Bradley was so fucking done. His jacket was tossed onto the tall stand right beside his door as he stormed into his office, Anne right behind him.
"Did you see the way she pressed up against me in the elevator? Didn't she have no ounce of respect for herself?" Bradley snapped as he stormed over to the chair. Her boss her sent her over and she just acted so ... thirsty."
Bradley fell into his seat, tapping the power button on his pc. Anne also had an expression of disgust on her face. One of Bradley's investors had sent his secretary over with a couple files and a fruit basket. The same fruit basket Anne just placed on his table.
"Take that thing out of my sight."
"She offended you, not Mr. Black." Anne tries to reason but Bradley just wants to forget about Mr. Black and the thirsty girl from Hades. It had always been like this, women and men fighting for his attention because of his money or name or his contacts in high places. He has tried dating, tried letting his friend set him on blind dates but it's always the same result either immediately, a free days in or two weeks in when they ask him for fifty thousand so they could buy a bag or watch.
"I'll give it to the accounting department. They look like they need it."
That cracks Bradley up. They all looked pale, like they never stepped foot under the sun which Bradley knows is bull because they all use their vacation and sick days in the year.
Anne's work phone buzzes and she quickly reads the message.
"Rudy is coming up now."
"Thank you, Anne."
"No drinking with him. You have a meeting in an hour." Anne narrowed her eyes at him and Bradley nods. She looked at him for a beat before nodding, she walked back out just as Rudy walked into the office.
"If it isn't my favorite beauty." Rudy cheered, winking at Anne.
"Say one more thing and I'll hit you so hard with this fruit basket."
Rudy Davidson, one of Bradley's closest friends, stood tall, brown skin with patches of white here and there, his dark hair a bit high at the top and shaved down at the sides. He was a good looking man, high profiled model and perfumer.
"Your words wound me."
"I will actually hurt you if I stay here any longer." With a toss of her dark hair, Anne walked out of the office. Bradley had watched their exchange with a smile, his amusement shiny on his face.
"It would be better if you just ask her out. You know the words, would you like to go to dinner with me?"
"Does she look like she's ready to date?" Rudy turned around, like he was about to go back out and ask Anne out for dinner right then but Bradley knew better. Anne would actually hit him with the fruit basket instead.
"Sit down, you donut."
"Alright, spring roll."
Bradley rolled his eyes at his friend. They talk about business for a while. Anne walking back in a few minutes later with a large white box with the Norris Inc logo on it. Rudy watched Anne leave the room before turning back to Bradley who resists the urge to smack his friend. But he didn't. Instead he was just envious.
Rudy was in love and Bradley longed for that feeling.
"How's the little one? I'll be over on Thursday after the Mercedes ad shoot I have." Rudy asked.
"She's good. She asked after you last night."
"Aww, tell her I miss her too." Rudy said, smiling widely.
"Better face time me tonight so we can see your ugly ass face."
"This ugly ass is being paid a shit load of money to advertise a car I don't even drive personally." Rudy gets up from the chair, stretching a bit. He had on a flower print shirt and dark jeans.
They talk for a bit before Rudy takes his leave with a promise to call and for Bradley to give his favorite little girl a kiss for him. The teleconference meeting with the South African office went on for hours and suddenly it was almost five. When he logs off, there was a flash of lightening and the rain descended.
Bradley sounds around, brow raised as he wondered when exactly it had gotten this dark. He grabs his jacket and slipped it on. Anne was at her desk typing away, she doesn't even look up from her computer as she handed Bradley a black umbrella.
"You deserve a raise."
"Just give me my bonus and we'll call it." She replied, looking away briefly to wink at him. "Say hi to my favorite princess for me."
"Will do."
Bradley takes the private elevator down, suddenly conscious of himself. This weather was the perfect cuddling weather, him, Jamie and someone who loved them both. He ignores the employees walking as he headed towards the doors, he was just about to walk into the car when he something catches his eyes. There to his right was a pop up shop with the woman trying to push all the stuffies into the car. Under the comfort of the umbrella, he tries to assist her.
"How much for the rainbow unicorn?" Bradley asked, staring at the large stuffie. The woman calls her price and Bradley pays her, the studies under his arm.
He was still smiling when he walks into someone. The person huffs and Bradley looks up, ready to apologize when he just... stops. The man in front of him was breath taking. Dark hair pressed to his hair, skin pale, lips red and black trails under his eyes like black tears.
The man was glaring right at him but all Bradley could think was, you've got stars in your eyes.
"Here." Bradley hands him the umbrella. The man looked at it hen at him.
"It's okay. I live not too far away from here."
"My car's right there. You need this more."
The man hesitated for a bit but he finally reached for the umbrella. "Thank you." He said and Bradley nods, words having a hard time leaving his lips. He watched as the boy walk away for a bit before Chuku appears with another umbrella.
"Mr. Norris."
Bradley snapped out of his thoughts and began the short walk to his car, convinced he had just seen an angel.