Worry began to show on Mr. Heru's face as he also glanced towards the bed where his mother was sleeping, connected to various medical devices with an IV in her arm. Suddenly, a feeling of compassion surged within him, and he couldn't bear the thought of something happening to his only parent. Tears welled up in his eyes as he contemplated the possibility of an unwanted event befalling his mother.
Mr. Heru quickly asked, "Doctor, please tell us urgently. What should we do for Grandma Meri?"
Dr. Roland sighed deeply before responding, "To ease Grandma Meri's burden, it would be best if you and your wife fulfill her every wish. In the past few days, when I've examined her, she's been expressing her longing for Mr. Faith and Miss Lovely. I don't see any harm in making that wish a reality."
"Daddy, you heard what Dr. Roland said. Please, Daddy, don't be stubborn anymore!" Mrs. Rara exclaimed moments after the medical team left Grandma Meri's treatment room.
"Yes, Mommy. Now I agree, Faith and Lovlyta must return to Indonesia no matter what happens!" Mr. Heru asserted and promptly instructed his trusted associate to arrange for the return of his son and daughter.
Grandma Meri, who had been pretending to sleep, smiled mysteriously. Her plan had finally succeeded.
The day before, inside Grandma Meri's treatment room, Dr. Roland hesitantly said, "Grandma Meri, how can I deliver bad news to the Hoewar family members?"
"Come on, Dr. Roland. You can do it. I fully support you. Consider this a joke from me," Grandma Meri insisted, asking Dr. Roland to comply with her wishes.
"But, Grandma, I'm a doctor. How can I convey false information about your health?" Dr. Roland remained hesitant about Grandma Meri's request.
"Dokter Roland, as the years go by, I grow older. Yet, not a single member of the Hoewar family has ever cared about me. They only see me as a living doll, a source of their assets to enrich themselves further. Even though they neglect me, is it wrong to ask for their attention, even if just for a while?" Grandma Meri cried, pouring her heart out.
Dr. Roland's sympathy for Grandma Meri deepened as he observed her loneliness. She was surrounded by wealth and personal assets everywhere, but she thirsted for affection.
"I also want to arrange a marriage between Faith and Dr. Kasih. It seems it's time for them to get married. Dr. Kasih is becoming more beautiful by the day. There are surely many men out there who want to be with her. I don't want to miss out, Dr. Roland! I've liked Dr. Kasih since she was little, and now that she's grown, I want to match her with my grandson, Faith. Is that wrong? I want to see my great-grandchild from them," Grandma Meri said, her heart heavy.
She felt her life was worthless because no family understood her.
Dr. Roland sighed deeply and said to Grandma Meri, "All right, Grandma. I'll try to help you. What do you want me to say?"
Instantly, Grandma Meri's face, previously wrinkled and tearful, lit up with enthusiasm. She began outlining everything Dr. Roland should convey to the Hoewar family members.
This was the drama directed and performed by Grandma Meri herself to gain her family's attention.
Back in the treatment room, the door was knocked from the outside. After a short while, the door opened, revealing Dr. Kasih and her mother, Mrs. Sani, entering Grandma Meri's room.
"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Hoewar," Dr. Kasih greeted them, not forgetting to smile at her father while slightly bowing her head as a sign of respect.
Mrs. Sani also greeted her employers. She noticed her husband, Mr. Danu, was also in the room.
"Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. I've come here to bring Grandma's lunch," Mrs. Sani told her employers.
"Just place it on the table, Bik," Mrs. Rara replied.
Throughout this time, Mr. Heru's gaze never left the beautiful young doctor who had entered the room alongside his daughter.
Dr. Kasih, who was continuously observed by Mrs. Rara, became quite nervous. She even lowered her head at this moment.
Mr. Heru was also captivated by Kasih. He mumbled that the beautiful doctor perfectly matched his son, Faith.
Kasih became increasingly nervous, especially when Mr. Heru continued to gaze at her without blinking.
Grandma Meri, who had just woken up, was stunned by the intense gazes of her future son-in-law and her grandson, Faith, at Kasih.
Then Mrs. Rara asked Bik Sani, "Bik, who is this beautiful doctor next to you?"
*) Bibik is the nickname for a household assistant.