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Chapter Five

There seemed no place to hide, neither from herself, nor from the Sashtain Twins. There was no peace from the desires which had begun invading her body, no ease for the conflicting emotions that wrapped around her mind. In her more lucid moments, Marina admitted that she well understood that once Wizards and Sorceresses had lived in harmony. That she understood that they had been created, one for the other. She had read the old records, the ones written by her foremothers of their journey from Cauldaran and the reasons they had separated themselves from their natural counterparts. Their males had forgotten the rules of their magick. In their quest for power and yet more magick, they joined on the basis of alliances rather than the basis of emotion and alignment. The alignment of the magickal forces was most important. With that, all love was possible.

Brianna had assured her this was true, and Marina didn’t doubt her sister in that regard. But she doubted the Wizard Twins had given up their grand plans of power. The announcement of The Veressi’s intended arrival proved this. Only The Veressi could hope to be strong enough to control Serena once she reached her zenith and the forces of magick bloomed within her. Even now she was strong, not as strong as Brianna when aligned with her Twins. But still yet, stronger than any other Sorceress reaching back centuries.

What role did the Sashtain Twins play in this fair game? she asked herself mockingly as she stood within the shadowed corner of the great ballroom, watching the couples now mixed with units, whirling about the floor. Units consisted of Wizard Twins and the female they were silently courting, testing the magick and its alignment before declaring suit.

Few Sorceresses deigned to enter into the dance with the Twins, which had caused Marina to smirk more than once. Wizard and warrior alike were being turned away by the stiff expressions of the Sorceresses forced by royal summons to attend the nightly balls.

What was her Queen Mother thinking to order such a thing from afar? It was so unlike Queen Amoria that Marina was tempted to travel to the Sentinel temple herself to question her. The only problems with such a venture were the dangerous paths into the mountains and the risk of being caught. Especially by the Wizard warriors now patrolling the lands.

How had this farce occurred? She could not countenance it. In the space of months, Covenan had been overrun by a few dozen Wizard Twin sets and their damnable warriors.


When Wizards Rule

“Ahh, I see once again that the fair Sorceresses are proclaiming their injustices far and wide.”

Marina turned with a gasp, staring in astonishment at the great dragon who had materialized within the arched exit beside her, which led to one of the many balconies. The dragon’s voice, rather than bitingly sarcastic as she knew it could be, seemed shadowed with curt anger.

“Perhaps we do not enjoy being forced, Garron,” she said, keeping her voice soft, allowing her regret to color her words. “We are not playthings for the Wizards. We are not children to be ordered to play nicely.”

“No, you are but compassionate, strong women who have so lost the understanding of your foremothers of the Wizards’ ways, that you hide in shadows, or stare past their forms in fury, rather than seeing they are men as well, perhaps?” It was voiced as a suggestion, a question, but Marina sensed much more. She sighed deeply, moving closer to the dragon, feeling comforted as he allowed her to nudge against him, tucking her head against the smaller forelegs he had crossed about his huge chest.

Garron was strength, safety. Over eight feet tall, with massive legs and arms, and a powerful build. His sharp face seemed to evermore reflect his mockery, or biting humor. Were he a man, she had no doubt the women of Covenani would have risen against him ages before and relieved him of his head. But he was just male. A dragon of fierce strength and undivided loyalty where the Sellane was concerned. He may mock their femininity or female ways at times, but she also knew he would give of his last bit of strength to protect them.

“Eh. You cuddle against me like a babe,” he growled, though he made no move to push her away.

“’Tis your fault, Dragon.” She laughed low. “You have spoiled us for many a year now. Then rail at us for accepting your meager kindnesses now that we are grown.”

She remembered the moonless night when his howls had cut through the darkness, the flames of his fury descending to wreak vengeance on her assailants. Blood had flown around her as screams had turned to silence and death had scented the air. And Garron had been there, lifting her from the dirt, his great voice grieving, rough with his shame as he had begged forgiveness for allowing her to be harmed. She had never blamed the dragon. It was not his place to guard her every move. She had blamed herself and her own ignorance of men and of twins.

“My meager kindnesses?” She could hear the amusement in his voice above her.

“Did I forget once again to bow at your delicate feet, my Princess?”

His mocking voice was sharper perhaps than normal. It seemed the influx of Wizard Twins was straining not just her own patience.

“Your Queen Mother will unfortunately be absent a few more days yet,” he said then. “She has asked that I return here, to ensure you do not cut these young pups down too severely.”


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“You were with Mother?” She stared up at him in surprise.

A leathery brow lifted. “Your mother is my first priority, child. Her protection outside her own lands is never assured until she reaches the Temple grounds. Where else would I be?”

Of course. Where else.

“Is it true she bade Serena to prepare for The Veressi’s declaration of courtship?”

she asked then. “I cannot fathom the reason for such an order.”

He stiffened against her.

“She told me no such thing,” he growled then. “Who delivered such a message?”

“Her personal courier.” Once again, Marina wondered who to trust, even within her own home.

“Sentinel’s blood.” The curse had her jumping in surprise as anger filled his voice.

“I cannot say the message was not given, but I can say she told me nothing of it.” He set her from him carefully, looking out to the candlelit ballroom as though seeking some answer there. “Where are those Sashtains when I have need of them?”

“Those dacars?” she snarled. “Who knows where they hide. Do not seek them out, for Mother Sentinel’s sake. They are vexing enough without calling attention to the fact I am here.”

“Oh, settle down, Princess,” he growled. “They have duties other than sniffing after your royal rear.”

Marina’s eyes narrowed in anger, her lips parting to reply with heated emphasis when a hand suddenly shaped one side of the rear in question.

“But what a tempting rear it is,” Caise Sashtain whispered at her ear as he deftly slipped past the elbow she would have slammed into his tight stomach. Shadowhell. He should never look so tempting. Tall and broad, dressed in dark leather breeches and a shimmering white short tunic tucked into the waistband. A ceremonial sword was strapped to his thigh and what a powerful-looking thigh it was. His dark gold eyes sparkled with amusement while his teeth flashed in the darkness with a rakish smile.

“What did you wish, Dragon?” he asked of the creature as his brother moved to his side. Both of them together were too impressive by far.

“I will leave and allow you to talk…” Marina turned to do just that, or she would have if Garron had moved his arm a fraction. “Dragon…”

“You will stay put.” The order was neither cutting nor mocking. It was very unGarron-like in its commanding tone. Marina stiffened in surprise, her eyes narrowing as the Sashtain twins watched Garron silently.

“You will watch over this one,” the dragon grunted as she slapped at his arm. 32

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“Are you insane, Dragon?” she snapped in fury. Who was to say she needed protecting? She protected herself fine.

“Some days, after dealing with sorceresses, I do wonder,” he replied drolly before popping out of sight in the blink of an eye, leaving her to deal with Wizards. Which she decided was definitely worse.

The feel of a fingertip, lightly calloused, reminding her too much of a dream of flower petals, had her gasping and turning to face them in irritation.

“Did your parental unit not teach you to keep your hands off what did not belong to you?” she questioned them archly, directing a tight, cold smile toward their shadowed expressions. “I would advise you, did they not, to learn. Or lose a finger?”

she continued with the mocking suggestion before stalking to the staircase, and she prayed, the safety of her room.

“Well, that worked beautifully,” Caise murmured as they followed behind the tight, bouncing little rear of the Sorceress ahead of them. The smooth line of her emerald gown flowed down her back, to a short train behind her quickly moving feet. She was holding the front nearly to her knees as she raced up the stairs. Sweet Mercy, what a vision she was with all those sun-kissed curls pouring down her back to her hips, emphasizing the bouncing butt below it. It was enough to make a Wizard’s cock threaten to burst from his breeches. Just as his was doing now.

“Suggestions?” he questioned his brother from the side of his mouth as they followed her.

“Well, the dragon seemed quite irate, and not a little concerned.” Kai’el’s tone was filled with laughter. “I say we do exactly as he says, we watch her. I assume he would mean until he returns to tell us better.”

Caise smothered his bark of laughter. Devious. It sounded like a plan to him. They lengthened their stride, making certain to stay close enough to her to keep her from barring the door to them as she gripped the handle and raced to do just that. It was Kai’el’s hand that hit the panel first, pushing it slowly open despite her heated curses.

“This is my room.” She faced them furiously, her eyes flashing violet fire. “You will leave it immediately.”

“Sorry, your highness,” Caise sighed, following his brother into the room and closing the door carefully. “The dragon said to watch you. We are sworn to do just that.”

“A dragon commands you?” she sneered mockingly. “How pitiful. ‘Tis the other way around here.”

Evidently she had no idea the power of the dragon she spoke of.

“It is a chore.” He shrugged dismissively, controlling the smile that would have curved his lips. “But some Wizards must bear the brunt of such onerous tasks.”


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She snorted at the reply. “Move from the door and we will return to the dragon…”

You will keep her where she is. The Princess Serena is no longer in the ballroom and the warriors and their Wizards are now on alert. And if you please, you will keep this information to yourselves. There was a world of sarcasm in Garron’s thought as it echoed through their minds.

Shadowhell, just what he needed. A dragon talking in his head.

“I think perhaps we will stay here, until Garron calls for us.” Kai’el pulled a wingbacked, cushioned chair from the side of the wall, placed it in front of the door and then sat back comfortably. “Have a seat, Princess. I’m certain we can find something to discuss. Do you like flowers?”

Marina stared back at Kai’el silently, holding fast to her control, refusing to allow the heat filling her body to stain her cheeks. It was not possible that he knew of the dream. Were it not for the fact that even the Sentinel Select, the Priests and Priestess to the gods, swore that only gods themselves could offer shelter within the Valley of Dreams, she would swore he knew.

Coincidence, she scoffed at her imagination.

“I enjoy flowers very much, Wizard Sashtain,” she sneered openly. “Though flowers have little to do with your actions at present. I demand that you leave my room.”

The frilly room was her place of peace, of serenity. Long filmy curtains surrounded her large bed, the quilt turned back to show the rich burnished tan of her sheets. The quilt itself was a patchwork of varying colors that pleased her eyes. The mantel over the fireplace held small keepsakes. A crystal rock her father had given her as a small child. The first tiara she had been presented with at her fifth birthyear. A small pair of silk slippers, barely large enough to fit into her palm. Her father had fashioned them himself when she was a babe.

Flowers graced her room. Proof that his comment had been mere chance. Tall vases filled with blooming branches, smaller ones of stems of colorful flowers placed strategically on the low chest, beside her bed and to the sides of the fireplace. Two forgotten gowns had been tossed over the low settee Caise was heading for. He brushed their folds of cloth back carefully before sitting down, leaning back and for all the world appearing as though he were enjoying himself.

“Did either of you hear me, or did your warriors forget to clean your ears this morn?” She tilted her head and regarded their expressions of mock innocence. Caise lifted a dark blond brow in mockery as Kai’el chuckled.

“Tell me, Sorceress, why were you seen patrolling the forests this morn? Several warrior units glimpsed you on that unicorn you ride, dressed in breeches and sneaking through the forests as though on some mission. What mission could you be about?”

She opened her eyes wide, affecting wounded confusion.


When Wizards Rule

“The lands are mine to oversee, as by my Queen Mother’s command, just as Serena is heir apparent and Brianna was to oversee the needs of those within the towns. The farms are in my trust and I visit them often.” Which was the truth, as far as that went. Kai’el relaxed further in his chair, watching her broodingly now.

“You are in league with the Sorceress Brigade, are you not, Princess?” The question was voiced so casually, so easily that she nearly betrayed herself with the surprise shuddering through her. He spoke as though he had proof, as a high justice would speak in matters of the law.

“You have lost your senses.” She spread her hands innocently before her. “Do I appear to be a warrioress, Wizard Sashtain? Really. That would be much too dangerous for a Princess.”

Caise gave a surprisingly mocking snort as Kai’el lifted his brow again in cool mockery.

And where was her fear? Marina searched inside herself, feeling trepidation, nerves, but the fears she had known for so many years where men, especially Twins were concerned, seemed to have receded. When had this occurred? Surely it could not have happened and she was unaware of it?

“She affects innocence so perfectly,” Kai’el drawled, his voice dark, vibrating with some emotion she could not quite put her finger on. “I wonder how innocent she would proclaim herself were we to petition for courtship?”

Her heart moved to her throat, nearly choking her on the near paralyzing sensation, not of fear, but definitely extreme nervousness.

“That would be unwise, and the joke is poorly given.” She turned on her heel, pacing to the large window before turning back to them with a frown. “Is this why you continue to haunt my every move? Because you wish to convince me to accept your suit? It will not happen.” She shook her head forcibly as she crossed her arms beneath her breasts, ignoring the sudden heated longing echoing in her nipples, and farther down, between her thighs.

“We could petition courtship, as The Veressi have with Serena,” Kai’el pointed out then. “Or the Rite of Reception. Should we formally kneel to you, Princess, what think you would happen?”

Her heart was racing in her chest at that question. She remembered well what happened when the Veraga Twins presented themselves to Brianna. Sentinel’s teeth, she had orgasmed right there in the reception hall. It must have been humiliating. Marina could not imagine such a thing.

It had also sped up the zenith of Brianna’s powers, creating a conflict of riotous emotions inside her as her magick built quickly to its apex.

“You would not,” she whispered, backing slowly away from them, watching them warily. “Why would you do such a thing?”


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Merciful Sentinels, her emotions were in conflict enough—risking the alignment of her magick with these Twins was the last thing she needed.

“Perhaps because you refuse to allow us to court you in a more traditional means?”

Kai’el asked then, his pale blue eyes watching her with curious intensity. “We have been here for many days, Marina, and still yet you refuse us even a small amount of your time. You do not allow the natural progression of the alignment. Why would we not wish to be certain if we are leaving behind our natural Consort before giving up entirely on the venture and returning to our own land?”

Oh, he should have been a Justice, Marina thought, impressed with his words, if not with his argument. He made it all seem quite logical, she had to admit. But she was staring into eyes that had no shame in showing his amusement, an expression creased with mockery.

She snorted in derision.

“You think me a fool.” She crossed her arms over her breasts, staring back between the pair of them. “I am no toy to be tugged at, Sashtain.”

Kai’el’s amusement cleared as sober intensity overtook his gaze and he leaned forward in his chair, bracing his arms on his legs as Caise watched silently.

“You are wrong, my little warrioress,” he growled. “It is no toy I see standing before me, but a woman grown and hiding behind her sword. And I, Princess Marina, am growing tired of lazing within this castle awaiting your consideration on this matter. Do not mistake my patience for foolishness.”

The deepened tone was warning enough that this situation was rapidly growing out of her control. She watched the two men warily, feeling the shadows of fear rising within her. They were two. One she could battle and defend herself against, two would overwhelm her small amount of magick as well as her defenses.

“Ahh Princess, what unfounded fear.” Caise spoke then, the gentle chastisement in his tone making her chest clench in despair.

How she wished she could trust them. And it wasn’t just her innate fear of their strength and their power that held her back. But her distrust of their motives. She could sense much more going on with the arrival of the Wizard Twins within Covenan than just a desire to find their natural Consorts. Much more.

“Who is to say my fears are unfounded?” she asked him then, swallowing against her regrets, against needs she did want to feel. “You do not know me, Caise. You are concerned only with your own needs, your own purpose. What of mine?”

She had no desire to leave the land she had accepted stewardship over. She was tied to Covenan, and to the power that fed it. To leave it would be to leave a part of her very essence behind her.

“And you know this how, Princess?” Kai’el’s voice was soft, throbbing with a passion she did not have to sense, for the magick that filled it throbbed within his voice.

“This is the first chance we have had to even speak of wants, needs, or purposes. And it was a time forced upon you, rather than one you willingly chose. Perhaps you should 36

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give thought to the fact that we have not forced the Rite of Reception, but have tried to give you that choice instead. Does that not leave us worthy of at least your smallest regard?”

How sincere he sounded. Marina stared back at him, feeling the hunger inside her to believe his words. No, he had not forced the Rite of Reception, nor had he demanded a petition to Courtship. They shadowed her every move, mocked her desire to run from their presence, and stole every opportunity presented to them to fill her time. But they had forced nothing. They had demanded nothing.

And oh, how they did fascinate her. All fears and wariness aside, she could admit to that.

“What would you have me do?” She spread her hands wide then, staring back at him the question plagued her. “If, and I say if with great prejudice, I were to be part of the Brigade, what would your reaction be? To go to my Queen Mother, demanding my confinement? Demanding I cease? And were I to give you leave to court me, who is to say you would accept my word when I declared your suit not to my liking? How, my good Twins, am I supposed to trust that which gives me no reason to trust?”

“Let us make a trade instead.” Kai’el’s expression cleared, becoming serene, calm. Despite that, she had the strangest feeling some trickery may soon be evolving.

“And what trade would you propose?” She was interested, despite her misgivings.

“Something we would desire, in exchange for something you would desire, if you were a warrior sorceress, that is.”

“Kai’el,” Caise’s voice was suddenly warning, intriguing her further.

“Go on.” She nodded sharply, her eyes narrowing as she watched Kai’el. He did not glance in his brother’s direction, despite the muted, resigned groan that came from him.

“You will choose one of us, now. On that bed…” He pointed to the bed. “You will lie with him willingly, fully clothed, and allow his touch.”

Marina could feel the color leaching from her flesh.

“I am not asking for the sexual act, Marina,” he said. “I am asking you allow touch. No more. Whatever touch you do not wish, you will simply say ‘no’, your wishes will be heeded. But you will allow touch.”

“In exchange for?” She was trembling. She could feel the small tremors racing over her flesh, fear rising within her mind.

They were large men, strong, powerful men.

Kai’el smiled. A slow, disarming curve of his lips, filled with laughter, filled with a sense of pending excitement.

“Tomorrow, on the sun’s rising, the Twin you did not choose this night to touch you will take you to the air on his Snow Owl.”


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Marina’s eyes widened. No Sorceress had ever flown. It was unheard of. The great Owls heeled only to the Wizard Twins. Even Brianna had not flown upon the great beasts, despite her Consortship with the Veraga Twins.

“She would allow it?” Marina whispered in awe. “You would not lie to me, surely?

Were I to announce your words were false, Wizard, then no Sorceress in the land would so much as aid you were you bleeding in the streets. Playing me so falsely would not be to your best interests.”

Kai’el grunted at her words. “The Snow Owls would gladly allow you to ride with one of us.” He waved his hand negligently. “And we do not lie, Marina. I assure you of this now.”

She glanced then to Caise. “You would fulfill this bargain as well?”

Surprise reflected in his golden eyes.

“Twins do make pacts separate of each other, Marina. Surely you have heard of this? I will fulfill his promise, just as he would fulfill any I would make.”

She shrugged at the question.

“Who is to say what is true and what is false of the rumors we have heard in regards to the Wizard Twins. I merely wish to be certain.”

Sweet Mother Sentinel. To ride on the back of the Snow Owl, to stare down at the land below, and know the freedom of the wind rushing over her. It was a dream, one that had followed her since she had first seen the great birds flying above the Snow Mountains. Pure white, graceful in their flight and majestic as they coursed the currents above. Even her griffons were not as graceful as those lovely owls. But first, she would have to submit to the touch of at least one of them. She would have to choose.

“What of the one I do not choose?” She licked her dry lips as her nerves rioted.

“What will he do?”

The tension in the air thickened. Magick sizzled just beneath the surface and hunger, deep and filled with lust, swirled around her.

“Watch,” Kai’el whispered with sizzling heat. “Much pleasure can be gained in observing, Marina. More than you could ever imagine.”


When Wizards Rule

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