« Izaiha Luciano » I almost cough on the non existent chicken.
« Mother and father are Christine and Alessio ? » I ask and he nods.
« They are the ones » I need a bucket of chicken right now.
Maybe that will settle my nerves…. No it definitely won’t, chicken couldn’t even calm me down.
He chuckles « you seem to be out of it love » I nod.
« To be completely honest, I am » he smiles and grabs my hand.
He growls and everyone stops talking, my mouth falls open in shock and surprise.
« I have found my beautiful mate ! Lainey Knight ! » I hear gasps then look at my brothers and sisters, I turn my head then see mum and dad with a smile on their faces.
People congratulate us then mum and dad walk over hand in hand « Lainey » mum exclaims and hugs me.
I release Izaiha’s hand and hug mum back, I then hug dad « im happy for you princess » he whispers.
« Thanks dad. »
In the corner of my eye I see mum hugging Izaiha and welcoming him to the family.
We let go of each other and I open my arms wide ready for the sibling group embrace, they all come at me and I giggle.
« Brothers…. Sisters…. » They shush me and I smile.
Wait a minute « emergency guys ! » They don’t release me and I sigh « omg is that blood ?! » I squeal and they quickly release me and I dust myself off.
I see Izaiha inspecting me with worry and I smile, I grab dads hand and make him stand next to Izaiha.
« You two kind of look a like » I mutter.
Dad raises an eyebrow « so you think he’s attractive then ? Because I know I’m attractive » I roll my eyes.
« He’s more attractive than you…. Way more » I whisper to myself.
I see Izaiha smirking and I roll my eyes knowing that he heard, I’m slightly embarrassed.
Dad awkwardly walks to mum and wraps an arm around her waist, Izaiha stands next to me and I see his parents walking towards us.
His mum hugs me and I awkwardly hug her back and his dad hugs me as well and I awkwardly hug him.
« Welcome to the family ! » They exclaim and I smile.
« Thank you. »
Izaiha grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers, he pulls me to his chest and I smile.
« You’re mine now chicken » he whispers into my ear.
I don’t say anything and swallow, I look at the table to see if there is anymore chicken. What ? He reminded me of it !
When I see the crumbed chicken left I smile and walk towards it, Izaiha starts complaining but I pick up the chicken and start eating it.
I look at Izaiha and shrug « what ? » I ask and he looks at me in disbelief.
« She really likes chicken »’Payne whispers « so if you wanna surprise her then get her chicken » I glare at him then realise what he said.
« Good idea ! » I exclaim.
I look around to see if anyone’s looking then drop the chicken bone on the ground and walk over to the others.
« Alpha. Luna. It’s Alessandra » dad growls angrily.
« Let me guess, she ran away » he opens his mouth to speak then shuts it.
« How did you know ? » Dad sighs.
« It was a rhetorical guess, and it happened…. » He curses.
Dad then snaps his head towards Izaiha and walks up to him until they’re chest to chest.
« Sorry but I have to do this. If you ever break my daughters heart, make her cry, make her feel unwanted then I will kick your balls so hard and rip them off- until you die » Izaiha gulps.
« W-why’d you say that ? »
« Because I have some fool messing with my other daughter and I found it nice for you to know the consequences » he gives him a tight smile and grabs mums hand.
He then walks off, you know what’s odd. Izaiha is taller then dad, Izaiha is scared of dad.
Izaiha walks up to me and I look into his brown eyes « can you please pack your bags ? I will help you » he whispers and I smile.
« My father can be scary can’t he ? » He gulps and nods, I pat his chest and grab his hand- dragging him home.
We arrive at my house, in my room and I chuck all my clothes that I need on Izaiha. He growls in frustration and I give him a warning look which he puts his hands up in surrender.
I chuck all my toiletries in the duffel bag then my ‘girl’ products, he looks away awkwardly.
« All done » he zips it up then swings it over his shoulder.
« Let’s go » I cough and he sighs.