Avery groaned to her best friend, "Carson, it was absolutely terrible. I felt like I was going to die."
Carson looked up at Avery over his food. Feeling guilty for letting her walk home the day before, he treated her out to a diner after school.
"But, didn't you say she said that she wasn't going to hurt you?"
Avery sneezed, evoking a "dude, not on my fries" from Carson. "Yeah, but you should've been there. She was all intimidating. She slammed her hand down on the table for starters."
"And she kept staring at me."
Carson started to laugh, causing a deep frown to settle on Avery's face. How could her best friend laugh at something like this? What kind of best friend was he?
"It's not funny, I was anxious and uncomfortable," she huffed, crossing her arms like a little girl throwing a temper tantrum.
"Okay, tell you what," Carson said, taking a breath, "Kaden Aldridge is throwing a party on Saturday. Why don't we go and relieve some of your anxiety?"
Avery and parties didn't go well together. The only time you'd hear 'Avery' and 'party' in the same sentence is when the words 'didn't go to the' were in between them.
"Do you even know me?" Avery deadpanned, "Going to a party will increase my anxiety, which I think is the opposite effect you're going for."
Carson was unsure of what else to offer. He and Avery were polar opposites. They were such an odd pairing, people often wondered how they had ended up as best friends. If you were to ask them, they wouldn't really know what to tell you. According to them, they just met and they hit it off. Despite their differences, both Carson and Avery would never wish for another best friend.
"I really don't know what to tell you, Aves. It would mean a lot to me if you came. You never go to parties." Carson pleaded with her, "I'll make sure you have fun."
Avery was sceptical but seeing the look on Carson's face and the way his big blue eyes seemed to get even bigger as he begged her, she reluctantly gave in.
"I can't promise I'll be there because I have to ask maman and papa but, we'll see."
Carson reached over the table to give Avery a big hug, accidentally spilling her frozen lemonade. "Merde. Carson," Avery groaned as she felt a chunk of slush from the cold drink drip from the table and land on her exposed thigh. She grabbed a couple of napkins from the holder at their table and started wiping it off. {Shit}
Carson looked at her sheepishly before he helped her clean up. Avery was just ready to go home, she had had enough of everything and everyone for the day.