“Why wouldn’t you tell me this sooner?” They had been talking a while, she was just saying this now?
“Because Adele, I had not decided. Chei thinks I have agreed but I have not. I know if I refuse he will pull his support from Merol and here. He already said that he’d rather wait it out in the forest than be on the front lines. He will however do it, if it means he can have my hand. If I say no he will pull back and leave.” Adele frowned a bit.
“Why? Not to be rude but there are plenty of females. Why are you the one sided with this and he will take no other but you?” Aqualia bit her lip and felt sadness. However she wanted the elves to think for themselves and stop following pompous assholes. Keep old customs that were going to drive them into the ground soon.
“My Uncle was king, he didn’t have any children. My father and Uncle were killed a couple years ago when Kaves attacked and took the Low Forest. That leaves me and Merol as the only blood relatives to the throne for elves. Chei is acting King, Merol would take it but Uncle was never fond of him and put it in a blood will, that the elf I choose as husband would be the next king. Since we were not there, Chei stepped in. His family second.” Aqualia hated this knowledge and had hoped that by living her days out here it would just leave the throne vacant.
“It sounds like Chei is already King.” Adele commented dryly and Aqualia shrugged.
“He is acting King. So not all elves listen to him, and there is unrest. Others that want to be heard and not dictated too. I have received a good number of letters and visits. I am pushing for my people to have more equality on social levels. Chei does not like this, and while I did not think so, apparently I have sway.” Aqualia felt good confiding in Adele. Adele listened, sounded as if she would be on her side no matter what she chose and that was something Aqualia desperately needed. She did not feel like she had many close friends. Anyone she could truly trust to speak too. ‘
“I see, so having your hand would quiet the rest.” Adele had no idea that Aqualia had such sway or pull. That she was more than just the nobel elf she’d stated before. She liked her even more knowing that she had not wanted to play up her real heritage. That power did not go to her head, she was a kind woman. Adele hoped that Aqualia would be one to help her change the views and standards. War was a good time to do it, when people were desperate and willing to listen. It was after that you’d have to continue to fight hard so that it didn’t go back to what it was before.
“It would.” Aqualia’s green eyes were sad and snow was collecting on the window now. The light was fading but the snow added a brightness to it still.
“I’m sorry Aqualia, I didn’t know the struggle you were having with your brother and people. I am happy to help any way I can. Also with this dragon who comes. I must admit I never believed in real love, in true mates. I thought it all foolish tales for young women to lessen fears of marrying men they didn’t know.” Adele looked to the window this time, a hand on her stomach and Aqualia eyed her.
“But you do now.” Adele was silent for a moment and her ice blue gaze met the vibrant green ones.
‘I would kill anyone that tried to take him from me Aqualia. This animal, my wolf is fierce and like my mate I am an alpha. I’ll never survive it if my heart is broken. I never wanted to give it, but I did. I did to him and some days I still fear how much I love him. That he could hurt me so badly if he wanted someone else. Changed his mind.’ Adele spoke mentally to Aqualia because she couldn’t say it out loud. It did hurt, and she did fear it. Even though she could be in Ky’s mind anytime she wanted. Knew how he felt, it was her real fear.
“You have nothing to fear Adele, the way he looks at you, they way he jumps to your defense…” Aqualia gave a heartfelt smile. “You have that wolf wrapped around your finger. I can feel it from you both. My touch tells me as does my other senses. Wolves mate for life, that is well known. There is no divorce or separation but death. I’m sure you know this.”
“I do, but I was raised human, and that is the part that struggles at times. Don’t worry, I am learning. So is he, I must admit sometimes I want to slap him right in the face when he is being ridiculously male.” There was a growl to Adele’s tone. “He nearly killed a visiting lord a couple months ago that had kissed my hand, though he did pull me rather close. As if I wanted it.” Adele rolled her eyes and Aqualia gave a slight laugh.
“Wolves always did have possessive tempers from what I heard.” Adele gave a smile, she didn’t admit it but she liked his jealousy even if he’d broken the man’s hand and a couple ribs with the way he’d attacked him. There was a sudden sharp knock on the study door.
“I’m sorry Luna but the teaching session is waiting.” Adele moved to stand looking at Jackie, who was her second in the pack. To the rest of the world she’d appear more like a close servant or personal attendant but she was more than that. A friend just like Aqualia.
“I forgot for a moment. Would you like to join Aqualia? I know that you were starting to help teach with a few others in the High Valley. See what works for those needing more special attention than a human?” Adele gave a little smile and Aqualia stood too.
“Actually Aqualia's presence was requested down in the common room. Her brother’s request, he seemed pretty firm about it.” Aqualia pursed her lips a bit.
“I suppose I can’t keep running from him now can I? Especially with the rest you have told me.” Adele did not want to be in Aqualia shoes right now. Adele hated her brother, he was a sexist bastard and the few times that Adele had spoken to him he’d spoken down to her. Made her question herself and Ky, now he didn’t say anything though. Just a formal greeting. Ky did not hide that she was his queen, though they did not send out a notice about it either. She wasn’t sure how her father was going to take it when he found out, just what he’d demand and Adele hoped he fell off a cliff.
“If you need anything Aqualia you let me know immediately. You are welcome to stay here as long as you like. We are worth more than titles and male games.” Aqualia gave Adele a warm smile as they moved to the door.
“You are a true friend Adele. Thank you for being such to me, I do not have any I trust.” Adele touched her arm.
“I didn’t either until I found my place here. Come find me after you meet with this Xev. Plus whatever your brother has to say. I will listen, I will stand by you. I’ll make Jackie do it too just in case men want to be difficult.” Jackie laughed.
“Luna you know I have your back, just don’t make me have to stand on the opposite side of my mate again. He’s unbearable when he’s grumpy, even if I’m right.” That had all of them laugh. Adele and Jackie went one way with a goodbye and Aqualia went the other toward the common room. She let out a sigh. No she really couldn’t keep putting her brother and Chei off. She had a great deal to think about though. Why couldn’t she have been born a common elf? She felt like there was a lot of pressure on her shoulders.