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Chapter Seven

Sweet Mercy, the children of Amoria would be his downfall, Garron thought with a sigh as he watched the vulnerability, the indecision that filled young Marina’s expression. A flash of fear in violet eyes, a sense of strength building within her. One he knew would have no choice but to fall. The time would come when she could do nothing but trust the Wizards courting her for reasons less than exemplary. ‘Twas not emotion that pushed the dark seers of magick, rather than their own desires for the greater good, perhaps, but still yet, their own greater good. And how easily they were being trapped within their own plans. It was enough to make a dragon roar with laughter. If he had any laughter left inside him of course. Laughter had been taken ages ago. Eons ago. It had been washed away by a mother’s cruel deceit, a father’s hatred and the lash laid upon his back. And to this end, here before this Princess who meant so very much to him, was where it had evolved. He who had sworn he would know no love, he who would have no bonds to chain him to any female’s side, had lingered far longer within the castle of Sellane than he had lingered in any other land or dimension.

“They would trick me so easily,” she whispered, an answer to her own thoughts surely, for none could read the minds of dragons. For that, he most blessedly thanked the Sentinels.

“And are you so certain they trick you?” He harrumphed. To his knowledge the Sashtain Twins had not exactly lied to her. Perhaps withheld small amounts of the truth. That was but a small transgression. It was an entirely male thing to do, of course. Sometimes, females did not exactly understand the full picture where the greater good was concerned.

“What else could it be?” A short, bitter laugh accompanied her words as she stared back at him.

Her fiery curls fell around her delicate body as she trembled still yet from her Twins’ touch. Her eyes were saddened, darkened by shadows as her expression became forlorn, nearly lost. And how that winsome face could touch his heart. He had taken her from those who would have destroyed her years ago. Their blood stained his scales, the sounds of their screams still haunted his nightmares. Twins, not Wizards, born of Covenan and secretly recruited to the ranks of the Seculars, they had sought to destroy the magick that would one day be hers. A magick that would guard the land as no other had.

How had they known this? Just as Garron wondered how the Seculars knew the weakest points within Covenan to strike. They targeted the daughters of the castle and had come much too close to destroying this one.


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“It could be many things,” he growled. “It could simply be their infernal male desire for their Consort. Aye, this is quite a sin, such hunger for the one created for them by the Sentinels themselves. Shall we flay them to the bone, Princess, for this transgression?”

She glared at him with such self-righteous anger that he was hard-pressed to hold back his mirth.

“You are in fine form this eve,” she snapped in reply. “Should I have need of your particular brand of humor, Dragon, I shall call for you. Until then, you can return to wherever it is you gained your gentle bearing to begin with.”

“Shadowhell is quite boring this moon,” he sighed in reply, knowing it to be true. Even the demons were cowering in fear at this time. “It would appear the Princesses Sellane are the only amusement to be had in this fair plane. And amusing, my dear, you can be.”

She crossed her arms over her breasts, her face flushing with her anger. Better her anger than the desire that had been there before. He had raised these girls, it was all he could do to keep from roasting the carnal Twins for touching his babes. Or those he considered his, he thought painfully.

“I do not care to be considered your amusement, Dragon,” she informed him waspishly. “You can leave now if you do not mind. I am weary of dealing with the less than logical male intellect tonight. I believe I shall retire.”

Garron snorted at that declaration. “Perhaps if you are a very good girl, your Wizards will take you to the Valley of Dreams once again,” he suggested smoothly, pretending to ignore her shock as he gazed toward the window. “Aye, ‘tis nearly midnight. I would guess their powers are peaking due to their lust and the added stimulus of your magick sinking into them.” He turned his head back, affecting innocence. “The fields there are quite nice, and most adaptable to certain magicks.”

Her lips parted as fury lit her gaze.

“Only the Sentinels can so gift you,” she whispered, her voice harsh. “It is written that only they have the power.”

“And where, dear girl, do Sentinel Priests and Priestesses originate?” He questioned her softly. “The Sentinel Select, those gods who hold life and death within their palms choose the bearers of their gifts at an early age. Who is to say…” He shrugged as though he had not the answers to even the questions he invoked. Truth to tell, he knew more than he had ever wished to know.

She stumbled backwards as he watched her, hiding his compassion, the prick of conscience at the tangled web he was carefully unweaving. But if the daughters of this castle were to triumph in the times quickly approaching, then he could not allow deceit, even something so trifling, to stand in their way.

“They deceived me?” she asked, her voice thick with betrayal. 52

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His eyes widened. “Did you ask them if they had given you the gift?” he asked her, knowing well her answer. “I was unaware of this. If they have denied the adventure, then true, they have deceived your gentle heart.”

But she had not asked. He saw the answer in her face, yet it was one he had already known. He had felt the journey into the Valley—aye, he had helped to clear the safeguards into it himself.

Marina shook her head, turning quickly from him as she hugged her arms about herself, pulling back into the fragile shell she had used to defend herself for so many years. A shell which had already cracked. What was the saying of the egg once fractured? Like trust, it could not be repaired? He had simply ensured that trust was not broken, since the egg had indeed fallen first.

“No,” she finally whispered. “I had not thought to ask.”

“Perhaps you should think in the future, Princess,” he pointed out. “But, I am not here to discuss Wizards or their faults. I would ask that you gather your Brigade close in case they are needed, until such time as I have learned the true purpose of The Veressi’s arrival before your Mother’s return.”

“It is obvious the men of this world have lost their senses,” she suddenly mused as though to no one but herself. “Perhaps the water is not agreeing with them in some odd way. It is something to ponder. Why else would The Veressi dare such a move at this time?” She stared back at him thoughtfully.

Garron lifted his brow. Aye, this one was much like her father, her sense of humor quite wicked, her strength that of the soul. She was one who would fill her Wizards’

days with laughter, their nights with heat. She would do, he thought then, realizing that he had worried more for her than he had thought. But, she would do.

“Perhaps this is something you should investigate with your Brigade,” he grunted, thinking of the reckless, foolhardy Sorceresses who lived for the battles they fought.

“That would keep you out of trouble.”

“Or find a cure,” she pointed out, before frowning fiercely. “Go away, Garron, I have much to consider this night, and you only infect my mind with your male insanity.

‘Tis no wonder the Sorceresses abandoned the mighty Wizard males. Their insanity is contagious.”

But she was no longer lost, no longer forlorn. And she was preparing herself in case the heir apparent, second in charge to the Queen Mother, should be absent as well. It would fall to her to lead, to comfort her people and to control the unruly forces of Wizard Twins seeking Consorts. He chuckled silently. Now that one, he would give gold to watch.

He nodded to her sharply, casting her a mocking smile before popping out of her room as quickly as he had popped into it.

Marina stared at where the dragon had stood, a frown creasing her brow as she began to weigh the problem she was now faced with. Wizards who knew their way into 53

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the Valley of Dreams, and could slip ignorant little Sorceresses in with them, were definitely Wizards to be wary of.

She lifted her hand, tapping at her swollen lower lip as she began to pace her room, attempting to solve this unique problem facing her. The men she had faced in the past since her attack had been easily controlled. For the most part, her position as Princess and Guardian of the lands protected her from their designs. She could only Join with a male whose magick complemented hers. There were few of those within the land. Unless she Joined with a Wizard. Even the weakest Wizard was stronger than the most powerful male born of Sorceress and human blood.

She feared the Wizards Sashtain had more on their minds than just a Joining, though. Their suspicions of her place within the Brigade and the careful questioning of her roused her instincts. They were not men to tiptoe about a question. So why did they in this instance? But shadowhell, she had known that all along. The question was, how did she learn their plans without allowing an alignment, thereby forcing a Joining?

She groaned in irritation. This Wizard business was beginning to irritate her. They filled the damned castle, invaded her land, patrolled it, and thought they could overrule the Guardian of it, duly appointed by her Queen Mother. Namely, herself. She paused, pulling her lower lip between her teeth thoughtfully. The Sorceress Brigade had worked in secrecy because the threat against the lands had been in secret. Now that Wizard Twins were slowly overtaking what was not theirs to possess with the absence of her Queen Mother, perhaps it was time for them to reveal themselves. A wicked smile curled about her lips. They could show the Wizards they would not take such measures lying down. Her Queen Mother would have no choice but to accept those she had appointed as overseers, as was her right as Guardian of the lands. A right she had held in shadow in an effort to keep the delicate balance between female strength, and male ego, within Covenan. It was not easy for some of their males to realize that their women were stronger than they themselves were, perhaps not in physical strength, so much as in magick. A strength they did not understand. And the Wizards, oh ho, would it not be a surprise to them to see the Sorceresses who truly ruled this land showing themselves? The very women they believed they could outwit, and steal their birthright from beneath their noses because they were weak. Helpless. Needed protecting.

A true spurt of laughter left her lips as her arms uncrossed and her hands propped upon her hips. It would take a bit of work before daybreak, but there were still several hours yet to work with.

Stalking to her door, she threw it open, startling the Covenan guard who waited at the end of the hall. “You will call the Ladies to my rooms,” she demanded coolly. “Tell them I have need of them this night and to come prepared.” Those stalwart females would know exactly how to prepare themselves.

The burly guard nodded quickly before moving to the staircase to carry out her demands. The Wizard Twins were adept at their magick, there was no doubt. To be 54

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strong enough to enter the Valley of Dreams was unique enough, but to be able to bring another, and to still their suspicions, was another thing entirely. Outmaneuvering them would not be so easy. But this was Covenan land. It was infused with Sorceress magick and would aid them well before it aided the Wizards. They may have the great Snow Owls, but the Sorceresses had the unicorns and the griffons, true fighters, and as protective of them as they were of the land itself. It was time the Wizards learned a very valuable lesson. The Sorceresses were not children to be protected and patted kindly upon the head. The Wizards may find a hand missing were they to try.

* * * * *

The first rays of the sun kissed the twin moons of Sentmar from the sky as the castle doors opened upon the courtyard to reveal a sight Kai’el admitted he had not expected to see. After the events of the past night, and Princess Marina’s obvious discomfort with it, he had been convinced she would not dare to show come morning and risk herself further.

She was a woman with secrets, that one. A woman determined to control her life and the position she had set for herself. She would not easily relinquish her control to a man, especially to a Wizard Twin. And perhaps, he amended his thoughts, she still had no intention of doing such a thing. Because the Princess Marina was not alone. Dressed in the dark tan leather breeches of the Sorceress Brigade and the matching vest that gave freedom of movement and tempted any stalwart male’s control, all she lacked was the face-shielding hood it was said the Sorceress warriors wore. Leather boots, flat-soled and snug, covered her feet and lower legs, and on her shapely hips she wore her sword. Behind her, two dozen ladies followed, all dressed similarly, carrying their weapons with a confidence born of experience.

Kai’el stemmed his smile, merely leaned against the side of the resting owl and watched the procession in curious amusement as Caise moved slowly to his side. Around them, Wizard Twins watched in varying degrees of disapproval and outright displeasure, many of them certain that the Brigade had been no more than a figment of the Seculars’ imagination.

As they watched, a thunder of hooves were heard clattering along the stone paths from several directions. Within seconds, unicorns, pure white, their horns glowing a pure sweet gold, moved into the courtyard. They chose their mistresses, going to them, butting against the small women as they laughed and rubbed at their sides affectionately.

The beasts were outfitted with saddles, but no bridles were needed. It had been rumored that the unicorns knew their riders so well, that often no direction was needed. They rode as one, weaving through the forests and often battling by their Sorceresses’

sides. Amid the seeming chaos stood Marina, her red-gold locks tamed into a braid that fell like a silken rope down her back.


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She stared back at them, amusement gleaming in her eyes as a sun-kissed brow arched in question as the Sorceresses rode from the courtyard without so much as a final order, until she stood alone, the rays of the sun piercing through the light cloud cover above to wash her in shades of gold and russet.

“Are you ready to bend over, brother?” Caise murmured from the side of his mouth. “This Princess is out to fuck us both, and I for one do not think we will enjoy the event.”

Kai’el chuckled at the analogy.

“Nay, ‘tis not a fucking she’s out for,” he replied, holding his laughter back as he realized the others watched them closely. “She is content to hide no longer. She believes she can best us at our own game.”

“Shadowhell, the way she’s dressed, I believe she can best us,” Caise growled. “Do you think that vest is tied well enough? I would guess several of our warriors are wagering on whether or not those sweet curves stay covered.”

Kai’el glanced around the clearing. Wizards and warriors alike glared at the Princess as she approached them lazily.

“Did you keep time?” she asked quite matter-of-factly as she neared them. “I would know how long we will be in the air before we return. I have much to do this day.”

Wizards and warriors stared at Kai’el now, shock and disapproval clearly filling their gazes. It was unheard of to take a female on the Owls. The great beasts were made for battle, not for play. Unfortunately, as far as Kai’el was concerned, this Joining/Consort thing was more a battle than many he had fought involving blood and death.

“Ah, Princess, I fear I forgot to keep time,” Kai’el admitted with a crooked smile.

“What say I allow you to set your time within the air this day. Next time, we shall wager a bit more seriously.”

“Definitely more seriously,” Caise muttered.

Marina paused before them, staring up at the yellow eye of the owl staring back at her.

“She is a gorgeous creature,” she crooned, though she did not reach out to stroke the pure white feathers so obviously tempting her. “I have it heard it said they are quite fierce in battle when Wizards ride upon their backs.”

“This is Tamaree.” He patted the owl’s short neck fondly. “She is indeed fierce in battle, but as gentle as a babe otherwise. And quite friendly.”

Tamaree was shuffling softly, inviting Marina’s touch, which was unusual enough. Never had Kai’el known of the creature to do such a thing. The owls were amazingly loyal, bonding with but one male, never a set. Caise could not ride Tamaree, just as Kai’el could not ride his Minera unless Caise were upon her back as well.

“Hello, my beauty.” Marina’s voice lowered, becoming a silken whisper of delight as her hand disappeared within the thick feathers that lifted for her touch. 56

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Tamaree was shameless when demanding affection, preferring her softer, satiny hide to be petted rather than the outer covering of feathers. The owl’s eyes drifted half closed as she watched Marina, an expression of sublime pleasure entering her gaze as Marina scratched delicately at her underskin as the distinctive whispery who sounded from the large black bill.

“Do they connect with your magick as the unicorns do with the Sorceresses?”

Marina asked. “I notice you use no bridle or harness.”

“We are indeed bonded,” he answered with a slight smile. He had a feeling that did he allow this Princess to ride upon Tamaree’s back for long, then the great owl would bond with her as well. They were amazingly intuitive creatures, and Kai’el could sense the owl’s knowledge of the alignment of magicks between himself and Marina. Just, he was certain, as Caise’s owl would sense were she to ride with him.

“I take it I am to fly with you this morn then?” She turned back to him, her brow lifting again, mocking amusement glittering in the dark violet depths. He inclined his head in agreement. “This was the wager,” he agreed.

“Very well. I need to patrol the western boundaries of Covenan. That area has been difficult for the Sorceresses to reach due to the rough terrain. Until our griffons are fully grown and trained, it is an area well out of our reach.”

Her words carried among the courtyard, the early morning silence of the clearing giving her a large audience to overhear her claim.

“Not possible.” Drake Dulorne stepped forward, his Twin, Vander, watching curiously. “Griffons heel for none—either Twin, Sorceress nor human. They cannot be tamed or flown.”

Marina inhaled in a slow, patience-gathering motion as her expression became a trifle more superior than it had been moments before. She glanced to the Wizard, taking in his tall build, his arrogant bearing.

“Shows how much Wizards truly know, does it not?” she answered as though speaking to a child. “Just because they have hidden these centuries from Wizard magick does not mean the Sorceresses have not known of them. Nor that they do not trust us. I believe they much prefer a gentle hand to a dominating force.” The words were kindly delivered, but did not lack the sting they were meant to have. Dulorne’s gray gaze became shuttered, polite as he declined to engage the matter. Of course, the sudden defensive set of Tamaree’s large body had much to do with it. No Wizard dared to disregard such a move from the great owls.

“Easy lady.” Marina reached up to pat the fierce speckled face, a gentle smile creasing her face as she turned back to Kai’el. “So, do we fly, or do we argue?”

“It would appear, my Princess, that we fly.” He waved his hand in invitation to the double saddle the owl wore. It was a practice used when battling off Cauldaran land. There were often injuries, and at times, the owls were too injured to carry the additional weight of a rider. For that reason, the Wizards often used the double saddle rather than 57

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the smaller single. “You will ride before me, and direct our flight. Let us see how a Sorceress adapts to the winds.”

“One moment.” She nodded abruptly before leaving his side and stepping back to the wide steps where a human guard stood ready. He extended a small bundle rather stoically as he glanced at the owls.

The bundle was a leather coat, falling to mid-thigh and lined, it appeared, with ultrasoft rabbin fur. The small, simple creatures were a staple of the Covenan meals. Unfortunately, they were not common to Cauldaran. The lucky little witch.

“Let us fly then.”

His little Sorceress was much smarter than he had given her credit for. He had deliberately not mentioned the cold in the higher altitudes to allow himself the chance to wrap her in his own extra leathers and hold her close to his body. As she neared the owl, Kai’el moved to aid her into the high stirrup of the saddle. She ignored his silent offer, jumping high to grip the pommel before swinging her leg into the stirrup and mounting herself efficiently.


Kai’el followed suit, settling in behind her as she gripped the high arch of the seat and awaited his order to fly. There was no way to muffle the order that went out from The Veressi’s warriors at the head of the line.

“Fly to protect those women, Wizards,” the Talgaria warrior called out in resigned tolerance. “If Sorceress blood is spilled, our Kings will have our heads.”

Marina stiffened before him.

“Yes, do protect your ultimate goal,” he heard her mutter, her voice low, throbbing with anger. “If you can find them.”


When Wizards Rule

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