Bradley, 32 years old, is done with relationships. He is lonely and has a six-year-old daughter to take care of. All he ...
"Jamie, stop moving." Bradley groaned. He had to finish braiding her hair. It was seven fifteen and they had an additional five minutes to leave the house. He had to drop her off at school before making his way uptown to work.
The six year old huffed and crossed her arms. She does her best to stay still enough for Bradley to finish the French braid. She hops off her little stool once was done and wraps her tiny arms around his neck.
"Thank you, daddy."
"Anything for you angel. Now go and grab your bag and meet me at the door." Bradley said, pressing a kiss to her cheek. He watched her run towards her bed as he tries to get up from the small stool he himself was sitting on.
He was clad in a dark suit, white shirt with three buttons undone, his hair swept off his face. Bradley Norris was atall May at six foot four and a billion dollar company. But he was also a father of the most gorgeous six year old in the world if you ask him.
He made his way out of her room, tapping his pockets as he went to make sure he had his wallet and phone. He waits at the door for his little angel and smiles when she bursts out with her blue Elsa bag.
"All done!"
Jamie has on yellow sweater and jeans, white sneakers and -damn, she had slid on the big puffy red bow that was half the size of her face. Her lunch was already in the car so he picks up his little bag and walked out of the house, the door shutting close behind them.
"What are we not going to do today?" Bradley asked Jamie as they walk towards the car that was idling in front of the driveway.
"No throwing sand at someone if they're mean. No biting. No pinching." Jamie lists, popping up one finger as she goes. About two weeks ago, Jamie had thrown sand at Tammy who was being rude to Jade by pulling on her ponytail. The headmistress almost burst a nerve as she told Bradley what had happened and looked like she was about to scream when Bradley had told her, he'd punish his daughter as she saw fit.
He put her in time out for five minutes.
Bradley buckled Jamie into her seat before walking over to the other side to get in. His driver greets him and then they were off. Every morning, Jamie listened to the Disney playlists Bradley had downloaded, singing and bopping her head along.
It takes them twelve minutes to get to her school. Honey Tots and an extra three to walk her in, kiss her on the cheek and wish her a lovely day. Once he was back in the car, the Disney songs stop and in its place was soft jazz music.
He pulls up his email, looking through the ones his assistant had forwarded and reply two. The rest he would visit when he had less important things to do. He pulls up the file he has tried reading before bed, licking up from where he left. His marketing team was the best of the best, sometimes they churn out good ideas, sometimes they bring up shit ones like this.
He swipes his hands over the screen, making a big red X before sending it back to the department. They had a clothing line to deliver and there was no way in hell Bradley was going to use the same skinny white models for those clothes. No. He wanted diversity, no the same old cotton swab.
"Mr. Norris..." the driver said and Bradley looks up.
"Thank you, Chuku." He said before getting out of the car. He slid his phone back into his pocket and walked right into his building. Immediately he stepped in, the Heads of delartment appeared behind him.
"Mrs Dubois, tell your marketing team to give me something good in four hours or someone will loose their job." Bradley said. The woman nods and quickly walked away. "Where are the designers?"
"They're waiting in the private meeting room on your floor." Anna, his personal assistant said.
"Good." Bradley stops and turned around. "I want the quarter analysis for each department on my desk at noon." He said, voice strict and commanding. The various heads of departments nods before scattering like disturbed ants. He walked over to his personal elevators and got in, Anna beside him.
"How's the little one?" Anne asked when they were alone. And just like that, Bradley was reduced to a pile of goo.
"Amazing as always. She tried to make me tea in bed this morning." Bradley chuckled. His heart had all but burstnout if his chest when he heard a small crash and a little voice saying he uh oh that morning. Thankfully it was the can of coffee that fell to the floor.
"She's adorable."
"Thank you. She takes after me." Bradley laughs. The two of them smile and hen the doors pulled open and their stoic faces were back in place. His first order of the day was sorting out the designers. He pushed open the glass door leading and walked in.
There were only three designers in that room.
"Do you want people to like and buy your clothes?" Bradley snapped as he walked in. The designers all of their heads. One man, one woman and a girl.
"If you want that, you have to be openminded. You won't sell if you appeal to just a particular person, you have to appeal to every body! So no white people only club. I'm going to call a good friend of mine, Rudy Davidson. I'm sure you've heard of him." Bradley raised a brow and everyone nod. "He's going to wear a few samples, then we'll send out some to influencers on social media, both small and big accounts. Drag queens, drag kings, you tubers, comedians. They will be part of the out reach program before we plan the runway event. If you don't want this, you can end your contract and walk out of my building right now."
No one moves and Bradley takes a step back. He doesn't bother saying anything else. He walks out of the room and heads right for his office.
"My schedule for today?" He asked Anne and she starts calling them out. By the time he's seated at his large desk, his pc powered on, he thinks this was going to be a long day.