In actuality, all marriages are "arranged" marriages whether they're arranged by some website matchmaker, our parents, or by Mother Nature and her magic. In each case you're matched up with someone you don't know and with whom you need to - gradually and progressively - fall ever more deeply in love. -Diane Sollee
Kaushik POV
I came here for wedding to refresh my mind. This is the first happy function I’m attending after that worst nightmare of my life. But the scene here is clearly says 'my life is going to descend'. I came here as a guest and turned to a groom.
I have no idea, when dad asked me about the wedding. I had no answers. I just need one thing, my parent’s happiness. They encouraged me in whatever decision I take in my life, they were my pillars, they were my strength, they are my world.
I have to marry some girl sooner or later. I selected later but my parents decided sooner, that too its today. I have no other option. I think the girl must have some complication, that why the he must’ve absconded from this marriage. Because of him I'm in this misfortune. But I have to trust my parents.
One thing about is good about this arranged marriage, I can easily blame my parents even when small things go wrong.
With those creepy ideas, I got ready for the marriage with embroidered full-sleeve cream coloured jacket.
I sat in front of agni waiting for my bride, Miss. Soon-to-be-my-parents-daughter-in-law.
After few minutes, a girl sat near me, I conjectured she must be that complicated girl, with red silk floral embroidered bridal lehenga, she looked pretty decent.
Soon the chaos in the concourse is relieved. Everybody in the hall is excited like before. I tied mungalsutra to the women near me and applied vermillion in her partition. I became her husband.
Since this marriage is done without any prior announcement, elders have decided to cancel further functions. I was overwhelmed by this.
"Congratulations!!" people congratulated us
We started to move to my parents’ house in Mumbai. To my surprise she never cried. I have seen many movies where bride cries like a hell when she is moving to her in-law’s house even for love marriage.
The car was in uncomfortable silence.
We arrived to my house.
"Come in my lovely sweet daughter!" my mom welcomed her in joy. "Thank you, aunty,", she told with outrageous voice. "Call us mom and dad Aaru" my dad cheered her; she gave them a fake smile.
"Aaru this is our house, you can stay here whenever you come to Mumbai" mom told her. "What?" she asked with atter shock. "Yes Aaru, Koushik doesn't live her. He resides in Chennai, so you will be moving to Chennai after two days." my dad explained which gave her heart attack.
Why the hell she is getting shock unnecessarily!
"but dad, can't I live here in Mumbai with you?" she asked hoping with answer yes.
"No, Aaru, actually Koushik works in Chennai, he can't shift here" my mom explained with apologetic look.
"I work here mom, I can’t move from Mumbai, I have many dreams" she told while sobbing.
I'm feeling irritated seeing her crying.
I interrupted them "Look, if you want live her, i don’t mind but I can’t live here , I’m moving to Chennai after 2 days" i told here with hidden smirk. She rolled her eyes.
"Kou, You, shouldn't talk like this to your wife" my mom yelled at me and this girl started to laugh holding her stomach.
WHAT? she is laughing at me like a maniac. Am I looking like a bloody joker
I glared at her. She stopped laughing and told "Sorry mom, it’s was funny the way you called him. COW" she started to laugh again and my mom joined with her. Both started to laugh at me.
This bloody girl what is she thinking in her mind? Is she a bipolar. She is. She is totally crazy. Two minutes before she was crying as though the world is going to end but now she is laughing. I shouldn't have shown pity to her when she cried.
She is CRAZY and never believe her tears.