I was getting through all my classes and it was still the same boring things all over again but hey...we do have to go to school and finish it. I really want to go to college and get a degree in medicine so I guess I still have to hold out just to the end of my senior year. I haven't seen Kat or Matt the rest of the morning.
When lunch started I was looking for Kat because I always sit with her and Matt but when I walked into the cafeteria I saw them sitting with Masson. Both of them looked at me guiltely and Masson gave me an evil smirk...okay. That is awkward. Kat gestured for me to come to them but I just shook my head and left through the exit.
Might as well go and study something in the library. The weird thing was that when I had english, Masson kept giving me side glances. What? Did he think I would be jealous of his new girlfriend? I did feel uncomfortable though. I went to biology as soon as the bell rang and when I got there I was seated with none other than Masson's girlfriend. Fantastic. Please note the sarcasm in my tone because this was going to be a very long year. I was already getting nauseuos of the thoughts that she was just going to talk and talk about Masson.
I gave her a gentle smile and sat next to her. It was our first day at school so the teacher just left us to do nothing while he went to get himself some coffee. That was fine with me. When I looked at the girl next to me I was suprised to see that she was already staring at me. I gave her another awkward smile and then she moved a little bit closer.
"Hey girl. My name is Kelsey Donald." She holded her hand out for me to shake and I shook it in return. I wanted to introduce myself but she waved a hand in front of me. "No need to introduce yourself girl. I know exactly who you are." A small giggle left her mouth and I just rolled my eyes. She looks like a dumb girl with nothing between her ears. A small smile crept onto my face as I thought that Masson can really not get a smart girl that actually knows the alfabet or something. But that's Masson everybody. He is just as stupid. So I guess they make the perfect couple.
"How do you know who I am?"
"Well you are friends with Masson, Kat and Matt right?" Oh thank goodness. I was thinking for a moment that she was going to say something else.
She looked around before she leaned into me. "Oh and yeah you are the first and only brunette that slept with Masson." I don't know what was bigger...my eyes or tennis balls. "How the hell do you know about that?" I whispered yell to her. She just laughed at my outburst. I really didn't think it was funny. I stared at her in disbelief. "Well I knew about it before I even dated Masson. He announced it all over social media, remember?"
"How can I ever forget that?" I said in a bored tone. Of course she knew about that too. "Don't worry. I think it's wonderful." I cringed at her remark. What was she talking about. She obviously knew that I didn't have a clue so she kept talking.
"You are the only brunette he has ever been with. So that is something special. You need to take that power and feel special girl. I sure as hell feel special that I am the only chinese girl that's with him. Be proud of being a brunette." I stared at her wide-eyed. Did she just compliment me that I slept with HER boyfriend?
"Maybe his experience with a so-called brunette was so horrible that he never wanted a brunette again."
"Doesn't is bother you that I slept with him though?"
"Nah...here is not a girl I didn't meet today that didn't sleep with him. Oh and you are the first girl that didn't try and rub it in my face."
I gave her a warm smile. That at least made me feel a little better. We talked about boys, clothes and school and I realized that I really did like to talk with her. As soon as biology was over I had french class with Matt and Kat. She joined our class this year. I made my way over to them and took the seat next to Kat.
"Hey Carson. I see you are at least talking to us now." Matt said with a smirk. I just gave him a glare and he quickly backed off. "Why didn't you come to sit at lunch with us?" Kat asked with a smile but then she shook her head because she knew what my answer would be. "Are you seriously not going to talk to us?" Kat asked after awhile of silence.
"I was going to talk to you at lunch but you decided to sit with the devil and I am an angel incase you forgot." I said sarcastically. "Oh c'mon , you could have had lunch with us. Masson wouldn't have minded."
"Yeah but I would. In any case why did you all look at me when I entered the cafeteria? Usually Masson doesn't acknowledge my presence?"
"Well...." Kat started to say but Matt hit her in the arm.
"Well? What's going on? And Matt...hit my best friend like that again and I will murder you." He gave me an apologetic smile.
"He's coming for you..." Matt said. I was confused.
"Who is coming for me?" Matt rolled his eyes at Kat.
"Masson is coming for you. I accidently told him about your bet. About how he will dump Kelsey in one month. He wasn't impressed. He didn't say anything but as soon as you walked in he got that smirk on his face. And I know my best friend. If he is onto something he has got that evil smirk on his face. So beware."
I rolled my eyes. "Am I suppose to be scared? But why did you do that in anyway? Now he will keep her longer just so that he can prove a point."
"Sorry...it slipped out. He will probably just take you up on that bet." Matt said.
"No wonder he kept smirking at me in class. He hasn't said anything yet."
"Like I know him...he will probably wait for the right moment."
"Yeah he will probably jump out like a cat at any moment." I said with sarcasm.
"Shut up." Matt said while pushing me.
After the bell rang I quickly went to my locker, grabbed my books and ran home. If Matt was right about Masson then I would want to ignore him as often as I can. If Masson was going to take me up on that bet than I was in no hurry to find out what he wanted in return if he won. It would be something crazy. Believe me.