« Yes ? » He asks annoyed, I frown.
« I’m sorry if I’m being annoying » I say honestly and he shakes his head « I was just going to ask if you could um wait for me while I go to the toilet » he stands in front of me and pulls me in his arms.
He sniffs my neck « I’m sorry « he whispers and I wrap my arms around his neck.
I release him and give him a small smile then walk into the bathroom, I close the door and sit down on the toilet.
I do my business then flush and wash my hands, I stand out of the bathroom and follow Izaiha downstairs.
I hug mum first then dad then my siblings, I sigh and give them the biggest smile then follow Izaiha outside.
He opens the door for me and I try and slide gracefully in. The word is try. What really happens is I bang my head on the roof of the car.
I wince and grab my head, Izaiha looks at me worried and kisses my head. I smile and he helps me in, I sit in the middle and he sits next to me then the beta on the other side.
I close my eyes and let sleep over take me. Minutes later I hear a growl then « don’t touch her » then I feel sparks and I cuddle into it.
I’m placed on something « Iza-«
« Mother don’t. »
I then fall into deep slumber, well not really but you know.
I wake up in a bed, I sit up and the smell of Izaiha wafts into my nostrils. I smile when I realise we are sharing a room, I jump in surprise when I see a woman standing at the door.
She bows and places clothes on the bed « alpha Izaiha told me to give this to you » she whispers.
« He’s alpha ? » She nods.
« He’s already had his ceremony, a year ago luna » I nod.
« Please call me Lainey. »
« Of curse Lu- Lainey » I smile and she walks out the room.
I quickly get changed and sit back down on the bed, Izaiha comes in and walks past me into the bathroom causing me to frown.
I follow him and touch his back, yummy…. I’m such a creep !
« Lainey » he whispers.
« Izaiha, what’s wrong ? » I ask and he turns around, He lifts his shirt and I gasp.
I touch his swollen rib and he hisses in pain « I kind of ran into a pole, then I ripped the pole out of the ground » he winces and I giggle.
« Do you need help ? » I ask.
He nods sheepishly « put your arms up » he weakly does and I grab the end of his shirt and pull it over him with struggle because I’m short.
« Um I can do the rest » I blush and nod walking out.
He closes the door and I lay on his bed or ours, I don’t even know.
I hear the shower turn on and I stare at the ceiling, minutes later Izaiha walks out in a pair of boxers.
I lick my lips looking at his abs, he finishes shaking out his hair with a towel then throws it in the bathroom.
He stalks over to me and sits down pulling me to his lap « Izaiha-«
« Can I just hold you, please ? » I nod even though I wasn’t complaining I was just gonna ask him something.
« Can I have a bucket of chicken ? » He chuckles and his eyes go hazy.
Someone knocks « come in ! » A guy walks in with his eyes down and a bucket of chicken and my eyes brighten up.
He hands Izaiha the chicken and Izaiha hands it to me then he walks out of the room.
I offer him one and he takes a piece and I pout « you offered me one » I shrug.
« Is this your room ? » I ask and he nods.
« Our » I smile and rip the chicken with my teeth, that sounded weird.
« Let’s watch teen wolf ! » I exclaim.
He groans « no way. That’s their idea of what shifting looks like, not even true. We turn into real wolfs » I laugh.
« Please » I pout and he looks at my lips.
« Stop doing that » I furrow my eyebrows.
« What ? »
« Pouting. I want to kiss you » he admits and I lick my lips.
« Then kiss me » he smiles and tilts his head.
« IZZY ! » I jump back effectively falling off the bed.
« Claude ! » Izaiha hisses and scoops me up, I look at the guy who has the same eyes as Izaiha, blonde hair, tan skin and tall.
« Hello I’m Claude, this bastards cousin » I smile and giggle.
« I’m Lainey, his mate » he makes a disgusted face.
« I really feel terrible for you » I giggle and look at Izaiha.
I pinch his cheeks and he taps my hands away « stop » he pouts.
I look at his lips « oh no. Another Lia moment » we both look at him « you know… Your ship name ! » I shake my head at him.
« I change my mind. I feel sorry for Zee » I say coming up with a nick name.
« Zee ? » Claude asks.
« My nickname for Izaiha » I grin and Izaiha’s arms tighten around me.
« Okay…. Go back to making out, bye ! » He walks out of the room and Izaiha chucks a pillow at him, I hear his cackling in the background.
He groans and falls back on the bed « that’s Claude » I laugh.
« He’s funny » he raises an eyebrow.
« And ? » I look at him weirdly.
« Not attractive ? » I say more as a question.
He nods « true. Very true Ey »
« Ey ? »