Warning: Do Not Read this if you haven't Read the prologue. Thank you.
My head is aching badly as I massage a bit of my nape. I looked at my right side to see the the current time, 10:00 pm already.
It's already 10 pm and I haven't eaten anything since then. How am I going to eat something if my boss keeps on monitoring my current work because he said he's gonna need it at exactly midnight 12.
I sighed.
After what happened to us inside his office made him even stricter than before. I don't understand if he's doing this because he's frustrated or just making some stupid stunts. He was the one who almost raped me! I should be the one angry here right?
After telling me those words and gave me a wicked sensual kiss. His hands was immediately under my shirt and was already pressing my boobs.
I got shocked that's why I pushed him away from me and immediately stood up. I don't want anything like that! What the fuck!
“Come back here, Erza. We're not yet done ” he said seductively.
I know that he's got all the charisma, but he shouldn't do this to me! I'm his employee for fuck's sake! These situations are common;
That situation where your boss will flirt with you and you're going to give in. And eventually you will foresee a future with him that is totally bullshit.
In the end, you'll be the one to suffer. And the most painful thing? You'll offer him your purity but get dumped later.
Tell me where I was wrong. I don't want too much interaction with people because of these reasons. As long as I can, I want to stay away from bad people and bad doings. I still have a lot of priorities and dreams, and I won't let a single person to destroy them all.
“I'm sorry, Sir. But this is really wrong.” I said firmly. He didn't listen, instead he grabbed me again and push me back in his office couch.
I screamed a bit for what happened. My chest is pounding too fast. And yes I am scared, scared to this person in front of me.
“Let go of me!! ” I can't help but scream because of this absurdity.
He didn't even answer nor give me response, instead, he grabbed me close to him and unbuttoned my shirt.
What is he doing!
He started rubbing his bare hands on my breast, massaging it. Instead of feeling good, anger started to consume me.
I did all my best to get off from his grip. I tried to push him away but it seems like my strength is not enough to compete with his.
I can't help the tears that are started falling from my cheek. I feel harrased! Freaking boss!
The moment I get a chance to let go my left hand, I immediately slapped him hard.
Everything came silent, the crispy slap was the only one I can hear in the room. He stopped and just looked at me with his clenching jaws.
“Stay away, ” the last thing that he said.
End of flashback
Since then. He treated me so badly and it looks like he's making my works harder on purpose.
It was a month ago since that moment and still nothing changed from my heavy work loads.
This month is really hard for me. Ugh.
But because I'm patient and generous. I really tried to just understand the situation my stupid boss had given me.
Isn't it funny that he's the one making fuss like this when I was the victim? I am not informed that men, nowadays are pretty dramatic.
He's making this situation upside down.
I immediately get back to work, in order to send back those documents he is striving to have back to him.
I didn't realized that I slept after few hours of writing. I was half asleep when I feel like someone is caressing my face with fingers.
But when I consciously opened my eyes, I saw no one. Maybe it was just my imagination.
I looked at the surroundings. I saw few of the employees like me having their overtime work.
I sighed.
I glanced over my clock again and it's 3:00 am already. I grabbed all my stuffs and decided to just go home.
I was already sitting on my car when I saw a golden lace paper on the dashboard.
I opened it and my heart began pounding hard as I read the letter.
Take care, I'm watching you.
Lacxous G.
Who is this Lacxous G? And how did he put this letter inside my car?
I decided to ignore it. Maybe just another stalker around. This isn't the first time someone put letter for me. But this is the first time inside the car.
I started the engine and just drive my way back to my penthouse.
When I arrived. I immediately went to the bathroom for bath and went directly to bed. I am too sleepy to even blow my hair dry. I just let a towel locus on my hair and sleep.
“Don't make me jealous, ”
That's the last memory I had the moment I wake up the next morning for work.
‘Don't make me jealous ’
Am I becoming crazy? Why am I imagining silly things?
That's just a dream, Erza. Nothing's real. Just a worm of your mind.
For all I know, I am alone. Who would whisper me those words while I am asleep? And ghost don't get jealous, so that's purely impossible.
Because of what happened. I'm not in my mind the whole time I arrived the office. I was just leaning on the backrest of the sofa and just let myself watch over my design on the desktop.
“Erza! ” Carla whispered that is on the cubicle next to mine.
“Why? ” I asked.
She pointed out something using her lips and to my surprise, Sir Astrair was with his team in front of my cubicle!
Maybe because of adrenaline, I stood up immediately as my heart began pounding hard. Damn it, Erza! Are you that preoccupied?
“This is Our best employee Mr. Buenaventura, ” Sir Astrair said to the old man next to him.
“Pretty, ” Sir Gray said, one of our boss.
“Shut up, Gray. ” Sir Astrair with his golden grumpy face.
“Yeah, haha! ” Sir Gray but winked at me.
“I see, ” Mr Buenaventura said.
I'm just standing over there. I don't even know what to do next. Shake hands? Or what.
I was in the middle of thinking that when Sir Astrair poured a coffee on my skirt.
“Ouch! ” I screamed in pain.
I glared at him, he's just raising his eyebrows! For sure, it was his intention! Ugh!
“Come with me in my office, ” He said and immediately left.
I took a deep breath and followed. I don't want any bad impression to my other bosses.
I nodded with his team the moment I walked pass them
That man! Ugh!
“As always, Miss Silence, ” I heard Sir Gray whispered that made me look back at him.