Aqualia was silent sitting there staring at Adele and what she just said. It honestly didn’t register what she said. Adele saw her? That couldn’t be possible. How could she possibly be the face shown to Adele with the sapphire? Aqualia didn’t think she was worth anything to be honest. Even if her birth right said differently.
“You must be mistaken Adele. I can’t be the mate of a dragon. Perhaps I am to help you seek this woman out.” Adele shook her head and frowned at her a bit.
“No Aqualia it was you, and when he sees you he will know. Dragons have but to look at their mate to know. Adele was not expecting her to seem so dismissive about it. She clearly thought her wrong.
“Is he here now?” She asked and Adele shook her head. Aqualia wasn’t sure if she was disappointed or not hearing this. She didn’t even know how to feel.
“No. They will arrive late this evening or early tomorrow from what Ky said.” Adele watched Aqualia who‘s gaze drifted off a bit.
“Do you want to meet him? If you don’t I will help you leave Aqualia. Even though Ky will tell him of you. He must with the truce.” Aqualia snapped out of her thoughts and looked at Adele. Concern on her face and Aqualia straightened herself.
“I think there has been a mistake Adele, however if he sees me and will know then I think it best to just do so. Then we will know for sure, however I must admit I truly do not believe me to be his mate.” She smoothed her skirt a bit. What if she was though, did she want to be? She’d fought hard to run from the arranged marriage back in the land elves called home. Aqualia left with a large group of others and refused to go back. Her brother had followed her, but more at her father’s request.
He was to talk sense into her and the others if he could. She was of royal blood, and expected to act as such. Still she had forsaken her duties to live among other people. Then her father and uncle had died and that changed things. Her living among the elves here was not going to last forever.
Aqualia wanted the freedom that most others had. Not be told how her life would go, was this the same thing? She’d left before her brother to come here so that she could think. This was not what she was expecting and now she felt backed into a corner with this and her brother. It would appear life had other plans for her. It was unfair, and Aqualia felt like she was going to choke on the bitter pill.
“Talk to me Aqualia, I can see how tense you are. I can scent your unease. We wouldn’t have said anything if it wasn’t imperative to gain the dragons to our side.” Aqualia sighed and met Adele’s ice blue gaze. They did need the dragons, but Aqualia had no idea about them. Was this even really meant?
“This is more than I bargained for. I have not been quite honest Lady Adele.” She was a bit more formal this time. Though Adele had told her she did not need to be so formal with her. “I ran from my home so that I would not have to marry a deplorable elf who would mean nothing to me. He just wanted my hand so that we might have powerful children and keep the lines pure.” Adele pursed her lips.
“I’m sorry, I know you said that your father tried to arrange your marriage before and you left.” Aqualia nodded. Adele had not known the details. How was she feeling about knowing her mate was coming? Wasn’t that sort of like an arranged marriage?
“I did, but you do know why my brother and some of our nobles came here to speak with Ky. The elves have not all given their full allegiance to a side. My people that live in the High Valley as we call it have set a home there. My brother managed to set himself as a leader there too and he likes his power and status to much.” Aqualia kept her own irritation inside, old habits died hard. She was used to having to stay controlled and proper. Even when she wanted to rage or scream or cry she could not. She’d been severely reprimanded as a child and to this day it stuck with her. She would find somewhere private to deal with her true emotions later.
“I am aware of your brother and his sentiment toward lower class and other species. Ky is hoping to gain their support and fight like he has the vampires and dragons. Kaves will have one hell of a time getting through that valley then.” Aqualia cleared her throat. This War Lord Kaves was causing so much damage. Both on an individual level and to every species that called this place home.
“Would the dragons not support us or Ky if I said no to this dragon who thinks me his mate?” Adele shrugged.
“No I don’t think they will, it seemed important to this male he gain the time here for his horde. That they may search for mates. Seeing you he demanded that we help find you, and that was all we were required. After that it is between you and him.” Adele was firm on this. Ky however was not above making Aqualia at the very least meet him.
“That’s good at least. Merol on the other hand has managed to pull support from elves back home.” Aqualia clenched her jaw a bit and Adele eyed her.
“Is this not good?” She asked seeing her friend’s sour look.
“For the whole yes perhaps, for me no. My brother offered my hand unbeknownst to me in exchange for the support. When I found out I said no. I am a free she-elf here, and I am not going to be sold off by family for gain. Even in war, this must stop. The elves should fight for their right to be here like anyone else, not because they want to use a female. Have her at their beck and call to produce heirs and such.” The air in the room was darker with Aqualia’s anger.
“I agree, you shouldn’t have to. I wish that I had been able to leave like you did Aqualia. Unfortunately I couldn’t, it wasn’t an option for me.” At least Aqualia’s people still gave them education. She wasn’t disowned for running away and trying to make it elsewhere. Adele’s father would have hunted Adele down and made her a working girl. Sold her away to a fate worse than being given to Ky if Adele had tried to run.
“Well it might not be an option for me either. The elf I was promised too is also the one that decides for the rest back home where support will lie. Merol and this Chei are here to speak with Ky about where their loyalty is. Merol speaks for the Valley elves and Chei for the High Forest. Chei only came at Merol’s request because Merol promised to hand me over to him.” Adele felt anger on her behalf, a loveless marriage just like so many others. Adele was already trying to decide just how to help Aqualia. She deserved better.