Avery normally spent her free periods in the library where she could bury herself in dozens of books. Unfortunately, Carson didn't share the same free period as her so she didn't really have anyone that she wanted to talk to. The other students normally went outside of the building or off-campus for their free. That included some of her random acquaintances.
"Hey Freckles," she heard a slightly unfamiliar voice. Not lifting her eyes from her book, she ignored it. Why don't people understand that a library is a place for peace and quiet? Okay, maybe that was a bit hypocritical of her to think that as she had been sniffling the whole time she was there.
"Freckles," the voice sounded again.
Suddenly, a hand slammed loudly on her table. The sound seemed to echo throughout the entire room. Avery jumped in her seat, "Mon Dieu." Her book fell from her hands and landed on the table. When she looked up, she stared right into the eyes of Alex Rivers.
"Hi," Alex smiled, sickeningly sweet before taking a seat across from Avery.
"Hi..." Avery responded hesitantly, feeling very unsettled. She shifted in her seat before looking down at the table, instantly finding the design of the wood very interesting. She expected Alex to start cursing her off or threatening to fight her or anything along those lines really. What she didn't expect was for her to continue staring at her.
Maybe what she wanted was an apology. Avery opened her mouth, struggling to find the words at first.
"L-listen, I'm honestly so sorry for what happened this morning before the first period. I never meant to sneeze on you, I've just been battling this wicked cold since yesterday. You see, I was walking home in the rain after school because I left my car at home. I don't normally leave my car at home, but my best friend Carson offered to give me a ride. Well, you see he has football practice after school and I-," the words just seemed to spew out of Avery's mouth like she was a human water fountain.
Alex cocked an eyebrow as she continued to stare at her, finding the situation very amusing.
"-didn't want to wait for him to finish and... please don't hurt me."
Alex chuckled while running a hand through her dirty blonde hair, "Yeah, okay. Sounds like a wild story. I'll let you off the hook."
"Really?" Avery's eyes brightened. "Just like that?"
"Hm," Alex seemed to think about it, pursing her lips. "No."
"No?" Avery felt so anxious that she could start hyperventilating at any minute. She wasn't used to any sort of confrontation like this. Her life was so normal and she was never the centre of attention. She was used to floating by unnoticed; the perfect wallflower.
"Yeah, no," she smirked while getting up from the table. Avery hoped it was because she was getting ready to leave and not to fight her.
Her silent prayers were answered. Alex grabbed her bag from the back of the chair and slung it over her shoulder. Before leaving, she leaned in and said, "Because I was never going to hurt you anyway."