I've been pacing in the room for the last uncountable minutes. My heart is racing like it has somewhere important to go. This room has everything one would want if they wanted to stay away from the world. Except, the last thing I want right now is to stay away from the world. I would really love to know whatever is going on in the outside world.
What went down in church after I was taken away? What's my captor’s end game? How did he make all this happen and outsmarted two syndicates at the same time? How is he going to kill me?
I remember when Renato and I executed the plan to frame Ramon. It was the first mission of the deal, before the wedding. I needed reassurance, since someone like Renato could not be easily trusted. We knew he would get out soon. He’s the boss of his own syndicate and, from what I know, they can never lack government officials in their payroll. I just wanted to get started on that. I knew it would threaten his leadership position.
However, the events that followed, no one was ready for that. And honestly speaking, that wasn’t part of my plan. Although I’m not sorry about the position he must be in right now. Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean I’m done with him. If he makes it out alive.
But Ramon’s son?
I know Ramon has a family, but he never lays it out in the open. They were never my target. I was interested in the bigger fish. After all, he is the boss. Or was?
Well, who cares about that right now? I need to figure out how to get out of here.
It's sounds as close as impossible, considering I don't even know in which part of the planet I'm in. That, and the fact that the mastermind seems to know his plan very well.
If he managed to execute his plan that perfectly.
My pacing and thoughts are again interrupted when the door opens. My first instinct is to attack whoever is coming and find my way out, again.
But that would be an equivalent of digging my grave.
Besides, a plan like that would never work, unless I'm dealing with a bunch of idiots, which clearly I'm not.
They said Ramon's son would see me in an hour, but the person walking towards me is a woman. Probably in her early twenties.
Or mid twenties? My age mate? Anyway, not important.
She's slim, with brown, curly hair that falls on her back. She’s dressed in a simple, casual wear of blue jeans and a white top. The simplicity still makes her look good.
“Venus Montes,” she says, inching closer to me.
She has this mysterious grin that tells me nothing is good about this. Well, at least she's not intimidating. Not that it matters. It would only matter if I could use her to get myself out of this place.
“Nice wedding gown,” she comments after scanning me from the top.
There is probably a load of guards out there waiting for any signal. So whatever plan running in my mind should come to a stop. It’s not going to be easy getting out of here.
“They told me I was meeting Ramon's son,” I tell her. Clearly, she's not the son I was expecting.
“Don't worry, my brother will be here in a few.” She says as she walks towards the bed and sits.
Oh! It doesn’t take a genius to join the dots.
Ramon surely has a way of hiding his gems. She’s too pretty for that ugly fuck to be her father. The genes must be from her mother. If not, the other option could be she’s adopted.
I turn around to follow her, except I don't sit.
“What do you guys want with me? If you want to kill me, then do it already.”
She lets out a sarcastic grin.
What's funny? I want to ask that, but I find it pointless.
“You know what? I like you. You and I would have made good friends if you weren't on the other side of the war.”
“War?” I feign ignorance.
She's about to pat her lips when the door cracks open again. I'm beginning to wonder if I've become everyone's favorite.
“Amanda, what are you doing here?” A tall figure walks into the room with his deep sultry voice announcing his presence.
“You shouldn't be here.” He adds. I've shifted my attention at the door to the sight of an Adonis. Or a walking aphrodisiac? I must be dreaming, right?
Actually, I'm not. My eyes are glued to the man who's just entered the room.
He is tall, masculine with dark, brown hair. He’s in an official white shirt, which is enough to highlight his broad shoulders. Anyone would be tempted to touch that. And certainly, I won’t be excluded from that list. I’m starting to wonder whether I'm here because of a modeling contest.
My mind must have gone to a different place, forgetting the situation for a while. He should show his face more often, to pull me out of the tragic real world…
On second thought, that's a very bad idea.
“Can't I say hi to the guest?” The lady’s voice snaps me back from my shock.
What's going on again?
“She's not…” the guy speaks up but the girl, whom I now know to be Amanda cuts him short.
“Fine, she's all yours, Ignacio.”
She walks out and bangs the door, leaving me with the most handsome man.
Ignacio. That’s his name?
I'm trying to join the dots. It doesn't take a while before my mind registers. Ignacio. Amanda's brother, right? She had said something about her brother being here in a few, and I'm certainly not mistaken.
I've never been interested in Ramon's children, yet here I am. When my mind is back into its right senses I ask, “What do you want with me?” I realize I’ve asked that question a dozen times.
He crosses his arms.
“It isn't as easy as you think, little heiress. I don't think you can handle what I want.”
Forget handling what he wants…
Little what now?
One of the men in the drive away car called me that. There was a lot going on that I can’t recall if it’s this same voice. Maybe I was too shocked to capture the sexiness in his voice. Besides, he was wearing a mask. Not that masks cover sexy voices too, but…Wait, why am I focusing on the sexy analogy when I’m standing before the man who kidnapped me? How can I prove that I’m normal? Perhaps they made me inhale something that messed up with my brain.
I clear my throat and pull my mind back to what it should focus on.
“Try me,” I humor him even though I'm not sure what I'm asking him to try. I guess I'm yet to find out.
The man inches closer until there's less than an inch of space between us. He's tall enough to tower over me, making me tilt my head well to have a better view. He looks down into my eyes and I've never seen such cute brown eyes. I feel his breath and his alluring scent. Honestly, I can’t complain.
For a moment, the fact that he's my captor pauses in my head. It takes a while for me to come back to my senses. How can he manage to do that?
I should be hitting him right now, yet here I am, sharing a glance with him.
“I'm interested in bigger fish. Not the little heiress.” He whispers and then moves away.
How dare he? Does he really know who he's dealing with right now? Or who does he think is responsible for his father's misfortune?
Clearly, I made sure nothing would be traced back to me, but it's so bold of him to assume that it was my father. My father is in the dark on this one.
I want to ask him how he planned all this. It must have taken a lot. Something like that can’t just be a piece of cake. But it's obvious he wouldn't tell me.
Something about him feels cold. There's some darkness in his eyes that is only noticeable if you took a keen look. Like someone who’s from hell.
Anyway, I won’t get an answer to that either. But it’s not what I should ask him.
“If you're interested in the bigger fish, why kidnap me on my wedding day?” I ask.
He lets out a soft laugh.
“God knows I saved you. Who even gets married to Renato Hernandez?” I raise a brow in response to his statement. Now there is a shocker.
I might have thought I knew it all, but maybe I don't. I know what kind of man Renato is.
But who is he in this man's point of view?
“He's my husband-to-be and he'll be looking for… '' I still pretend, but he cuts me short.
“I'm not interested in your life's mistakes. Right now, I need you for something else.”
And what could he possibly want with me. Obviously, not to marry me.
That would be insane. Why am I thinking about marriage again?
Maybe he wants to use me as a pawn.
At this moment I'm starting to realize one thing.
My mother was right in the letter she wrote.
Clearly, the Montes - Garcia war is not ending anytime soon.