on their own personal dramas. None of the Ancients were available so we’ve had to sort things out for ourselves. Thankfully, Lily prevailed on Rafe for some medical assistance, as we vampires know shit about that kind of thing. Both he and Jared have kindly allowed some of their medical personnel to show us how to take care of our own. We’re adapting but it’s a slow process. I’ve had to assign some of my people to learn how to be caregivers."
He walked over to the bed nearest to them, staring down at the male lying so still on his back. His dark hair spilled over the white pillow and he looked as if he were asleep, not a mark on his handsome face. There was a book beside the bedside table and an overstuffed armchair with a light blanket draped over the arm. Mac reached out and straightened the cover over the vampire, a frown marring his face.
"Brandon," he finally said, not looking at Caleb. "Lily sits beside his bed at night, reading to him, refusing to believe that he’s gone. When she first came to the compound and there was trouble afoot, he was at her side every single time. The two of them were inseparable. He’s her best friend, Caleb."
His gaze finally swung to the Ancient and his eyes were bleak. "I know why you’re here, what you’re probably already thinking. Don’t ask me to break her heart because I won’t do it. She has to keep believing there is some hope because she can’t face the alternative.
Caleb took a deep breath, his gaze running over Brandon’s face before looking at the other five occupied beds. Everything Mac and the Weres had achieved was staggering, hell, the Praetorian had done a better job than he would have had he been present. Mac hadn’t so much been blaming him for being absent, more pointing out a fact. His gaze came back to Brandon, his youth apparent as he lay there. "What do the Weres say? Is there any hope? Have we tried delving their minds?"
Mac sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. "Their machines show no visible brainwave activity and a few of us have tried to get inside their heads. Their minds work on some level as they are breathing on their own but that’s about it. Lily tries with Brandon all the time, but senses nothing. She thinks if maybe Liam came up here, there would be something he could do, but Rafe doesn’t want him to know the extent of his mental backlash. He feels it would be too much for him to cope with, given his already volatile control."
Caleb was nodding, his thoughts in turmoil. He had to think about practicalities, but there were so many people affected by what had happened. Lily would be hurt if she lost her friend. Liam would be hurt if he discovered just what he’d triggered. Ultimately, it all came to rest on his doorstep, though. If he’d listened to Annie then there was a high probability none of this would have transpired. What the fuck had he been thinking? No wonder Annie had left with Gard. No wonder Demetri was so pissed at him. How in hell was he going to fix this mess?
"You seem to have a handle on this at the moment, Mac. I came to see if I was needed here and clearly, I’m not. Keep doing what you can to keep them comfortable. We won’t make any decisions until we’ve exhausted all possibilities. I know I don’t need to ask that this is being kept under wraps."
His friend’s indignant expression said it all and Caleb sighed and reached out to squeeze his shoulder. "If there is any way to fix this, I’ll do it, Mackenzie, I promise. I’ll do my level best to see that Lily isn’t hurt. She’s been through enough and I know she would cope just fine if the worst happened but we’ll find some way to make sure it doesn’t come to that."
He was giving reassurances that he had no idea if he’d be able to follow through with. If Rafe was intent on keeping Liam safe then there could be no hope for the injured vampires. Maybe Annie could do something, or Anakatrine? He’d ask when his mate finally came home. For now, all they could do was wait, and he had to get to the pack.
Leaving Mackenzie to take care of things, he climbed back into his car and headed over to the pack compound. Apart from Demetri, things were going a lot smoother with his people than he’d anticipated. The pack, on the other hand, was another matter. They were fiercely protective of their own and despite the mixed species element of the Armand-Hanlon pack, there was still a chance Rafe would close ranks with Jared to protect the Weres. He hoped that wasn’t the case, that the damage caused wasn’t irreversible.