Another day inside his office. Now I can't help to think that maybe he's going to do something with me again.
The image of what happened to us here a month ago was still fresh. It feels like it just happened yesterday!
And until now, I can still feel the pain coming from the hot coffee he “accidentally” poured on my legs. How merciless! Duhh..
He's just so merciless!
I am in front of his office, l am just standing and preparing for what might happen inside. I am completely enduring the sticky feeling all over my skirt. When the door opened and he exposed his head from inside.
“What took you so long? ” He asked strictly.
I only bowed my head. As long as I can, I don't want any interactions with him.
I'm popular of being silent. My colleagues respected me because of my etiquettes. I don't do after work parties, I'll be better at my home finishing my work assignments than doing some bitchy parties.
Astrair opened his door wide for me to enter. My legs really hurts that’s why I didn't hesitated. I wonder what am I gonna do here? On the other side there was a fear too.
“What am I doing here, Sir? Something important ” I said in low voice.
He just sat on his chair and bit his fountain pen while looking at me. Am I going to be sinful if I'll admit that he's freaking hot? A voice from inside dropped in my mind.
I saw him drop his attention on my skirt. He pouted while pointing it out.
“I wonder if it hurts? ” He asked.
If I didn't took my vows seriously, I would have laughed and kicked his face. What a stupid question he's got there.
Of course sir! Can’t you see? My skin was bright red because of that friggin’ coffee of yours!
Instead of voicing out those words, I just stayed silent. I don't want any unprofessional stuff as long as I live.
“I really love it when you're silent. ” he said, making me a bit shock.
Every time he said those words, the hairs all over body stands, he also said that a month ago when we're alone in his office too.
After he said that, he gave me a while long sleeved polo and..boxers?
I am alone with my boss, and suddenly, he gave me these stuffs, plus boxers? What the F?
“I know these are clothes, but what am I gonna do with these? ” I asked.
I am not that stupid, he wanted me to wear these clothes. Then what? What scene does he want me to show him? Me wearing these outside his office with many pairs of eyes watching me in disbelief. That their well respected Erza Scarlet Quevas came out from their boss' office wearing his boss' polo and boxers? Oh please, my reputation or what’s in his mind?
“Wear those clothes, Erza. I know you feel sticky because of the coffee, ” he said.
I know that maybe he's really caring about how I feel, but no thanks.
“No thanks, I am fine with my clothes and I have to work, I don't want them to think dirty of me. ” I refused.
He only looked at me, but eventually smirked.
“I know you don't want issues , I can give it. You need to wear these as my command, don’t worry you're not able to go outside wearing these. You'll just stay here in my office, besides I can kill someone if he dares to look at what’s mine wearing that sexy. ” I didn't heard the last part properly because he lowered his volume. I didn't payed much attention to it because maybe it is not important.
“O-okay, ” I said and turned my back at him. I was thinking if I'll go outside to change and someone will see me coming back inside wearing Astrair's clothes. That will be so awkward!
I turned my head to look at him on my back. I blushed immediately after I found out that he's looking at me.
“Where will I change? ” I asked, a bit hesitating.
I can't go out to change, his secretary will see me wearing his clothes! What will his secretary would think about me? That I'm one of his boss' bitchy sluts? No way! I won’t let this happen at any cost.
“You can change here, I won't look, ” He said assuring.
Tss, he's being defensive. And where? In front of him? For what use is that room on the left side then? What he is thinking? Why am I not allowed to go there?
“I don't think so, I know that you have this empty room or private room here, I can change there. That will be better. ” I insisted hesitatingly
Maybe he didn't liked what I suggested. He is frowning now. His expression was scaring me.
“I'm the boss here, Erza. Follow what I said” he said and he started getting busy from scanning papers on his table and putting his signatures on some folders.
Thank god,I just sighed and turned around again. I am now facing the glass door. It was transparent from inside but not from the outide-so it is safe to change clothes here.
For the last time I glanced at Sir Astrair, well, he is busy with his desktop. I took a deep breath before officially decided to change in this awkward position. I guess he's not going to look though. This situation is so awkward.
I started to unbutton my long sleeve, showing my scarlet lacey brasserie. I don't know why it is uneasy, especially that I am removing my longsleeves now. I looked at the glass door exposing my own reflection and his reflection on my back.
Well, he's just looking at his laptop now, and it's weird because he's smirking.
He's not glancing at me but he's fucking smirking! And it's freaking the hell out of me! Like what it feels to change in front of a unknown man.
I still didn't removed my long sleeve fully, when I remove my skirt. It was so awkward but I endured. I glanced over the glass door to see him again, he's on the same position, just looking in his laptop while smirking.
I looked at him intently, he's not doing anything. And that hurts my ego. Am I not that attractive that he did not even glance at my position, once?
I don't want him to look at me but some part of me was really disappointed. Well, he's goddamn hot sexy boss of mine. He has so many hot bitches to fuck everyday and I think I'm far from the standards he have with his women. But the way he told me that he owned me. It's Damn! Ugh frustrating. And I hate that Erza Scarlet Quevaz, the woman who has the highest earned respect in Grayfaurd Crest Group of Companies have these silly thoughts about herself and her boss.
I can't believe this! I was in semi see through lacey panties and bra in front of him. I immediately worn his boxers and buttoned his poloshirt. I let the shirt's two buttons from my neck open to avoid suffocation.
The moment I turned around to face him. He closed his laptop and stared at me closely and intently. Damn him, he's going to seduce me?
I closed my eyes tight and opened it again. He also bit his lower lip, as if he's liking everything I do. I can clearly see desire in his eyes.
“Sexy, ” he said that made me blush.
“So * clear throat * did you sent another work to do in my cubicle sir? I'm sorry but I can't make it today because of the situation. ” I said.
While saying those words I am just looking on the floor because I hate to look at his eyes while we're talking.
“Look at me, Erza.” He said full of authority.
I followed what he said and look at his eyes. Even though deep inside me, I am shaking.
“I know you'll just get bored here in my office, so I decided to give you work, instead. ” he said.
I think I inhaled the freshest oxygen because of that. At least he'll give me work so I won't notice him at all time.
But I wonder what work is it? Just wondering about it, gives me an unconscious fear.
“You just have to kiss me all the time, massage my back and put oil on my abs. You have do that while sitting on my lap and giving me a sexy lap dance. ” He said with his freaking annoying smirk.
What the fuck is he talking about?! Is he gone crazy?!
“What the hell! —
He cut me off by his laughter..
“Just kidding, baby. Damn it! Why the hell you're freaking so hot even when frustrated! ” he said while laughing..
What the fuck! For him, that's just a joke but the effect on me isn't!
“That's not even funny, Sir! ” I can't help but raise my voice on him.
In my 24 years of existence, this is the first time that somebody kissed me on the lips, touched my boobs, poured a coffee on my skirt!
“Haha-Damn! I'm sorry, baby. What I mean is, I'll let you use my Desktop to finish your work. But you'll gonna sat beside me, because I can't move this PC.” He said laughing.
I took a deep breath and agreed just to make any conversation with him short.
I have no rights to disagree in all of his decision. I am just his employee. But I wonder why?
Why in all of his workers here. Why it has to be me. Why it has to be me to be in this situation. These kind of questions were doing rapid fire in my mind.
That's why I'm diligent with my work so that they won't notice my wrongs.
But now. The hell. It's worsen than what I imagined.
I imagined that these things will be with other coworkers but I never thought that it'll be my boss.
I didn’t imagine things like this. It's just so much unexpected and huge.
“Start now, dearest. ” he said then wink at me and bit his lower lip.
Though I don't like it, I obliged his command and sit beside him.
I opened my account in his PC while he's busy in his laptop, and I don't have any intention to disturb him from what he is currently doing because I don’t want to do interaction with him.
I did the work that he had told me and sent it to him immediately.
In the meantime until he check my work, I strike with the thought that what others were thinking? Why does it take so long inside boss' office?
Then suddenly,
Sir Astrair's phone rang for work, I guess, so he went outside for that.
I heard a notification bell from his laptop so I transferred my attention there. Maybe that was the file I sent him.
Because I'm somewhat confused. I take a look at his laptop. It's okay, full of furnitures and stuff.
But when I take a look at the file next to the file I sent him, it caught my attention. It was entitled..
I opened it. And to my shock. What the freaking hell is the meaning of this shit! I can’t believe this. How can he do that?
Because of my anger, I grabbed my clothes and changed immediately. Freaking hot boss! He's a total beast!
When I'm outside, we bumped at each other, he looked so innocent, jerk. I can't believe this monster.
“I'm done, ” I said then went to the elevator immediately.
While I'm in the elevator, I remembered what I saw in his laptop.
That's why hmm… That monster was just playing innocent!
Why did I let it slip through my mind? Why did I concluded so late? He almost raped me a month ago! This is not a surprise anymore!
He has this CCTV and I don't know where it was. I could really see myself removing my clothes there!
It's soo frustrating! Ughhh!
When I arrived at my car, the same paper was in my dashboard.
Black paper with golden laces.
I'm watching you, so please don't do things that will make me jealous.
Lacxous G.
And who is this Lacxous G? Is this another psycho guy like Astrair Grayfaurd?! If he is then please, he should stay away from me too! Ugh! This day is stressful!